454 research outputs found

    An operational calculus for a class of abstract operator equations

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    Quantum Foam and Topological Strings

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    We find an interpretation of the recent connection found between topological strings on Calabi-Yau threefolds and crystal melting: Summing over statistical mechanical configuration of melting crystal is equivalent to a quantum gravitational path integral involving fluctuations of Kahler geometry and topology. We show how the limit shape of the melting crystal emerges as the average geometry and topology of the quantum foam at the string scale. The geometry is classical at large length scales, modified to a smooth limit shape dictated by mirror geometry at string scale and is a quantum foam at area scales g_s \alpha'.Comment: 55 page

    Application of the National Osteoporosis Foundation Guidelines to postmenopausal women and men: the Framingham Osteoporosis Study.

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    Summary We applied the 2008 National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) Guidelines to Framingham Osteoporosis Study participants and found nearly one half of Caucasian postmenopausal women and one sixth of men aged 50 years and older would be recommended for osteoporosis treatment. Given the high proportion of persons recommended for treatment, NOF Guidelines may need to be re-evaluated with respect to budget impact. Introduction Little is known about the public health impact of the NOF Guidelines. Therefore, we determined the proportion of US Caucasians recommended for treatment of osteoporosis according to NOF Guidelines (2003 and 2008). Methods One thousand nine hundred and forty-six postmenopausal women and 1,681 men aged ≥50 years from the Framingham Study with information on bone mineral density (1987–2001) were included. Information on clinical predictors was used to estimate the 10-year probability of hip and major osteoporotic fracture by FRAX® (version 3.0). Results Overall proportion of women meeting treatment criterion was less when the 2008 NOF Guidelines were applied (41.1%) compared with 2003 Guidelines (47.8%). The proportion of women aged 75 years increased slightly (78.3% in 2003, 86.0% in 2008). Seventeen percent of men aged ≥50 years met treatment criterion (2.5% aged 50–64 years, 49.8% aged >75 years). Conclusions Nearly one half of Caucasian postmenopausal women and one sixth of men aged 50 years and older would be recommended for osteoporosis treatment according to 2008 NOF Guidelines. Given the high proportion of persons recommended for treatment, NOF Guidelines may need to be re-evaluated with respect to budget impact

    Vector Bundle Moduli and Small Instanton Transitions

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    We give the general presciption for calculating the moduli of irreducible, stable SU(n) holomorphic vector bundles with positive spectral covers over elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds. Explicit results are presented for Hirzebruch base surfaces B=F_r. The transition moduli that are produced by chirality changing small instanton phase transitions are defined and specifically enumerated. The origin of these moduli, as the deformations of the spectral cover restricted to the ``lift'' of the horizontal curve of the M5-brane, is discussed. We present an alternative description of the transition moduli as the sections of rank n holomorphic vector bundles over the M5-brane curve and give explicit examples. Vector bundle moduli appear as gauge singlet scalar fields in the effective low-energy actions of heterotic superstrings and heterotic M-theory.Comment: 52 pages, LATEX, corrected typo

    Vector Bundle Moduli Superpotentials in Heterotic Superstrings and M-Theory

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    The non-perturbative superpotential generated by a heterotic superstring wrapped once around a genus-zero holomorphic curve is proportional to the Pfaffian involving the determinant of a Dirac operator on this curve. We show that the space of zero modes of this Dirac operator is the kernel of a linear mapping that is dependent on the associated vector bundle moduli. By explicitly computing the determinant of this map, one can deduce whether or not the dimension of the space of zero modes vanishes. It is shown that this information is sufficient to completely determine the Pfaffian and, hence, the non-perturbative superpotential as explicit holomorphic functions of the vector bundle moduli. This method is illustrated by a number of non-trivial examples.Comment: 81 pages, LaTeX, corrected typo

    Residues and World-Sheet Instantons

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    We reconsider the question of which Calabi-Yau compactifications of the heterotic string are stable under world-sheet instanton corrections to the effective space-time superpotential. For instance, compactifications described by (0,2) linear sigma models are believed to be stable, suggesting a remarkable cancellation among the instanton effects in these theories. Here, we show that this cancellation follows directly from a residue theorem, whose proof relies only upon the right-moving world-sheet supersymmetries and suitable compactness properties of the (0,2) linear sigma model. Our residue theorem also extends to a new class of "half-linear" sigma models. Using these half-linear models, we show that heterotic compactifications on the quintic hypersurface in CP^4 for which the gauge bundle pulls back from a bundle on CP^4 are stable. Finally, we apply similar ideas to compute the superpotential contributions from families of membrane instantons in M-theory compactifications on manifolds of G_2 holonomy.Comment: 47 page

    Topological String Amplitudes, Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Spaces and Threshold Corrections

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    We present the most complete list of mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric ambient varieties and develop the methods to solve the topological string and to calculate higher genus amplitudes on these compact Calabi-Yau spaces. These symplectic invariants are used to remove redundancies in examples. The construction of the B-model propagators leads to compatibility conditions, which constrain multi-parameter mirror maps. For K3 fibered Calabi-Yau spaces without reducible fibers we find closed formulas for all genus contributions in the fiber direction from the geometry of the fibration. If the heterotic dual to this geometry is known, the higher genus invariants can be identified with the degeneracies of BPS states contributing to gravitational threshold corrections and all genus checks on string duality in the perturbative regime are accomplished. We find, however, that the BPS degeneracies do not uniquely fix the non-perturbative completion of the heterotic string. For these geometries we can write the topological partition function in terms of the Donaldson-Thomas invariants and we perform a non-trivial check of S-duality in topological strings. We further investigate transitions via collapsing D5 del Pezzo surfaces and the occurrence of free Z2 quotients that lead to a new class of heterotic duals.Comment: 117 pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Stability and duality in N=2 supergravity

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    The BPS-spectrum is known to change when moduli cross a wall of marginal stability. This paper tests the compatibility of wall-crossing with S-duality and electric-magnetic duality for N=2 supergravity. To this end, the BPS-spectrum of D4-D2-D0 branes is analyzed in the large volume limit of Calabi-Yau moduli space. Partition functions are presented, which capture the stability of BPS-states corresponding to two constituents with primitive charges and supported on very ample divisors in a compact Calabi-Yau. These functions are `mock modular invariant' and therefore confirm S-duality. Furthermore, wall-crossing preserves electric-magnetic duality, but is shown to break the `spectral flow' symmetry of the N=(4,0) CFT, which captures the degrees of freedom of a single constituent.Comment: 25 pages + appendix; v3: final versio
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