28,974 research outputs found

    Polyomino Word-Puzzle Results

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    In our last issue we presented a near-solution to one of the pentomino word-problems. Now J.A. Lindon has arrived at the first complete solution to one of these problems, which we present at the end of this article. At the same time, Donald A. Drury, who provides (below) suggestions for solving some lower order trimino problems, has written to point out, concerning all these polyomino word-problems: To make the reflection a new problem, you must rule out using the same words in any diagram as were used in its reflected opposite. Otherwise, by simply using the same words in reverse order, top to bottom, you can solve both Rotation X and Reflection X

    Differences in Emergence Date and Size Between the Sexes of \u3ci\u3eMalacosoma Americanum\u3c/i\u3e the Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)

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    Malacosoma americanum males were smaller and began to pupate earlier than females. Since the sexes spent the same amount of time as pupae, males also emerged earlier. The adaptive significance of these results is discussed. Emergence data revealed an interesting sidelight; no moths emerged from cocoons inside tents

    Rewriting the Constitution: An Economic Analysis of the Constitutional Amendment Process

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    In this Article, the authors develop an economic theory of the constitutional amendment process under Article V, focusing particularly on the roles that Congress and interest groups play in that process. The authors construct a model to predict when an interest group will seek an amendment rather than a statute to further its interests, highlighting how interest group maintenance costs and anticipated opposition affect that choice. They then discuss the efficiency goals of constitutionalism—precommitment and reduction of agency costs—and argue that the structure of the amendment process under Article V prevents realization of these goals. The authors contrast the Bill of Rights amendments, which established precommitments and reduced the agency costs of government, with the latter seventeen amendments, which expanded the federal government and increased agency costs. They attribute the change in the nature of the amendments to the interest-group domination of the political process and Congress\u27 control over the constitutional amendment agenda. The authors conclude that the Founders\u27 intent to put the Constitution beyond the reach of factions backfired: although factions cannot control the content of the Constitution, neither can the majority. In fact, Article V prevents the majority from precommiting itself and hinders its ability to control the agency costs of government, as evidenced by the history of the failed amendments. Although the authors conclude that Article V thwarts the efficiency goals of constitutionalism, they predict that little can be done to remedy this flaw

    Behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging studies of acquired apraxia of speech

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    A critical examination of speech motor control depends on an in-depth understanding of network connectivity associated with Brodmann areas 44 and 45 and surrounding cortices. Damage to these areas has been associated with two conditions-the speech motor programming disorder apraxia of speech (AOS) and the linguistic/grammatical disorder of Broca's aphasia. Here we focus on AOS, which is most commonly associated with damage to posterior Broca's area (BA) and adjacent cortex. We provide an overview of our own studies into the nature of AOS, including behavioral and neuroimaging methods, to explore components of the speech motor network that are associated with normal and disordered speech motor programming in AOS. Behavioral, neuroimaging, and computational modeling studies are indicating that AOS is associated with impairment in learning feedforward models and/or implementing feedback mechanisms and with the functional contribution of BA6. While functional connectivity methods are not yet routinely applied to the study of AOS, we highlight the need for focusing on the functional impact of localized lesions throughout the speech network, as well as larger scale comparative studies to distinguish the unique behavioral and neurological signature of AOS. By coupling these methods with neural network models, we have a powerful set of tools to improve our understanding of the neural mechanisms that underlie AOS, and speech production generally

    Acoustically based fetal heart rate monitor

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    The acoustically based fetal heart rate monitor permits an expectant mother to perform the fetal Non-Stress Test in her home. The potential market would include the one million U.S. pregnancies per year requiring this type of prenatal surveillance. The monitor uses polyvinylidene fluoride (PVF2) piezoelectric polymer film for the acoustic sensors, which are mounted in a seven-element array on a cummerbund. Evaluation of the sensor ouput signals utilizes a digital signal processor, which performs a linear prediction routine in real time. Clinical tests reveal that the acoustically based monitor provides Non-Stress Test records which are comparable to those obtained with a commercial ultrasonic transducer


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    Many U.S. agricultural commodity industries are currently considering if and how they might implement a mandatory national generic promotion program. As U.S. industries consider how to finance these programs, one of the key decisions they face is the choice to include or exempt imported products from promotional assessment fees. Free-riders, unwilling riders, exclusion costs, economies of scale, market share, seasonality of production, storage constraints, and the role of government are reviewed within the context of this choice. The paper concludes that perceptions of fairness and ownership of decision processes, commonly held objectives, and effective communication links are key factors affecting decisions about the structures of generic commodity promotion programs.Marketing,


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    As the agricultural economics profession increasingly strives to find relevant and useful approaches for addressing a broad array of research questions, particularly in terms of agribusiness research, there will be a growing need to adopt a wide set of research methods and methodologies. Historical research strategies typically emphasized by agricultural economists have focused primarily on surveys, archival/secondary data and econometrics. However, these approaches are, at times, limited in their applicability and scope relative to some of the research questions that have the greatest priority for agribusiness researchers and their clientele. Some of the research methods now being more widely used by agribusiness-oriented agricultural economists are more qualitative, as is already evident with a growing acceptance of case studies within the profession. This paper discusses an additional qualitative approach that has substantial potential for agribusiness research focus groups.Agribusiness, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    High- and low-pressure pneumotachometers measure respiration rates accurately in adverse environments

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    Respiration-rate transducers in the form of pneumotachometers measure respiration rates of pilots operating high performance research aircraft. In each low pressure or high pressure oxygen system a sensor is placed in series with the pilots oxygen supply line to detect gas flow accompanying respiration
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