3 research outputs found

    Smart Home Solutions Using Wi-Fi-based Hardware

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    Home automation technology has been increasingly important in our lives, since it offers numerous advantages, e.g., greater comfort, safety, security and energy efficiency. A smart home automation system usually includes a central computer with deployed home automation software and several distributed sensors and actuators. Wired connections between a central computer and sensor/actuator nodes are already well established, however, wireless solutions are an emerging trend. This work addresses smart home automation solutions that are based on wireless Wi-Fi network. Such solutions enable an upgrade of an existing house into a smart house without modifications of hardware installations. The article includes an overview of related works in this research field, and a case study of cost effective home automation solution that is based on open source home automation software and wireless, custom developed, Wi-Fi based hardware

    Development and manufacture of hardware of a local positioning system

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    V magistrskem delu je opisan potek izdelave prototipov strojnega dela lokalnega sistema za določanje položaja. Strojni del sestoji iz tiskanih vezij (napajalni in krmilni modul) in plastičnih s 3D tiskalnikom natisnjenih ohišij. Za delovanje sistema so potrebni vsaj štirje kompleti – 3x fiksni objekt (anchor) in 1x premikajoči objekt (tag), ki med seboj komunicirajo preko senzorskega modula DWM1000 in krmilnika ESP32-WROVER. Z uporabo metode trilateracije se na podlagi treh razdalj izračunava položaj premikajočega objekta v prostoru. Predstavljeni so tudi rezultati testiranja, ki je potekalo na poligonu brez ovir površine 4 m2 (kvadratno polje 2x2 m – s točkami na razdalji 25 cm).The master’s thesis describes the process of development and manufacture prototypes of hardware of a local positioning system. Hardware consists PCBs (power supply and control modules) and plastic 3D printed housings. At least four sets are required for the system to work - 3x fixed object (anchor) and 1x moving object (tag), which communicate with each other via the DWM1000 sensor module and the ESP32-WROVER controller. The position of the tag in specific area is calculated on the basis of three distances using the trilateration method. At the end the results of the testing on a polygon without obstacles with an area of 4 m2 (square field 2x2 m - with points at a distance of 25 cm) are presented

    Development and integration of wireless input/output modules into openhab home automation system

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    Diplomsko delo obravnava razvoj in izdelavo brezžičnih vhodno/izhodnih modulov ter njihovo integracijo v odprtokoden sistem hišne avtomatizacije openHAB. Celoten sistem hišne avtomatizacije je zgrajen hierarhično, pri čemer centralna enota (računalnik Raspberry Pi 3) s poslanimi sporočili vpliva na delovanje vhodno/izhodnih modulov. Komunikacija med centralno enoto in moduli je izvedena z uporabo brezžičnega Wi-fi omrežja in MQTT-protokola. Centralna enota, na kateri se izvaja sistem hišne avtomatizacije openHAB, mora biti za delovanje priključena v internetno omrežje. S tem je posledično omogočen oddaljen dostop preko mobilne aplikacije do programa openHAB in oddaljeno upravljanje izdelanih vhodno/izhodnih modulov.Diploma work treats development and production of wireless input/output modules and their integration into open source openHAB home automation system. Automation is performed according to the parameters set by user. The whole system has hierarchical structure, meaning that it has central unit (Raspberry Pi 3) which communicates with connected modules through messages. Communication between units is wireless via MQTT protocol. Home automation system openHAB is running on the central unit which must be connected to network. That means user has ability to remotely access the user interface from application which allows him to control his smart home