5,406 research outputs found

    Emergent Calabi-Yau Geometry

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    We show how the smooth geometry of Calabi-Yau manifolds emerges from the thermodynamic limit of the statistical mechanical model of crystal melting defined in our previous paper arXiv:0811.2801. In particular, the thermodynamic partition function of molten crystals is shown to be equal to the classical limit of the partition function of the topological string theory by relating the Ronkin function of the characteristic polynomial of the crystal melting model to the holomorphic 3-form on the corresponding Calabi-Yau manifold.Comment: 4 pages; v2: revised discussion on wall crossing; v3: typos corrected, published versio

    Topological quantum D-branes and wild embeddings from exotic smooth R^4

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    This is the next step of uncovering the relation between string theory and exotic smooth R^4. Exotic smoothness of R^4 is correlated with D6 brane charges in IIA string theory. We construct wild embeddings of spheres and relate them to a class of topological quantum Dp-branes as well to KK theory. These branes emerge when there are non-trivial NS-NS H-fluxes where the topological classes are determined by wild embeddings S^2 -> S^3. Then wild embeddings of higher dimensional pp-complexes into S^n correspond to Dp-branes. These wild embeddings as constructed by using gropes are basic objects to understand exotic smoothness as well Casson handles. Next we build C*-algebras corresponding to the embeddings. Finally we consider topological quantum D-branes as those which emerge from wild embeddings in question. We construct an action for these quantum D-branes and show that the classical limit agrees with the Born-Infeld action such that flat branes = usual embeddings.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Constructions of generalized complex structures in dimension four

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    Four-manifold theory is employed to study the existence of (twisted) generalized complex structures. It is shown that there exist (twisted) generalized complex structures that have more than one type change loci. In an example-driven fashion, (twisted) generalized complex structures are constructed on a myriad of four-manifolds, both simply and non-simply connected, which are neither complex nor symplectic

    Diffeomorphisms and families of Fourier-Mukai transforms in mirror symmetry

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    Assuming the standard framework of mirror symmetry, a conjecture is formulated describing how the diffeomorphism group of a Calabi-Yau manifold Y should act by families of Fourier-Mukai transforms over the complex moduli space of the mirror X. The conjecture generalizes a proposal of Kontsevich relating monodromy transformations and self-equivalences. Supporting evidence is given in the case of elliptic curves, lattice-polarized K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds. A relation to the global Torelli problem is discussed.Comment: Approx. 20 pages LaTeX. One reference adde

    Remarks on the naturality of quantization

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    Hamiltonian quantization of an integral compact symplectic manifold M depends on a choice of compatible almost complex structure J. For open sets U in the set of compatible almost complex structures and small enough values of Planck's constant, the Hilbert spaces of the quantization form a bundle over U with a natural connection. In this paper we examine the dependence of the Hilbert spaces on the choice of J, by computing the semi-classical limit of the curvature of this connection. We also show that parallel transport provides a link between the action of the group Symp(M) of symplectomorphisms of M and the Schrodinger equation.Comment: 20 page

    A risk assessment for visual only meat inspection of both indoor and outdoor pigs within the UK

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    The current system of post-mortem inspection using the typical macroscopic inspection techniques is ineffective identifying the most common foodborne illenss risks, e.g. Salmonella or Campylobacter. Therefore, there is a need to adopt a more appropriate, risk-based approach to meat inspection

    Microfold (M) cells: important immunosurveillance posts in the intestinal epithelium

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    This article suggest that technopreneurship subject should no longer be offered to ITB student as an optional subject but a compulsory one. The reason is that this subject may enable ITB's graduates to be technopreneurs when they graduate. In his opinion, a technopreneur is regarded as a critical success factor in increasing both Growth National Product (GNP). Therefore, their role in resolving Indonesia's current multi dimensional crises and enhancing Indonesia's development will be very significant. The writer also claims that this subject is relevant for ITB's student-who will become engineers and specialists in arts when they graduate-since technopreneurship subject teaches the students how to do business in the field of engineering and art and train the students to acquire technopreneur's qualities such as being critical, innovative, reasonable, positive thinking, risk taking person

    A note on monopole moduli spaces

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    We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifolds for which we conjecture that the natural L2L^2 metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    On semistable principal bundles over a complex projective manifold, II

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    Let (X, \omega) be a compact connected Kaehler manifold of complex dimension d and E_G a holomorphic principal G-bundle on X, where G is a connected reductive linear algebraic group defined over C. Let Z (G) denote the center of G. We prove that the following three statements are equivalent: (1) There is a parabolic subgroup P of G and a holomorphic reduction of the structure group of E_G to P (say, E_P) such that the bundle obtained by extending the structure group of E_P to L(P)/Z(G) (where L(P) is the Levi quotient of P) admits a flat connection; (2) The adjoint vector bundle ad(E_G) is numerically flat; (3) The principal G-bundle E_G is pseudostable, and the degree of the charateristic class c_2(ad(E_G) is zero.Comment: 15 page