8 research outputs found
Cluster Renewal : complex Processes in Two Agricultural Engineering Clusters of North-Western Germany
This cumulative thesis contributes to the recent discussion in evolutionary economic geography research (EEG) on how regional industrial clusters evolve over time. It identifies a research gap in the understanding of socio-technical cluster renewal processes in the recent EEG literature. To face this gap, it introduces two concepts that did not play a prominent role in the EEG literature so far, but that allow a better understanding of the role of industry-specific as well as cluster-external factors for cluster renewal: the modes of innovation concept as well as the literature on geographies of sustainability transitions. The developed theoretical expectations are investigated in two qualitative case studies on two agricultural engineering clusters of North-Western Germany that experienced socio-technical re-orientation in the early 21st century: the Osnabrück-based farm trailer and the Vechta-based stable technology industries
From here, from there, and from beyond: endogenous and exogenous factors triggering change along the cluster life cycle in a multi-scalar environment
While explaining cluster internal impacts on cluster development, cluster life cycle theory fails to explain the influence of cluster external factors. Based on a multiscalar approach, this study investigates factors causing change within an agritech cluster applying a qualitative approach. Main shifts in cluster development and their inducing factors from multiple scalar and thematic contexts are investigated. Concluding, incremental changes are mainly induced by knowledge dynamics within the same industry, especially from the local level. Radical change is the result of an exogenous shock from the national institutional environment. In total, specific changes are induced by specific factors from specific scales
Clustererneuerung : komplexe Prozesse in zwei Agrarmaschinenbauclustern Nordwestdeutschlands
This cumulative thesis contributes to the recent discussion in evolutionary economic geography research (EEG) on how regional industrial clusters evolve over time. It identifies a research gap in the understanding of socio-technical cluster renewal processes in the recent EEG literature. To face this gap, it introduces two concepts that did not play a prominent role in the EEG literature so far, but that allow a better understanding of the role of industry-specific as well as cluster-external factors for cluster renewal: the modes of innovation concept as well as the literature on geographies of sustainability transitions. The developed theoretical expectations are investigated in two qualitative case studies on two agricultural engineering clusters of North-Western Germany that experienced socio-technical re-orientation in the early 21st century: the Osnabrück-based farm trailer and the Vechta-based stable technology industries
Wohnungspolitik und Wohnsituation im Land Bremen
Kern der vorliegenden Broschüre ist die Ergebnisdokumentation der Mieter-und Eigentümerbefragung, die die Arbeitnehmerkammer gemeinsam mit dem Statistischen Landesamt Anfang 2019 durchgeführt hat (Kapitel 3 bis 5). Die Ergebnisse zeichnen ein aufschlussreiches Bild über die sozialen und sozial-räumlichen Muster, bezogen auf die Belastung durch Wohnkosten im Land Breme
Alte Schätze - frischer Wind
Bremerhaven als Stadt der Vielfalt, als Vorzeigestandort für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften oder als Hotspot für kluge Köpfe? Welches Gesicht wollen wir der Seestadt der Zukunft geben?
Wir haben nach alten Schätzen gegraben, auf Bremerhavens Stärken gebaut, Visionen entwickelt und mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern darüber gesprochen, was sie an ihrer Stadt lieben und was sie sich von ihr wünschen. Herausgekommen ist ein buntes
Lesebuch, in dem deutlich wird, wie viele Ideen und Kompetenzen es hier zu entdecken gibt.
Auf 208 Seiten zeigen wir auf, was Bremerhaven auszeichnet, welche Schätze es zu heben gibt und wohin die Reise – vom frischen´Wind angetrieben – gehen könnte