548 research outputs found

    Collective excitations and instability of an optical lattice due to unbalanced pumping

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    We solve self-consistently the coupled equations of motion for trapped particles and the field of a one-dimensional optical lattice. Optomechanical coupling creates long-range interaction between the particles, whose nature depends crucially on the relative power of the pump beams. For asymmetric pumping, traveling density wave-like collective oscillations arise in the lattice, even in the overdamped limit. Increasing the lattice size or pump asymmetry these waves can destabilize the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, minor changes (SI units, new references

    Geometric resonance cooling of polarizable particles in an optical waveguide

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    In the radiation field of an optical waveguide, the Rayleigh scattering of photons is shown to result in a strongly velocity-dependent force on atoms. The pump field, which is injected in the fundamental branch of the waveguide, is favorably scattered by a moving atom into one of the transversely excited branches of propagating modes. All fields involved are far detuned from any resonances of the atom. For a simple polarizable particle, a linear friction force coefficient comparable to that of cavity cooling can be achieved.Comment: 4 page

    Damping of quasiparticles in a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to an optical cavity

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    We present a general theory for calculating the damping rate of elementary density wave excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate strongly coupled to a single radiation field mode of an optical cavity. Thereby we give a detailed derivation of the huge resonant enhancement in the Beliaev damping of a density wave mode, predicted recently by K\'onya et al., Phys.~Rev.~A 89, 051601(R) (2014). The given density-wave mode constitutes the polariton-like soft mode of the self-organization phase transition. The resonant enhancement takes place, both in the normal and ordered phases, outside the critical region. We show that the large damping rate is accompanied by a significant frequency shift of this polariton mode. Going beyond the Born-Markov approximation and determining the poles of the retarded Green's function of the polariton, we reveal a strong coupling between the polariton and a collective mode in the phonon bath formed by the other density wave modes

    Fundamental limitation of ultrastrong coupling between light and atoms

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    In a recent work of ours [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 073601 (2014)], we generalized the Power-Zineau-Woolley gauge to describe the electrodynamics of atoms in an arbitrary confined geometry. Here we complement the theory by proposing a tractable form of the polarization field to represent atomic material with well-defined intra-atomic potential. The direct electrostatic dipole-dipole interaction between the atoms is canceled. This theory yields a suitable framework to determine limitations on the light-matter coupling in quantum optical models with discernible atoms. We find that the superradiant criticality is at the border of covalent molecule formation and crystallization.Comment: 6 page

    Selecting molecules in the vibrational and rotational ground state by deflection

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    A beam of diatomic molecules scattered off a standing wave laser mode splits according to the rovibrational quantum state of the molecules. Our numerical calculation shows that single state resolution can be achieved by properly tuned, monochromatic light. The proposed scheme allows for selecting non-vibrating and non-rotating molecules from a thermal beam, implementing a laser Maxwell's demon to prepare a rovibrationally cold molecular ensemble.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX. To appear in the European Physical Journal

    Cold atom dynamics in a quantum optical lattice potential

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    We study a generalized cold atom Bose Hubbard model, where the periodic optical potential is formed by a cavity field with quantum properties. On the one hand the common coupling of all atoms to the same mode introduces cavity mediated long range atom-atom interactions and on the other hand atomic backaction on the field introduces atom-field entanglement. This modifies the properties of the associated quantum phase transitions and allows for new correlated atom-field states including superposition of different atomic quantum phases. After deriving an approximative Hamiltonian including the new long range interaction terms we exhibit central physical phenomena at generic configurations of few atoms in few wells. We find strong modifications of population fluctuations and next-nearest neighbor correlations near the phase transition point.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo