113 research outputs found

    On the Risks of Phylogeny-Based Strain Prioritization for Drug Discovery: Streptomyces lunaelactis as a Case Study

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    peer reviewedStrain prioritization for drug discovery aims at excluding redundant strains of a collection in order to limit the repetitive identification of the same molecules. In this work, we wanted to estimate what can be unexploited in terms of the amount, diversity, and novelty of compounds if the search is focused on only one single representative strain of a species, taking Streptomyces lunaelactis as a model. For this purpose, we selected 18 S. lunaelactis strains taxonomically clustered with the archetype strain S. lunaelactis MM109T. Genome mining of all S. lunaelactis isolated from the same cave revealed that 54% of the 42 biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) are strain specific, and five BGCs are not present in the reference strain MM109T. In addition, even when a BGC is conserved in all strains such as the bag/fev cluster involved in bagremycin and ferroverdin production, the compounds produced highly differ between the strains and previously unreported compounds are not produced by the archetype MM109T. Moreover, metabolomic pattern analysis uncovered important profile heterogeneity, confirming that identical BGC predisposition between two strains does not automatically imply chemical uniformity. In conclusion, trying to avoid strain redundancy based on phylogeny and genome mining information alone can compromise the discovery of new natural products and might prevent the exploitation of the best naturally engineered producers of specific molecules

    Up-Regulated Salivary Proteins of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria-Treated Plants

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    Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) induce systemic resistance (SR) in plants, decreasing the development of phytopathogens. The FZB42 strain of Bacillus velezensis is known to induce an SR against pathogens in various plant species. Previous studies suggested that it could also influence the interactions between plants and associated pests. However, insects have developed several strategies to counteract plant defenses, including salivary proteins that allow the insect escaping detection, manipulating defensive pathways to its advantage, deactivating early signaling processes, or detoxifying secondary metabolites. Because Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Halyomorpha halys is highly invasive and polyphagous, we hypothesized that it could detect the PGPR-induced systemic defenses in the plant, and efficiently adapt its salivary compounds to counteract them. Therefore, we inoculated a beneficial rhizobacterium on Vicia faba roots and soil, previous to plant infestation with BMSB. Salivary gland proteome of BMSB was analyzed by LC–MS/MS and a label-free quantitative proteomic method. Among the differentially expressed proteins, most were up-regulated in salivary glands of insects exposed to PGPR-treated plants for 24 h. We could confirm that BMSB was confronted with a stress during feeding on PGPR-treated plants. The to-be-confirmed defensive state of the plant would have been rapidly detected by the invasive H. halys pest, which consequently modified its salivary proteins. Among the up-regulated proteins, many could be associated with a role in plant defense counteraction, and more especially in allelochemicals detoxification or sequestration

    Sweat Proteomics in Cystic Fibrosis: Discovering Companion Biomarkers for Precision Medicine and Therapeutic Development

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    peer reviewedIn clinical routine, the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is still challenging regardless of international consensus on diagnosis guidelines and tests. For decades, the classical Gibson and Cooke test measuring sweat chloride concentration has been a keystone, yet, it may provide normal or equivocal results. As of now, despite the combination of sweat testing, CFTR genotyping, and CFTR functional testing, a small fraction (1–2%) of inconclusive diagnoses are reported and justifies the search for new CF biomarkers. More importantly, in the context of precision medicine, with a view to early diagnosis, better prognosis, appropriate clinical follow-up, and new therapeutic development, discovering companion biomarkers of CF severity and phenotypic rescue are of utmost interest. To date, previous sweat proteomic studies have already documented disease-specific variations of sweat proteins (e.g., in schizophrenia and tuberculosis). In the current study, sweat samples from 28 healthy control subjects and 14 patients with CF were analyzed by nanoUHPLC-Q-Orbitrap-based shotgun proteomics, to look for CF-associated changes in sweat protein composition and abundance. A total of 1057 proteins were identified and quantified at an individual level, by a shotgun label-free approach. Notwithstanding similar proteome composition, enrichment, and functional annotations, control and CF samples featured distinct quantitative proteome profiles significantly correlated with CF, accounting for the respective inter-individual variabilities of control and CF sweat. All in all: (i) 402 sweat proteins were differentially abundant between controls and patients with CF, (ii) 68 proteins varied in abundance between F508del homozygous patients and patients with another genotype, (iii) 71 proteins were differentially abundant according to the pancreatic function, and iv) 54 proteins changed in abundance depending on the lung function. The functional annotation of pathophysiological biomarkers highlighted eccrine gland cell perturbations in: (i) protein biosynthesis and trafficking, (ii) CFTR proteostasis and membrane stability, and (iii) cell-cell adherence, membrane integrity, and cytoskeleton crosstalk. Cytoskeleton-related biomarkers were of utmost interest because of the consistency between variations observed here in CF sweat and variations previously documented in other CF tissues. From a clinical stance, nine candidate biomarkers of CF diagnosis (CUTA, ARG1, EZR, AGA, FLNA, MAN1A1, MIA3, LFNG, SIAE) and seven candidate biomarkers of CF severity (ARG1, GPT, MDH2, EML4 (F508del homozygous), MGAT1 (pancreatic insufficiency), IGJ, TOLLIP (lung function impairment)) were deemed suitable for further verification.MucoSweatOmic

    Next-Generation Sequencing for Venomics: Application of Multi-Enzymatic Limited Digestion for Inventorying the Snake Venom Arsenal

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    To improve the characterization of snake venom protein profiles, we report the application of a new generation of proteomic methodology to deeply characterize complex protein mixtures. The new approach, combining a synergic multi-enzymatic and a time-limited digestion (MELD), is a versatile and straightforward protocol previously developed by our group. The higher number of overlapping peptides generated during MELD increases the quality of downstream peptide sequencing and of protein identification. In this context, this work aims at applying the MELD strategy to a venomics purpose for the first time, and especially for the characterization of snake venoms. We used four venoms as the test models for this proof of concept: two Elapidae (Dendroaspis polylepis and Naja naja) and two Viperidae (Bitis arietans and Echis ocellatus). Each venom was reduced and alkylated before being submitted to two different protocols: the classical bottom-up proteomics strategy including a digestion step with trypsin only, or MELD, which combines the activities of trypsin, Glu-C and chymotrypsin with a limited digestion approach. The resulting samples were then injected on an M-Class chromatographic system, and hyphenated to a Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometer. Toxins and protein identification were performed by Peaks Studio X+. The results show that MELD considerably improves the number of sequenced (de novo) peptides and identified peptides from protein databases, leading to the unambiguous identification of a greater number of toxins and proteins. For each venom, MELD was successful, not only in terms of the identification of the major toxins (increasing of sequence coverage), but also concerning the less abundant cellular components (identification of new groups of proteins). In light of these results, MELD represents a credible methodology to be applied as the next generation of proteomics approaches dedicated to venomic analysis. It may open new perspectives for the sequencing and inventorying of the venom arsenal and should expand global knowledge about venom composition

    An engineered baculoviral protein and DNA co-delivery system for CRISPR-based mammalian genome editing

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    CRISPR-based DNA editing technologies enable rapid and accessible genome engineering of eukaryotic cells. However, the delivery of genetically encoded CRISPR components remains challenging and sustained Cas9 expression correlates with higher off-target activities, which can be reduced via Cas9-protein delivery. Here we demonstrate that baculovirus, alongside its DNA cargo, can be used to package and deliver proteins to human cells. Using protein-loaded baculovirus (pBV), we demonstrate delivery of Cas9 or base editors proteins, leading to efficient genome and base editing in human cells. By implementing a reversible, chemically inducible heterodimerization system, we show that protein cargoes can selectively and more efficiently be loaded into pBVs (spBVs). Using spBVs we achieved high levels of multiplexed genome editing in a panel of human cell lines. Importantly, spBVs maintain high editing efficiencies in absence of detectable off-targets events. Finally, by exploiting Cas9 protein and template DNA co-delivery, we demonstrate up to 5% site-specific targeted integration of a 1.8 kb heterologous DNA payload using a single spBV in a panel of human cell lines. In summary, we demonstrate that spBVs represent a versatile, efficient and potentially safer alternative for CRISPR applications requiring co-delivery of DNA and protein cargoes

    Wobble tRNA modification and hydrophilic amino acid patterns dictate protein fate.

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    peer reviewedRegulation of mRNA translation elongation impacts nascent protein synthesis and integrity and plays a critical role in disease establishment. Here, we investigate features linking regulation of codon-dependent translation elongation to protein expression and homeostasis. Using knockdown models of enzymes that catalyze the mcm(5)s(2) wobble uridine tRNA modification (U(34)-enzymes), we show that gene codon content is necessary but not sufficient to predict protein fate. While translation defects upon perturbation of U(34)-enzymes are strictly dependent on codon content, the consequences on protein output are determined by other features. Specific hydrophilic motifs cause protein aggregation and degradation upon codon-dependent translation elongation defects. Accordingly, the combination of codon content and the presence of hydrophilic motifs define the proteome whose maintenance relies on U(34)-tRNA modification. Together, these results uncover the mechanism linking wobble tRNA modification to mRNA translation and aggregation to maintain proteome homeostasis

    Bringing proteomics discovery studies towards clinical application requirements: guidelines and practical suggestions

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    Proteomics is the study of proteome which encompasses the nature and amounts of all the proteins present in a cell, or tissue at a given time and in a given condition. Differential proteomics refers to the determination of quantitative maps of protein expression from different biological where two or more conditions are compared (relative quantification). One of the main areas of research in quantitative differential proteomics is the discovery of biomarkers. At the biomolecular level, a biomarker is a molecule present at levels significantly different when a change of specific condition of health occurs. Differential quantitative proteomics generates a large list of proteins along with their relative abundances between different conditions and allows the identification of biomarker candidates. However, the approach is not straightforward and not all of the many differentially abundant proteins identified in proteomics studies become biomarkers used in clinical practice. The bottleneck is the reliability of the results of proteomics studies. The objectives of this work were therefore to develop and optimize methods using liquid chromatography hyphenated to mass spectrometry to obtain reliable results from proteomics discovery studies. These reliable results could be better leveraged for future clinical use. Based on the expertise gained, all relevant information is gather in a synthetic manner to draw guidelines, recommendations and practical advices to get reliable proteomics results

    Structure of New Ferroverdins Recruiting Unconventional Ferrous Iron Chelating Agents

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    Ferroverdins are ferrous iron (Fe2+)-nitrosophenolato complexes produced by a few Streptomyces species as a response to iron overload. Previously, three ferroverdins were identified: ferroverdin A, in which three molecules of p-vinylphenyl-3-nitroso-4-hydroxybenzoate (p-vinylphenyl-3,4-NHBA) are recruited to bind Fe2+, and Ferroverdin B and Ferroverdin C, in which one molecule of p-vinylphenyl-3,4-NHBA is substituted by hydroxy-p-vinylphenyl-3,4-NHBA, and by carboxy-p-vinylphenyl-3,4-NHBA, respectively. These molecules, especially ferroverdin B, are potent inhibitors of the human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and therefore candidate hits for the development of drugs that increase the serum concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, thereby diminishing the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In this work, we used high-resolution mass spectrometry combined with tandem mass spectrometry to identify 43 novel ferroverdins from the cytosol of two Streptomyces lunaelactis species. For 13 of them (designated ferroverdins C2, C3, D, D2, D3, E, F, G, H, CD, DE, DF, and DG), we could elucidate their structure, and for the other 17 new ferroverdins, ambiguity remains for one of the three ligands. p-formylphenyl-3,4-NHBA, p-benzoic acid-3,4-NHBA, 3,4-NHBA, p-phenylpropionate-3,4-NHBA, and p-phenyacetate-3,4-NHBA were identified as new alternative chelators for Fe2+-binding, and two compounds (C3 and D3) are the first reported ferroverdins that do not recruit p-vinylphenyl-3,4-NHBA. Our work thus uncovered putative novel CETP inhibitors or ferroverdins with novel bioactivities