24 research outputs found
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Long Distance Logistic Mobility as an Organising Principle Among Northern Hunter-Gatherers: A Great Lakes Middle Holocene Settlement System
NoConcepts of residential and logistic mobility are applied to survey assemblages from multiple decades of research along the interior drainages of central lower Michigan. Drawing on the ethnographic record of boreal hunter-gatherers and archaeological interpretations of long-distance logistic mobility from the Mesolithic of northern England and continental Europe, it is argued that the importance of logistic mobility is underrepresented in summaries of northern hemisphere hunter-gatherers. Reconstruction of Middle Holocene environments suggests that the resource structure of the central Michigan uplands was one that fostered use of logistic mobility, and that interior Middle Archaic assemblages and site structures reveal special function activities systemically tied to residential and other special function sites at lower coastal elevations, as well as currently submerged under Lake Huron. We conclude that rising levels of Lake Huron ca. 4500 B.P. resulted in decreased land area, population packing, and a consequent shift to residential mobility by the Late Archaic. Further, the results of this analysis can serve as a comparative framework for recognizing the role of logistic mobility in the evolution of hunter-gatherer adaptive strategies in other regions
Aborto eqüino por Leptospira sp. Leptospira sp. as a cause of equine abortion
Descreve-se um caso de aborto eqüino por Leptospira sp. em um feto de 6 meses proveniente de um estabelecimento localizado próximo a Porto Alegre/RS. As lesões macroscópicas se caracterizaram por icterÃcia e hemorragias distribuÃdas difusamente sobre a pele, mucosa oral, tecido subcutâneo, pulmão, coração e sistema gastrintestinal. O fÃgado estava aumentado de tamanho, friável e de coloração amarelada. Os rins apresentavam hemorragias petequiais na superfÃcie capsular e na superfÃcie de corte observaram-se palidez da região cortical e medular. Cortes de rim e sistema nervoso central, corados por Warthin-Starry, revelaram a presença de espiroquetas nos túbulos, glomérulos e substância branca do encéfalo. Cultivo aeróbio de amostras de fÃgado e pulmão não revelaram crescimento bacteriano significativo. O teste de imunofluorescência direta para Leptospira sp. foi positivo e a sorologia fetal resultou numa titulação de 80 para o sorovar copenhageni e 40 para os sorovares icterohaemorragiae e pomona.<br>This report describes an abortion on 6-month-old equine aborted fetus that has been caused by Leptospira sp. Main lesions included jaundice and hemorrhages diffusely scattered throughout the skin, oral mucosa, subcutaneous tissues, lungs, heart and gastrointestinal system. The liver was enlarged, pliable and yellow colored. The cortical and medullar of the kidneys were pale and petechial hemorrhages were present on the capsular surface. Warthin-Starry stained slices of the kidneys and central nervous system revealed the presence of spirochaetes within the tubules, glomeruli and white matter of the encephalo. Aerobic cultivation from samples of the liver and lungs were negative. The direct immunofluorescence test for Leptospira sp. was positive and the fetus’s serological test resulted titers of 80 against sorotype copenhageni and 40 against the sorotypes icterohaemorragiae and pomona