8 research outputs found

    Mixed phenotype acute leukemia and lineage switch from lymphoblastic leukemia to myeloid leukemia in the course of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm – case reports and literature review

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    Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (Ph-neg MPNs) are characterized by clonal hematopoiesis derived from a mutated hematopoietic stem cell. Ph-neg MPNs rarely transforms into acute leukemia, and in most cases, the transformation leads to the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The incidence of mixed-phenotype leukemia (MPAL) or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with lineage switch is much rarer. The unidentified lineage of blast cells is due to the immaturity of their undifferentiated progenitors with co-expression of myeloid and lymphoid antigens. The prognosis of secondary acute leukemia transformed from Ph-neg MPN is very unfavorable, especially in MPAL or lineage switch from ALL to AML cases. Moreover, there are no therapeutic protocols for these specific leukemia subtypes. Therefore, we believe that all cases of MPAL or lineage switch leukemia should be reported. This article presents the case of a patient with JAK2-positive essential thrombocythemia (ET) transformed to MPAL, and a patient with triple-negative primary myelofibrosis (PMF) (negative for , , and ) transformed to ALL with subsequent lineage switch to AML

    Praktyka kliniczna oceny minimalnej choroby resztkowej u chorych na szpiczaka plazmocytowego w Polsce: badanie ankietowe Polskiego Konsorcjum Szpiczakowego

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    Studies exploring the significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) in plasma cell myeloma (PCM) have proven its prognostic value, regardless of the type of administered treatment. In order to assess the current practice for evaluating MRD in Poland, we conducted a survey on the methods for assessing MRD and on the MRD testing time points at Polish hematological centres. Seven out of 15 institutions surveyed use of the flow cytometry (FC) method for MRD assessment. The FC-MRD assessment is performed uniformly only in those patients achieving complete remission(CR). However, the specific indications and assessment time points differed at the tested centres including: testing MRD only after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT), after auto-HSCT and consolidation, after completion of first line chemotherapy or after obtaining CR in any line of treatment. The study also showed considerable heterogeneity in the FC-MRD methodology, which affects test sensitivity (from 10–3 to 10–5). None of the surveyed centres uses molecular techniques for MRD assessment. In 8 of the 15 institutions, patients are monitored by imaging techniques. Our survey may thus be useful for developing guidelines and standardization of MRD assessment in PCM in Poland.W badaniach nad znaczeniem minimalnej choroby resztkowej (MRD) w szpiczaku plazmocytowym (PCM) dowiedziono, że status MRD ma wartość prognostyczną niezależnie od zastosowanego leczenia. W celu poznania zasad monitorowania MRD u chorych na PCM w polskich ośrodkach hematologicznych przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe. W ankiecie zadano pytania dotyczące stosowanych metod wykrywania MRD oraz punktów czasowych, w których badania są wykonywane. W 7 z 15 ośrodków objętych badaniem ankietowym oznaczenia MRD w PCM wykonuje się w aspiratach szpiku kostnego metodą cytometrii przepływowej (FC). We wszystkich ośrodkach oznaczenia FC-MRD są wykonywane jedynie u chorych w całkowitej remisji (CR), jednak w różnych punktach czasowych — tylko po autologicznym przeszczepieniu krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych (allo-HSCT), po allo-HSCT i konsolidacji, po zakończeniu leczenia pierwszej linii lub, w przypadku uzyskania CR, po dowolnej linii leczenia. Stwierdzono ponadto znaczne różnice w sposobie wykonywania badania FC-MRD wpływające na osiąganą czułość detekcji MRD (od 10–3 do 10–5). W żadnym z ankietowanych ośrodków nie ocenia się MRD w szpiku kostnym technikami molekularnymi. Monitorowanie choroby resztkowej metodami obrazowymi stosuje personel 8 z 15 ośrodków. Wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety mogą posłużyć wypracowaniu wspólnych wytycznych i standaryzacji oceny MRD w PCM w Polsce

    Immunophenotypic Characteristics of Bone Marrow Microenvironment Cellular Composition at the Biochemical Progression of Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) relapses are inevitable in the majority of patients, and in addition to genetic changes in the MM clone, the immune profile of the bone marrow (BM) plays a key role in this process. Biochemical progression or relapse (BR) precedes clinical relapse in a significant proportion of patients with MM. In the present study, we used flow cytometry to assess the cellular composition of the BM microenvironment in MM patients with confirmed BR. Fifteen distinct cells subsets in the BM were evaluated with the panel of antibodies used routinely for MRD monitoring in MM in 52 patients with MM (MRD-negative n = 20, BR n = 20, and clinically relapsed MM, RMM n = 12). The median percentage of MM cells detected in BR patients was 0.90% versus not detectable in MRD-negative patients and of 3.0% in RMM cohort. Compared to the MRD-negative group, BR status was associated with an increase in the percentage of lymphoid subpopulations, including memory B cells (p = 0.003), CD27+T cells (p = 0.002), and NK/NKT cells (p p p = 0.006) was observed. There were no significant differences in the composition of the BM cell subpopulations between the BR and RMM groups. Our results indicate the involvement of B-, T-, and NK cells in the process of losing immune surveillance over the MM clone that leads to relapse. It can be speculated that similar studies of a larger cohort of BR patients can potentially identify a group of patients for which an early treatment intervention would be beneficial

    Small RNA-Seq Reveals Similar miRNA Transcriptome in Children and Young Adults with T-ALL and Indicates miR-143-3p as Novel Candidate Tumor Suppressor in This Leukemia

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    We aimed to identify miRNAs and pathways specifically deregulated in adolescent and young adult (AYA) T-ALL patients. Small RNA-seq showed no major differences between AYA and pediatric T-ALL, but it revealed downregulation of miR-143-3p in T-ALL patients. Prediction algorithms identified several known and putative oncogenes targeted by this miRNA, including KRAS, FGF1, and FGF9. Pathway analysis indicated signaling pathways related to cell growth and proliferation, including FGFR signaling and PI3K-AKT signaling, with the majority of genes overrepresented in these pathways being predicted targets of hsa-miR-143-3p. By luciferase reporter assays, we validated direct interactions of this miRNA with KRAS, FGF1 and FGF9. In cell proliferation assays, we showed reduction of cell growth upon miR-143-3p overexpression in two T-ALL cell lines. Our study is the first description of the miRNA transcriptome in AYA T-ALL patients and the first report on tumor suppressor potential of miR-143-3p in T-ALL. Downregulation of this miRNA in T-ALL patients might contribute to enhanced growth and viability of leukemic cells. We also discuss the potential role of miR-143-3p in FGFR signaling. Although this requires more extensive validation, it might be an interesting direction, since FGFR inhibition proved promising in preclinical studies in various cancers

    Harmonization of Flow Cytometric Minimal Residual Disease Assessment in Multiple Myeloma in Centers of Polish Myeloma Consortium

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    Minimal residual disease (MRD) status is now considered as one of the most relevant prognostic factors in multiple myeloma (MM) while MRD negativity became an important endpoint in clinical trials. Here, we report the results of the first study evaluating the reproducibility of high-sensitivity flow cytometry MM MRD assessment in four laboratories in Poland. EuroFlow protocols for instrument setting standardization and sample preparation in MM MRD assessment were implemented in each laboratory. In the inter-laboratory reproducibility study, 12 bone marrow samples from MM patients were distributed and processed in participant laboratories. In the inter-operator concordance study, 13 raw data files from MM MRD measurements were analyzed by five independent operators. The inter-laboratory study showed high 95% overall concordance of results among laboratories. In the inter-operator study, 89% of MRD results reported were concordant, and the highest immunophenotype interpretation differences with regard to expression of CD27, CD45, CD81 were noticed. We confirmed the applicability and feasibility of the EuroFlow protocol as a highly sensitive method of MRD evaluation in MM. Results of our inter-center comparison study demonstrate that the standardization of MM MRD assessment protocols is highly desirable to improve quality and comparability of results within and between different clinical trials

    Two Doses of BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine in Patients after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Humoral Response and Serological Conversion Predictors

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    Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is currently the best tool in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are limited data on its efficacy and safety after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT). We present the results of a prospective analysis of the humoral response to two doses of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in 93 adult patients, including 29 after autologous HCT (autoHCT) and 64 after allogeneic HCT (alloHCT). Positive anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were detected before vaccination in 25% of patients despite a negative medical history of COVID-19. Seroconversion after vaccination was achieved in 89% of patients after alloHCT and in 96% after autoHCT, without grade 3/4 adverse events. Post-vaccination anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody level correlated with the time from transplant and absolute B-cell count at the vaccination. In univariate analysis restricted to the alloHCT group, short time since transplantation, low B-cell count, low intensity conditioning, GvHD, and immunosuppressive treatment at the vaccination were associated with lack of seroconversion. In the multivariate model, the only negative predictor of seroconversion remained treatment with calcineurin inhibitor (CNI). In conclusion, the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine is highly immunogenic in patients after HCT, but treatment with CNI at the time of vaccination has a strong negative impact on the humoral respons

    Immunosuppression as a Hallmark of Critical COVID-19: Prospective Study

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    The dysregulation of both the innate and adaptive responses to SARS-CoV-2 have an impact on the course of COVID-19, and play a role in the clinical outcome of the disease. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in 82 patients with COVID-19, including 31 patients with a critical course of the disease. In COVID-19 patients who required hospitalization we analyzed T cell subsets, including Treg cells, as well as TCRα/β and γ/δ, NK cells, and B cells, during the first two weeks after admission to hospital due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection, with marked reductions in leukocytes subpopulations, especially in critically ill COVID-19 patients. We showed decreased levels of Th, Ts cells, Treg cells (both naïve and induced), TCRα/β and γ/δ cells, as well as CD16+CD56+NK cells in ICU compared to non-ICU COVID-19 patients. We observed impaired function of T and NK cells in critically ill COVID-19 patients with extremely low levels of secreted cytokines. We found that the IL-2/INFγ ratio was the strongest indicator of a critical course of COVID-19, and was associated with fatal outcomes. Our findings showed markedly impaired innate and adaptive responses in critically ill COVID-19 patients, and suggest that the immunosuppressive state in the case of a critical course of SARS-CoV-2 infection might reflect subsequent clinical deterioration and predict a fatal outcome