50 research outputs found

    Mitochondria as Crucial Players in Demyelinated Axons: Lessons from Neuropathology and Experimental Demyelination

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    Mitochondria are the most efficient producers of energy in the form of ATP. Energy demands of axons, placed at relatively great distances from the neuronal cell body, are met by mitochondria, which when functionally compromised, produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in excess. Axons are made metabolically efficient by myelination, which enables saltatory conduction. The importance of mitochondria for maintaining the structural integrity of myelinated axons is illustrated by neuroaxonal degeneration in primary mitochondrial disorders. When demyelinated, the compartmentalisation of ion channels along axons is disrupted. The redistribution of electrogenic machinery is thought to increase the energy demand of demyelinated axons. We review related studies that focus on mitochondria within unmyelinated, demyelinated and dysmyelinated axons in the central nervous system. Based on neuropathological observations we propose the increase in mitochondrial presence within demyelinated axons as an adaptive process to the increased energy need. An increased presence of mitochondria would also increase the capacity to produce deleterious agents such as ROS when functionally compromised. Given the lack of direct evidence of a beneficial or harmful effect of mitochondrial changes, the precise role of increased mitochondrial presence within axons due to demyelination needs to be further explored in experimental demyelination in-vivo and in-vitro

    Mitochondrial defects in acute multiple sclerosis lesions

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    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which leads to focal plaques of demyelination and tissue injury in the CNS. The structural and immunopathological patterns of demyelination suggest that different immune mechanisms may be involved in tissue damage. In a subtype of lesions, which are mainly found in patients with acute fulminant multiple sclerosis with Balo's type concentric sclerosis and in a subset of early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, the initial myelin changes closely resemble those seen in white matter stroke (WMS), suggesting a hypoxia-like tissue injury. Since mitochondrial injury may be involved in the pathogenesis of such lesions, we analysed a number of mitochondrial respiratory chain proteins in active lesions from acute multiple sclerosis and from WMS using immunohistochemistry. Functionally important defects of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV [cytochrome c oxidase (COX)] including its catalytic component (COX-I) are present in Pattern III but not in Pattern II multiple sclerosis lesions. The lack of immunohistochemically detected COX-I is apparent in oligodendrocytes, hypertrophied astrocytes and axons, but not in microglia. The profile of immunohistochemically detected mitochondrial respiratory chain complex subunits differs between multiple sclerosis and WMS. The findings suggest that hypoxia-like tissue injury in Pattern III multiple sclerosis lesions may be due to mitochondrial impairment

    Myelination and axonal electrical activity modulate the distribution and motility of mitochondria at CNS nodes of Ranvier

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    Energy production presents a formidable challenge to axons as their mitochondria are synthesized and degraded in neuronal cell bodies. To meet the energy demands of nerve conduction, small mitochondria are transported to and enriched at mitochondrial stationary sites located throughout the axon. In this study, we investigated whether size and motility of mitochondria in small myelinated central nervous system axons was differentially regulated at nodes, and whether mitochondrial distribution and motility are modulated by axonal electrical activity. The size/volume of mitochondrial stationary sites was significantly larger in juxtaparanodal/internodal axoplasm than in nodal/paranodal axoplasm. By 3-dimensional electron microscopy, we observed that axonal mitochondrial stationary sites were composed of multiple mitochondria of varying length, except at nodes where mitochondria were uniformly short and frequently absent altogether. Mitochondrial transport speed was significantly reduced in nodal axoplasm when compared to internodal axoplasm. Increased axonal electrical activity decreased mitochondrial transport and increased the size of mitochondrial stationary sites in nodal/paranodal axoplasm. Decreased axonal electrical activity had the opposite effects. In cerebellar axons of the myelin deficient rat, which contains voltage-gated Na(+) channel clusters but lacks paranodal specializations, axonal mitochondrial motility and stationary site size were similar at Na(+) channel clusters and other axonal regions. These results demonstrate juxtaparanodal/internodal enrichment of stationary mitochondria and neuronal activity-dependent dynamic modulation of mitochondrial distribution and transport in nodal axoplasm. In addition, the modulation of mitochondrial distribution and motility requires oligodendrocyte-axon interactions at paranodal specializations

    Mitochondrial bioenergetic deficits in C9orf72 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor neurons cause dysfunctional axonal homeostasis

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    ARM is a Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Fellow and is jointly funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MR/R001162/1). He also acknowledges support from the Rowling Scholars scheme, administered by the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic (ARRNC), University of Edinburgh, and a seedcorn grant from The Chief Scientist Office and the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust via the Scottish Neurological Research Fund, administered by the University of St Andrews. JMG is funded by a starter grant for clinical lecturers from the Academy of Medical Sciences. CS is supported by a Medical Research Council grant (MR/L016400/1). NMM was funded by a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award (100981/Z/13/Z). RNC and NMM are funded by a Diabetes UK grant (17/0005697). The Hardingham and Chandran laboratories are supported by the Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Research, and the UK Dementia Research Institute (DRI), which receives its funding from UK DRI Ltd, funded by the MRC, Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Research UK. SC also acknowledges funding from the ARRNC, My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, and an MRC Dementias Platform UK Stem Cell Partnership grant (MR/N013255/1). BTS is a Rowling-DRI Fellow.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Neurofascin 140 is an embryonic neuronal neurofascin isoform that promotes the assembly of the node of ranvier

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    Rapid nerve conduction in myelinated nerves requires the clustering of voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier. The Neurofascin (Nfasc) gene has a unique role in node formation because it encodes glial and neuronal isoforms of neurofascin (Nfasc155 and Nfasc186, respectively) with key functions in assembling the nodal macromolecular complex. A third neurofascin, Nfasc140, has also been described; however, neither the cellular origin nor function of this isoform was known. Here we show that Nfasc140 is a neuronal protein strongly expressed during mouse embryonic development. Expression of Nfasc140 persists but declines during the initial stages of node formation, in contrast to Nfasc155 and Nfasc186, which increase. Nevertheless, Nfasc140, like Nfasc186, can cluster voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) at the developing node of Ranvier and can restore electrophysiological function independently of Nfasc155 and Nfasc186. This suggests that Nfasc140 complements the function of Nfasc155 and Nfasc186 in initial stages of the assembly and stabilization of the nodal complex. Further, Nfasc140 is reexpressed in demyelinated white matter lesions of postmortem brain tissue from human subjects with multiple sclerosis. This expands the critical role of the Nfasc gene in the function of myelinated axons and reveals further redundancy in the mechanisms required for the formation of this crucial structure in the vertebrate nervous system

    Respiration-deficient astrocytes survive as glycolytic cells in vivo

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    Neurons and glial cells exchange energy-rich metabolites and it has been suggested, originally based on in vitro data, that astrocytes provide lactate to glutamatergic synapses ("lactate shuttle"). Here, we have studied astrocytes that lack mitochondrial respiration in vitro and in vivo A novel mouse mutant (GLAST(CreERT2):Cox10(flox/flox) ) was generated, in which the administration of tamoxifen causes mutant astrocytes to fail in the assembly of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX). Focussing on cerebellar Bergmann glial cells that exhibit the highest rate of Cre-mediated recombination, we find a normal density of viable astrocytes even one year after tamoxifen-induced Cox10 gene targeting. Our data show that Bergmann glial cells, and presumably all astrocytes, can survive by aerobic glycolysis for an extended period of time, in the absence of glial pathology or unspecific signs of neurodegeneration.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTWhen astrocytes are placed into culture they import glucose and release lactate, an energy-rich metabolite readily metabolized by neurons. This observation led to the "glia-to-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis", but in vivo evidence for this hypothesis is weak. To study astroglial energy metabolism and the directionality of lactate flux, we generated conditional Cox10 mouse mutants lacking mitochondrial respiration in astrocytes thus forcing these cells to survive by aerobic glycolysis. Here, we report that these mice are fully viable in the absence of any signs of glial or neuronal loss, suggesting that astrocytes are naturally glycolytic cells

    No excess of mitochondrial DNA deletions within muscle in progressive multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial dysfunction is an established feature of multiple sclerosis (MS). We recently described high levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions within respiratory enzyme-deficient (lacking mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV with intact complex II) neurons and choroid plexus epithelial cells in progressive MS. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this paper is to determine whether respiratory enzyme deficiency and mtDNA deletions in MS were in excess of age-related changes within muscle, which, like neurons, are post-mitotic cells that frequently harbour mtDNA deletions with ageing and in disease. METHODS: In progressive MS cases (n=17), known to harbour an excess of mtDNA deletions in the central nervous system (CNS), and controls (n=15), we studied muscle (paraspinal) and explored mitochondria in single fibres. Histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, laser microdissection, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), long-range PCR and sequencing were used to resolve the single muscle fibres. RESULTS: The percentage of respiratory enzyme-deficient muscle fibres, mtDNA deletion level and percentage of muscle fibres harbouring high levels of mtDNA deletions were not significantly different in MS compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Our findings do not provide support to the existence of a diffuse mitochondrial abnormality involving multiple systems in MS. Understanding the cause(s) of the CNS mitochondrial dysfunction in progressive MS remains a research priority