45 research outputs found

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    Perilaku Konsumen Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 1s di Jakarta

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of price perception and internal quality on purchase decision of Xiaomi Redmi 1s. The data were collected from people who have purchased the Xiaomi Redmi 1s. Primary data is used throughout this study based on 200 respondents who purchased and used Xiaomi Redmi 1s. The data were collected through distribution of structured questionnaires whih used purposive sampling method. Tools of analysis in this study is multiple regression analysis, through the classical assumption and hypothesis test to see relationships between variables either partially or simultaneously. The results showed that price perception and itnernal quality were partially and simultaniously influenced to the purchase decision of Xiaomi Redmi 1s

    Evaluation of atrial septal defects with 4D flow MRI—multilevel and inter-reader reproducibility for quantification of shunt severity

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    Purpose: With the hypothesis that 4D flow can be used in evaluation of cardiac shunts, we seek to evaluate the multilevel and interreader reproducibility of measurements of the blood flow, shunt fraction and shunt volume in patients with atrial septum defect (ASD) in practice at multiple clinical sites. Materials and methods: Four-dimensional flow MRI examinations were performed at four institutions across Europe and the US. Twenty-nine patients (mean age, 43 years; 11 male) were included in the study. Flow measurements were performed at

    Evaluation of Employees Training Programmes in Improving Work Efficiency: The Case of Tanzania Electric Supply Company

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    This study involved making an evaluation of employees training programme in improving work efficiency focusing on the Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd (TANESCO) as the case study. Three objectives were to be achieved namely; to analyze the factors influencing development of training programme for employees, to evaluate the common methods used in training employees and to analyze the effects of training programme for employees in improving work. The samples of 92 employees were determined using non-probability sampling technique. The primary data was gathered by administering closed ended questionnaire and data analysis adopted quantitative method with the aid of descriptive statistics and SPSS program version 20. The finding results indicated that the planned factors specifically desire to move into new technology or enter into new businesses were the most influential factors of employees training in the company followed by unplanned factors specifically preparing employees for replacement of the resigned, died or ill employee and an anticipated factors such as expected retirement of jobholders and foreseeable change of technology. The on-the-job training method was common in training employees of the company specifically using job instructions and orientation. Effects of training on employees’ efficiency included equipping employees with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to meet deadlines and exposing employees into new ways or best practices of accomplishing work timely. From the results, it was learned that customer dissatisfaction with the services of the company was the result of training employees in many courses not related with customer service. This is because employees of company attended at least one training course though majority were not able to provide services to their clients timely. Therefore, the researcher recommends that in order the company to improve efficiency of employees specifically in the provision of the timely services to clients, the training programmes must be devised by including customer service courses into training programmes

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    Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

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