334 research outputs found

    Beobachtungen zur Vergesellschaftung und Ökologie von Fritillaria meleagris L.

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    Fritillaria meleagris L. ist eine in Norddeutschland seltene und in ihrem Vorkommen stark gefährdete Art feuchter bis nasser extensiv genutzter Grünlandstandorte. Es wird ein relativ junges Vorkommen innerhalb einer Crepis paludosa-Juncus acutiflorus-Geselischaft beschrieben. Der etwa 1O-jährige Bestand zeigt eine Ausbreitungstendenz. Neben Untersuchungen zum Standort und zur Vergesellschaftung der Schachblume konnten einige Beobachtungen zur Ausbreitungsbiologie durchgeführt werden, die, unter Einbeziehung des Lebenszyklus, eine streßmeidende Lebensstrategie erwarten lassen. Von 124 blühenden Individuen gelangten nur 18 zur Fruchtreife. Die Fruchtkapseln beinhalteten jeweils durchschnittlich 114 flug- und schwimmfähige Samen. Von den Samen konnten 11-20 % innerhalb eines Radius von 25 cm um die Mutterpflanze wiedergefunden werden. Rund 45 % der Individuen traten truppweise in Gruppen von 3 bis 9 Exemplaren auf.Fritillaria me/eagris L. is a species which occurs in moist to wet extensively used grassland sites. It is rare in northern Germany and highly endangered. A comparatively young occurrence within a Crepis paludosa-Juncus acutiflorus community is described. The approximately 10- year-old stand shows a dispersal tendency. Apart from investigations of the site and the Fritillaria associations, so me observations on its dispersal biology were made, wh ich also suggest, with respect to the life cycle, a stress-avoiding life strategy. Of 124 blooming individuals, only 18 fruited. Each of the capsules contained on average 114 seeds able to fly or swim. 11-20 % of the seeds could be refound within a radius of 25 cm around the fertile plants. Approximately 45 % of the individuals occurred in clusters of 3 to 9 specimens

    Recycling High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) into construction materials as a key step in plastic waste reduction: case of Kigali City

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    Plastic wastes are increasing at an alarming rate and adversely affecting environment as they are not easily degraded. Worse still, roads along with parking yards have significantly shorter design life and so do other alternative road paving techniques such as reinforced concrete slabs and concrete paving blocks (developing countries). Owing to these challenges, this research aimed to minimize the quantity of plastic wastes dumped in Kigali landfills by recycling it into construction materials while considering both economic and environmental benefits. Specific objectives included to maximize the use of post-consumer plastic waste and produce alternative eco-friendly building products.Similarly, the research aimed at determining the melting point and subsequent effects of temperature on high density polyethylene (HDPE) as well as determining the mix ratio of the material components that gives the highest compressive strength. Finally, the research aimed at assessing the performance of paving material made of sand and plastic wastes.In order to achieve the stated objectives, three samples per data point were prepared and quantity of sand content was varying by 1:3; 1:4; 1:5 respectively while keeping plastic content constant. The samples were placed in mould of dimension 100,65 mm in diameter and height respectively where they cooled and set. Compaction was done using standard method. Afterwards, the respective samples were tested for compressive strength and water absorption. Compressive strength test showed the values of 21.73 N/mm2, 26.15 N/mm2, 4.79 N/mm2 before heat exposure and 17.79 N/mm2, 22.37 N/mm2, 3.52 N/mm2 after exposure to 350C for 12 hours for the pavers in HDPE and sand mix ratio of 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 respectively. Water absorption test showed an average value of 0.052% which is lower compared to the cement concrete made pavers.The research concluded that if made and put into use, these pavers will not only reduce construction costs especially those for repairs, but also assist in environmental conservation. Roads and parking yards will be cheaply constructed, and with the increased durability, accessibility will be improved and economic growth boostered.Keywords: HDPE, wastes, recycle, paver, compressive strengt

    Magnetic Behavior Of Rare-earth Iron-rich Intermetallic Compounds

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    The thermal variation of lattice parameters of rare earth-transition metal intermetallic compounds rich in Fe, Co, or Ni in the temperature range of 25-900oK is studied. For the Fe compounds, negative thermal expansion is observed below their magnetic ordering temperatures regardless of the nature of substitutional ordering. For Co and Ni compounds, the thermal expansion behavior is normal. It is then concluded that for the Fe compounds, the magnetic properties are mainly determined by the Fe-Fe interatomic distances and the number of Fe nearest neighbors, whereas for Co and Ni compounds the magnetic properties are determined by the conduction electron transfer from the rare earth to the 3 d band of Co or Ni, The anomalous thermal expansion of Fe compounds and the metamagnetic transition of the Lu compound is explained in terms of the distance dependence. of the interaction energy as proposed by Neel. © 1971, IEEE. All rights reserved

    Smart Cities & Sustainable Information Systems

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    In cities, a majority of the world’s GDP and global greenhouse gas emissions are generated. Sustainability has to a great extent, become a priority for the United Nations, climaxing in the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, including a goal for sustainable cities. Cities are interesting ecosystems that deal with all types of sustainability by adopting different technologies to transform themselves while making environmental, social, and/or economical changes. With the help of technology, a city has the ability to realize effective business decisions and develop in newer and better ways. In this study, we set out to investigate the influencers of the role of information systems in SSCs by developing an initial theoretical framework based on Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) framework and Functional Affordances and develop this through the analysis of 141 Information Systems (IS) solutions and four interviews. We extend the initial framework with additional attributes resulting from the study and propose a revised framework

    Effective polyethylenimine-mediated gene transfer into human endothelial cells

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    Background The major advantage in choosing non‐viral vectors such as cationic polymers for in vitro and in vivo transfection is their higher biosafety than viral ones. Among the cationic polymers, polyethylenimines (PEIs) are promising molecules for gene delivery to a variety of cells. Efficient transfection of primary endothelial cells using PEIs could be regarded as an interesting strategy of treatment in some ischemic cardiovascular diseases. Methods Efficacies of a 22‐kDa linear PEI (L‐PEI) and its glucose‐grafted derivative (L‐PEI‐Glc4) were compared for gene transfer into human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) using the reporter gene luciferase. Cells were incubated for 2, 4 and 24 h with PEI/DNA complexes made in 150 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) or in 5% glucose solution. Luciferase activity was measured 24 h after the onset of transfection. The effects of low (2%) and high (30%) concentrations of serum on transfection efficacy were assessed as well. We then studied the intracellular fate of the PEI/DNA complexes labelled with the DNA intercalator YOYO‐1 using flow cytometry analysis (FACS) and confocal microscopy. Results PEI/DNA complexes formed in NaCl led to a higher transfection efficacy than those made in glucose. The optimal formulation, depending on the incubation time and the presence of serum in the medium, was obtained using DNA complexed to L‐PEI‐Glc4 and incubated for 4 h with the cells. This condition led to 50% fluorescent cells after GFP transfection. A high serum concentration diminished the L‐PEI associated toxicity but decreased L‐PEI‐Glc4 transfection efficiency. FACS analysis using both vectors showed that almost 90% of the cells had internalized the DNA complexes. Confocal microscopic observations showed a fast attachment of the complexes to the cell surface followed by inclusion into vesicles that migrated to the perinuclear region. Conclusions In this work, we defined the optimal conditions for gene delivery in HUVEC. These conditions were obtained when using derivatives L‐PEI and L‐PEI‐Glc4 complexed with DNA in 150 mM NaCl and added to cells for 2 and 4 h, respectively. Cellular trafficking of the complexes suggested that cell entry was not a limiting factor for gene delivery using PEI. This study underlined the interest in PEIs as efficient vectors for gene transfer into human endothelial cells

    Hsp27 (HspB1) and αB-crystallin (HspB5) as therapeutic targets

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    AbstractHsp27 and αB-crystallin are molecular chaperones that are constitutively expressed in several mammalian cells, particularly in pathological conditions. These proteins share functions as diverse as protection against toxicity mediated by aberrantly folded proteins or oxidative-inflammation conditions. In addition, these proteins share anti-apoptotic properties and are tumorigenic when expressed in cancer cells. This review summarizes the current knowledge about Hsp27 and αB-crystallin and the implications, either positive or deleterious, of these proteins in pathologies such as neurodegenerative diseases, myopathies, asthma, cataracts and cancers. Approaches towards therapeutic strategies aimed at modulating the expression and/or the activities of Hsp27 and αB-crystallin are presented

    Porcine neurofibromatosis : a new syndrome

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    A genetically dominant neoplasic disease similar to human neurofibromatosis has just been discovered in pigs. Two of the three clinical forms known in man have been identified in several pig farms: one with large subcutaneous tumours, the other exclusively intradermal. Clinical and pathology studies have been performed on these lesions. Tumour cells are being cultured and the sequencing of their genome is underway. This research is especially important because no animal model of this very common disease in man was available until now.Une affection tumorale similaire à la neurofibromatose de l'Homme vient d'être découverte chez le porc. Cette maladie, de caractère génétique dominant, a été retrouvée dans plusieurs élevages sous deux des trois formes rencontrées chez l'Homme, l'une à grosses tumeurs sous-cutanées et l'autre, strictement intradermique. Ces lésions ont été étudiées aux plans clinique et anatomopathologique. Les cellules tumorales ont été mises en culture et le séquençage de leur génome entrepris. Ce travail revêt une importance toute particulière car il n'existait jusqu'alors aucun modèle animal de cette maladie très fréquente chez l'Homme