90 research outputs found

    On the fauna of Corallina officinalis L. in western Norway

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    Three localities south of Bergen, one sheltered, one semi-exposed, and one very exposed, were chosen. Samples of Corallina were obtained at various times of the year from the intertidal and sub tidal zones at the two more exposed localities. At the sheltered locality samples were taken from just below the intertidal zone only.Some 70 species and several higher groups were recorded and in most cases counted. The size of the animals found living on the plants is considered in relation to the form of growth of Corallina and the faunal composition in relation to the degree of exposure

    The Norwegian research program on the Barents Sea capelin stock

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    The aim of the Norwegian research program on the Barents Sea capelin stock is to provide information needed for management of the fishery. The cruise program for 1977 and the objectives of each cruise is discussed. The sampling program and processing of information is also described

    Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i september - oktober 1976

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    The investigations were carried out in cooperation with Sovietrussian scientists from the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography in Murmansk. V.N. Shleinik was head of the Sovietrussian scientists. During a meeting at sea in September all information was exchanged. The Sovietrussian scientists are processing the data separately

    Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet høsten 1978

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    From 14 September to 11 October investigations on the Barents Sea capelin stock were carried out, with aim on the geographical distribution of the stock, its structure and assessment of the abundance. Compared to the situation in 1977 the hydrographic situation in the western part of the Barents Sea was much the same. In the eastern part, the temperature was lower than in 1977, especially at the surface. This difference increased with increasing longitudes, and in large areas it was about 2°C. The geographical distribution of capelin was much the same as in 1977, except for the northwestern area where little or none capelin was recorded. The main concentrations were located around the two positions: 77°20'N-34°00'E and 77°40'N-41°00'E. The 1977 yearclass was found to be extremely poor. The size of the spawning stock was assessed to be 1.7 mill. tonnes. The 1975- and 1974-yearclasses will dominate the spawning stock in 1979

    Investigations on capelin in the Barents Sea in May-June 1974

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    Rapporten er også publisert som artikkel i Fiskets Gang,60(38),1974:669-673During May—June 1974 observations were made on the distribution, abundance and year-class composition of capelin in the Barents Sea. Good concentrations of capelin were found over a considerably larger area than at the same time in 1973. Both the 1972 and 1971 year-classes show reduced growth compared to what can be considered normal, but due to the large number of individuals in these two year-classes the total biomass is still at a reasonably high level. Due to selective sampling by the trawl, no conclusion should be drawn as to the strength of the 1973 year-class. A distribution map of polar cod is given

    The spawning migration of capelin during the winter of 1977

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    From 6 January to 30 March three vessels were monitoring the spawning migration of the Barents Sea capelin. The main concentrations reached the Norwegian coast in the Varanger-Vardø area the first week of March, and from there started to move westwards along the coast in the second week of March. Spawning started in the Vardø area around 18 March and was probably still going on 23 April. The only other large spawning area observed, was at Fruholmen (29 March). In addition there probably was occasional spawning on a smaller scale along the coast

    Capelin investigations in the Barents Sea in September - October 1976

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    The investigations were carried out in cooperation with Sovietrussian scientists from the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography in Murmansk. V.N. Shleinik was head of the Sovietrussian scientists. During a meeting at sea in September all information was exchanged. The Sovietrussian scientists are processing the data separately

    Capelin investigations in the Barents Sea in November-December 1973

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    Rapporten er også publisert som artikkel i Fiskets Gang,60(13),1974:257-261A joint investigation on the distribution of adult capelin was carried out in November-December 1973 by the Norwegian research vessel «G. O. Sars» and the Soviet Union research vessels «Poisk» and "Akademik Knipovich". Adult capelin was found mainly distributed between 71ºN and 76ºN and between 38ºE and 48ºE and occurred predominantly as scattered registrations with the larger part close to the bottom. This made the conditions for an acoustic abundance estimate unfavourable, and probably only part of the adult capelin present in the area was recorded. The bottom registrations of adult capelin occurred in water with temperatures between -l and 0ºC while the pelagic concentrations of adult capelin were found mainly in temperatures between 0.5 and 2.0ºC. Most of the adult capelin were in the prespawning stage and consisted mainly of the 1970 year-class with some admixture of the 1969 year-class. The majority of the adult fish had a length between 15.0 and 17.5 c

    Capelin investigations during the winter 1982

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    Capelin investigations during the period January-March 1982 are described, and figures are given showing the distribution of immature and mature capelin, known spawning areas, and age composition of the stock. The fishery as well as the hydrography during the period is described

    Capelin investigations in the Barents Sea in June and July 1977

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    During the period 4 June - 30 May a survey was made on the Barents Sea capelin stock with observations on its distribution, abundance and age composition. A much lower quantity of capelin was recorded on this cruise than expected, and the survey was therefore partly repeated in the period July 10-21. After the last cruise it was evident that the Barents Sea capelin stock was still in good condition, and the size of the fishable stock was approximately the same as the year before. Possible causes for the low estimate in June are briefly discussed, and distribution maps are given for capelin larvae and plankton in June