4,127 research outputs found

    Detecting Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies with GALEX

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    We present the results of GALEX observations of 17 cool core (CC) clusters of galaxies. We show that GALEX is easily capable of detecting star formation in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) out to z0.45z\ge 0.45 and 50-100 kpc. In most of the CC clusters studied, we find significant UV luminosity excesses and colors that strongly suggest recent and/or current star formation. The BCGs are found to have blue UV colors in the center that become increasingly redder with radius, indicating that the UV signature of star formation is most easily detected in the central regions. Our findings show good agreement between UV star formation rates and estimates based on Hα\alpha observations. IR observations coupled with our data indicate moderate-to-high dust attenuation. Comparisons between our UV results and the X-ray properties of our sample suggest clear correlations between UV excess, cluster entropy, and central cooling time, confirming that the star formation is directly and incontrovertibly related to the cooling gas.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Figure quality reduced to comply with arXiv file size requirement

    Constraints on Primordial Nongaussiantiy from the High-Redshift Cluster MS1054--03

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    The implications of the massive, X-ray selected cluster of galaxies MS1054--03 at z=0.83z=0.83 are discussed in light of the hypothesis that the primordial density fluctuations may be nongaussian. We generalize the Press-Schechter (PS) formalism to the nongaussian case, and calculate the likelihood that a cluster as massive as MS1054 would appear in the EMSS. The probability of finding an MS1054-like cluster depends only on \omegam and the extent of primordial nongaussianity. We quantify the latter by adopting a specific functional form for the PDF, denoted ψλ,\psi_\lambda, which tends to Gaussianity for λ1,\lambda\gg 1, and show how λ\lambda is related to the more familiar statistic T,T, the probability of 3σ\ge 3\sigma fluctuations for a given PDF relative to a Gaussian. We find that Gaussian initial density fluctuations are consistent with the data on MS1054 only if \omegam\simlt 0.2. For \omegam\ge 0.25 a significant degree of nongaussianity is required, unless the mass of MS1054 has been substantially overestimated by X-ray and weak lensing data. The required amount of nongaussianity is a rapidly increasing function of \omegam for 0.25 \le \omegam \le 0.45, with λ1\lambda \le 1 (T \simgt 7) at the upper end of this range. For a fiducial \omegam=0.3, \omegal=0.7 universe, favored by several lines of evidence we obtain an upper limit λ10,\lambda \le 10, corresponding to a T3.T\ge 3. This finding is consistent with the conclusions of Koyama, Soda, & Taruya (1999), who applied the generalized PS formalism to low (z\simlt 0.1) and intermediate (z\simlt 0.6) redshift cluster data sets.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, uses emulateapj.st

    Automotive Stirling engine development program

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    The study of high power kinematic Stirling engines for transportation use, testing of Mod I and Mod II Stirling engines, and component development activities are summarized. Mod II development testing was performed to complete the development of the basic engine and begin characterization of performance. Mod I engines were used for Mod II component development and to obtain independent party (U.S. Air Force) evaluation of Stirling engine vehicle performance

    Simulation Studies of Nanomagnet-Based Architecture

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    We report a simulation study on interacting ensembles of Co nanomagnets that can perform basic logic operations and propagate logic signals, where the state variable is the magnetization direction. Dipole field coupling between individual nanomagnets drives the logic functionality of the ensemble and coordinated arrangements of the nanomagnets allow for the logic signal to propagate in a predictable way. Problems with the integrity of the logic signal arising from instabilities in the constituent magnetizations are solved by introducing a biaxial anisotropy term to the Gibbs magnetic free energy of each nanomagnet. The enhanced stability allows for more complex components of a logic architecture capable of random combinatorial logic, including horizontal wires, vertical wires, junctions, fanout nodes, and a novel universal logic gate. Our simulations define the focus of scaling trends in nanomagnet-based logic and provide estimates of the energy dissipation and time per nanomagnet reversal

    Bandpass Dependence of X-ray Temperatures in Galaxy Clusters

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    We explore the band dependence of the inferred X-ray temperature of the intracluster medium (ICM) for 192 well-observed galaxy clusters selected from the Chandra Data Archive. If the hot ICM is nearly isothermal in the projected region of interest, the X-ray temperature inferred from a broad-band (0.7-7.0 keV) spectrum should be identical to the X-ray temperature inferred from a hard-band (2.0-7.0 keV) spectrum. However, if unresolved cool lumps of gas are contributing soft X-ray emission, the temperature of a best-fit single-component thermal model will be cooler for the broad-band spectrum than for the hard-band spectrum. Using this difference as a diagnostic, the ratio of best-fitting hard-band and broad-band temperatures may indicate the presence of cooler gas even when the X-ray spectrum itself may not have sufficient signal-to-noise to resolve multiple temperature components. To test this possible diagnostic, we extract X-ray spectra from core-excised annular regions for each cluster in our archival sample. We compare the X-ray temperatures inferred from single-temperature fits when the energy range of the fit is 0.7-7.0 keV (broad) and when the energy range is 2.0/(1+z)-7.0 keV (hard). We find that the hard-band temperature is significantly higher, on average, than the broad-band temperature. Upon further exploration, we find this temperature ratio is enhanced preferentially for clusters which are known merging systems. In addition, cool-core clusters tend to have best-fit hard-band temperatures that are in closer agreement with their best-fit broad-band temperatures. We show, using simulated spectra, that this diagnostic is sensitive to secondary cool components (TX = 0.5-3.0 keV) with emission measures >10-30% of the primary hot component.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Two Clusters with Radio-quiet Cooling Cores

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    Radio lobes inflated by active galactic nuclei at the centers of clusters are a promising candidate for halting condensation in clusters with short central cooling times because they are common in such clusters. In order to test the AGN-heating hypothesis, we obtained Chandra observations of two clusters with short central cooling times yet no evidence for AGN activity: Abell 1650 and Abell 2244. The cores of these clusters indeed appear systematically different from cores with more prominent radio emission. They do not have significant central temperature gradients, and their central entropy levels are markedly higher than in clusters with stronger radio emission, corresponding to central cooling times ~ 1 Gigayear. Also, there is no evidence for fossil X-ray cavities produced by an earlier episode of AGN heating. We suggest that either (1) the central gas has not yet cooled to the point at which feedback is necessary to prevent it from condensing, possibly because it is conductively stabilized, or (2) the gas experienced a major heating event 1\gtrsim 1 Gyr in the past and has not required feedback since then. The fact that these clusters with no evident feedback have higher central entropy and therefore longer central cooling times than clusters with obvious AGN feedback strongly suggests that AGNs supply the feedback necessary to suppress condensation in clusters with short central cooling times.Comment: ApJ Letter, in pres

    Field-induced domain wall propagation velocity in magnetic nanowires

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    A thory of field-induced domain wall (DW) propagation is developed. The theory not only explains why a DW in a defect-free nanowire must propagate at a finite velocity, but also provides a proper definition of DW propagation velocity. This definition, valid for an arbitrary DW structure, allows one to compute the instantaneous DW velocity in a meaningful way even when the DW is not moving as a rigid body. A new velocity-field formula beyond the Walker breakdown field, which is in excellent agreement with both experiments and numerical simulations, is derived

    A Very Hot, High Redshift Cluster of Galaxies: More Trouble for Omega_0 = 1

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    We have observed the most distant (z=0.829) cluster of galaxies in the Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey, with the ASCA and ROSAT satellites. We find an X-ray temperature of 12.3 +3.1/-2.2 keV for this cluster, and the ROSAT map reveals significant substructure. The high temperature of MS1054-0321 is consistent with both its approximate velocity dispersion, based on the redshifts of 12 cluster members we have obtained at the Keck and the Canada-France-Hawaii telescopes, and with its weak lensing signature. The X-ray temperature of this cluster implies a virial mass ~ 7.4 x 10^14 h^-1 solar masses, if the mean matter density in the universe equals the critical value, or larger if Omega_0 < 1. Finding such a hot, massive cluster in the EMSS is extremely improbable if clusters grew from Gaussian perturbations in an Omega_0 = 1 universe. Combining the assumptions that Omega_0 = 1 and that the intial perturbations were Gaussian with the observed X-ray temperature function at low redshift, we show that the probability of this cluster occurring in the volume sampled by the EMSS is less than a few times 10^{-5}. Nor is MS1054-0321 the only hot cluster at high redshift; the only two other z>0.5z > 0.5 EMSS clusters already observed with ASCA also have temperatures exceeding 8 keV. Assuming again that the initial perturbations were Gaussian and Omega_0 = 1, we find that each one is improbable at the < 10^{-2} level. These observations, along with the fact that these luminosities and temperatures of the high-zz clusters all agree with the low-z L_X-T_X relation, argue strongly that Omega_0 < 1. Otherwise, the initial perturbations must be non-Gaussian, if these clusters' temperatures do indeed reflect their gravitational potentials.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, To appear in 1 Aug 1998 ApJ (heavily revised version of original preprint