113 research outputs found

    The running performance and estimated energy cost of hurling specific small-sided games

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    The current study examined the extent to which pitch dimensions can influence the physical and estimated energetic demands of hurling small-sided games. Training data (n = 990) were collected from 24 (age 25.5 ± 3.2 years; height 178.9 ± 3.2 cm; body mass 78.5 ± 4.5 kg) hurling players using 4-Hz global positioning system technology (VX Sport, Lower Hutt, New Zealand). Total distance (m), high-speed running distance (m; ≥ 17 km/h), very high-speed running distance (m; ≥ 22 km/h), total accelerations (n), acceleration distance (m), peak and mean velocity (km/h) were considered. In addition changes in velocity were analysed by assessing the acceleration actions during SSG. This allowed for the assessment of estimated energy expenditure (kJ/kg) and the equivalent distance covered a different metabolic power thresholds. The main findings show that traditional speed-based data increased as pitch dimensions were increased (p = 0.002; d = 4.53 ± 0.46; very large). Furthermore, as relative player area increased there was an increase in estimated energy expenditure (p = 0.004; d = 2. 16 ± 0.20; very large) and average metabolic power metrics (p = 0.002; d = 1.13 ± 0.46; moderate). Distances covered at metabolic power categories (TP) increased with small-sided games pitch dimension (p = 0.002; d = 0.3 ± 0.06; small). The study enables coaches to better understand the physical demands imposed on players during specific hurling small-sided games pitch dimensions, and highlights that traditional speed-based data underestimate the running demands of small-sided games

    Applied Sport Science of Gaelic Football: A Review

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    The current review focuses on Gaelic football literature providing an insight into the physical characteristics of players, the demands of match-play, the injury profile, and nutritional considerations within the game. Since the first review of Gaelic football in 2001, an increased understanding of match dynamics has taken place through the application of movement analysis technology. In recent years, the evolution of the application of sport science provisions within Gaelic football has increased. This has resulted in researchers attempting to bridge the gap between the scientific laboratory and the applied practitioner. Overall, intermittent aerobic fitness remains important during competition, along with upper and lower body strength, speed and jump-based characteristics, with positional and seasonal variations present in Gaelic football. The stochastic nature of Gaelic football means distances covered during match-play will have an inherent positional profile, with gradual reductions in match-play running performance frequently observed. Monitoring training loads in combination with response variables, such as well-being, can allow practitioners to achieve optimal dose and response characteristics via training regimes. The risk of injury to elite Gaelic football players is significantly greater during match-play, compared to during training. 70% of injuries occur to the lower limb region, with hamstring and knee injuries being the most common. Furthermore, specific findings show that training days elicit the greatest deficits between intake and expenditure, as such practitioners should target specific nutritional interventions to ensure that players are optimally loaded for the energetic requirements of these sessions. The current review can provide information to coaches and practitioners around position-specific physical qualities, match-play demands, and concurrently, support the training process within Gaelic football

    The integration of internal and external training load metrics in hurling

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    The current study aimed to assess the relationship between the hurling player’s fitness profile and integrated training load (TL) metrics. Twenty-five hurling players performed treadmill testing for VO2max, the speed at blood lactate concentrations of 2 mmol•L-1 (vLT) and 4 mmol•L-1 (vOBLA) and the heart rate-blood lactate profile for calculation of individual training impulse (iTRIMP). The total distance (TD; m), high speed distance (HSD; m) and sprint distance (SD; m) covered were measured using GPS technology (4-Hz, VX Sport, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) which allowed for the measurement of the external TL. The external TL was divided by the internal TL to form integration ratios. Pearson correlation analyses allowed for the assessment of the relationships between fitness measures and the ratios to performance during simulated match play. External measures of the TL alone showed limited correlations with fitness measures. Integrated TL ratios showed significant relationships with fitness measures in players. TD:iTRIMP was correlated with aerobic fitness measures VO2max (r = 0.524; p = 0.006; 95% CI: 0.224 to 0.754; large) and vOBLA (r = 0.559; p = 0.003; 95% CI: 0.254 to 0.854; large). HSD:iTRIMP also correlated with aerobic markers for fitness vLT (r = 0.502; p = 0.009; 95% CI: 0.204 to 0.801; large); vOBLA (r = 0.407; p = 0.039; 95% CI: 0.024 to 0.644; moderate). Interestingly SD:iTRIMP also showed significant correlations with vLT (r = 0.611; p = 0.001; 95% CI: 0.324 to 0.754; large). The current study showed that TL ratios can provide practitioners with a measure of fitness as external performance alone showed limited relationships with aerobic fitness measures

    Quantifying The Training and Match-Play External and Internal Load of Elite Gaelic Football Players

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    The current investigation quantified the training and match-play load of elite Gaelic football players across a two-season period using global positioning system technology (GPS), rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and sessional rating of perceived exertion (sRPE). Total weekly workload variables were collected across GPS, RPE, and sRPE across thirty-six elite Gaelic footballers (mean ± SD, age: 26 ± 5 years; height: 177 ± 8 cm; mass: 81 ± 7 kg) from one elite squad during a two-season observational period. External training load variables included: Total distance (m), High speed running (m; ≥ 17.1 km·h −1 ), Sprint distance (m; 22 km·h −1 ), Accelerations (n), Average metabolic power (W·kg−1 ), High-power distance (m; ≥ 25 W·kg−1 ). Internal load variables included: sRPE and RPE. Repeated measures ANOVA were used to understand the differences in loading patterns across phases, position, and week types when significant main effects were observed a Tukey’s post hoc test was applied and standardized effect sizes were calculated to understand the practical meaning of these differences. When total weekly loading across phases was considered total load was significantly greater in club 1 and provincial 1 with these phases showing the highest loading for players when compared to all other phases (p ≤ 0.001; ES: 2.95–7.22; very large). Furthermore, in-season 1 was greater for total loading when compared to in-season 2 and both championship phases (p ≤ 0.05; ES: 0.47–0.54; small). Total distance in training was greater during preseason 1 when compared to all other phases of the season (p ≤ 0.001; ES: 2.95–7.22; very large). During the in-season period, training based total distance was higher during provincial 1 when compared to other phases with similar trends across all measures (p ≤ 0.005). Finally, a positional profile for load measures was observed, with weekly context (match or non-match) having an impact on the internal and external loading players experienced across phases. The current data provide useful information for practitioners on the training periodization currently present within the elite Gaelic football training process. Specifically, the data provide positional profiles of loading across weekly and segmented phased of an elite Gaelic football season. These data can increase understanding as to the periods of increased and decreased loading across different phases of an elite Gaelic football season, while providing a framework for future analysis concerning Gaelic football periodization

    Science and Hurling: A Review

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    Hurling is one of the world’s fastest field sports. Since the last review of science and Gaelic sports in 2008, there has been an increase in sports science provisions across elite and sub-elite cohorts, resulting in increased hurling-specific literature equating to an additional 111 research investigations into the game across all sports science disciplines. The present review aims to provide an updated analysis of the current research on the game and propose recommendations for future research. Overall, intermittent aerobic fitness remains an important physical quality during competition, with a focus on games-based training methodologies within the literature. Within the current review, we provide updated normative data on the running demands, physiological responses, and anthropometric and performance profiles of hurling players. The increased literature across the sport has led to the development of a hurling-specific simulation, that can now be utilised practically in training and research processes for hurling cohorts. Furthermore, the monitoring of internal and external training loads across training and match environments, in addition to response variables such as well-being, appears to have become more prominent, allowing practitioners to design training regimes to achieve optimal dose and response characteristics. Analysing the game from a scientific perspective can allow for more efficient preparatory practices, to meet the specific requirements of players at all age levels. Collaborative research among the various sports science disciplines, is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance performance in hurling. The current review provides updated information to coaches and practitioners regarding positionspecific physical qualities, and match-play demands that can concurrently support the training process within hurling

    Can the workload–injury relationship be moderated by improved strength, speed and repeated-sprint qualities?

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate potential moderators (i.e. lower body strength, repeated-sprint ability [RSA] and maximal velocity) of injury risk within a team-sport cohort. Design: Observational cohort study. Methods: Forty male amateur hurling players (age: 26.2 ± 4.4 year, height: 184.2 ± 7.1 cm, mass: 82.6 ± 4.7 kg) were recruited. During a two-year period, workload (session RPE × duration), injury and physical qualities were assessed. Specific physical qualities assessed were a three-repetition maximum Trapbar deadlift, 6 × 35-m repeated-sprint (RSA) and 5-, 10- and 20-m sprint time. All derived workload and physical quality measures were modelled against injury data using regression analysis. Odds ratios (OR) were reported against a reference group. Results: Moderate weekly loads between ≥1400 AU and ≤1900 AU were protective against injury during both the pre-season (OR: 0.44, 95% CI: 0.18–0.66) and in-season periods (OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.37–0.82) compared to a low load reference group (≤1200 AU). When strength was considered as a moderator of injury risk, stronger athletes were better able to tolerate the given workload at a reduced risk. Stronger athletes were also better able to tolerate larger week-to-week changes (>550–1000 AU) in workload than weaker athletes (OR = 2.54–4.52). Athletes who were slower over 5-m (OR: 3.11, 95% CI: 2.33–3.87), 10-m (OR: 3.45, 95% CI: 2.11–4.13) and 20-m (OR: 3.12, 95% CI: 2.11–4.13) were at increased risk of injury compared to faster athletes. When repeated-sprint total time (RSAt) was considered as a moderator of injury risk at a given workload (≥1750 AU), athletes with better RSAt were at reduced risk compared to those with poor RSAt (OR: 5.55, 95%: 3.98–7.94). Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that well-developed lower-body strength, RSA and speed are associated with better tolerance to higher workloads and reduced risk of injury in team-sport athletes. © 2018 Sports Medicine Australi

    The Integration of Internal and External Training Load Metrics in Hurling

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    The current study aimed to assess the relationship between the hurling player’s fitness profile and integrated training load (TL) metrics. Twenty-five hurling players performed treadmill testing for VO2max, the speed at blood lactate concentrations of 2 mmol•L-1 (vLT) and 4 mmol•L-1 (vOBLA) and the heart rate-blood lactate profile for calculation of individual training impulse (iTRIMP). The total distance (TD; m), high speed distance (HSD; m) and sprint distance (SD; m) covered were measured using GPS technology (4-Hz, VX Sport, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) which allowed for the measurement of the external TL. The external TL was divided by the internal TL to form integration ratios. Pearson correlation analyses allowed for the assessment of the relationships between fitness measures and the ratios to performance during simulated match play. External measures of the TL alone showed limited correlations with fitness measures. Integrated TL ratios showed significant relationships with fitness measures in players. TD:iTRIMP was correlated with aerobic fitness measures VO2max (r = 0.524; p = 0.006; 95% CI: 0.224 to 0.754; large) and vOBLA (r = 0.559; p = 0.003; 95% CI: 0.254 to 0.854; large). HSD:iTRIMP also correlated with aerobic markers for fitness vLT (r = 0.502; p = 0.009; 95% CI: 0.204 to 0.801; large); vOBLA (r = 0.407; p = 0.039; 95% CI: 0.024 to 0.644; moderate). Interestingly SD:iTRIMP also showed significant correlations with vLT (r = 0.611; p = 0.001; 95% CI: 0.324 to 0.754; large). The current study showed that TL ratios can provide practitioners with a measure of fitness as external performance alone showed limited relationships with aerobic fitness measures

    The Integration of Internal and External Training Load Metrics in Hurling

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    The current study aimed to assess the relationship between the hurling player’s fitness profile and integrated training load (TL) metrics. Twenty-five hurling players performed treadmill testing for VO2max, the speed at blood lactate concentrations of 2 mmol•L-1 (vLT) and 4 mmol•L-1 (vOBLA) and the heart rate-blood lactate profile for calculation of individual training impulse (iTRIMP). The total distance (TD; m), high speed distance (HSD; m) and sprint distance (SD; m) covered were measured using GPS technology (4-Hz, VX Sport, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) which allowed for the measurement of the external TL. The external TL was divided by the internal TL to form integration ratios. Pearson correlation analyses allowed for the assessment of the relationships between fitness measures and the ratios to performance during simulated match play. External measures of the TL alone showed limited correlations with fitness measures. Integrated TL ratios showed significant relationships with fitness measures in players. TD:iTRIMP was correlated with aerobic fitness measures VO2max (r = 0.524; p = 0.006; 95% CI: 0.224 to 0.754; large) and vOBLA (r = 0.559; p = 0.003; 95% CI: 0.254 to 0.854; large). HSD:iTRIMP also correlated with aerobic markers for fitness vLT (r = 0.502; p = 0.009; 95% CI: 0.204 to 0.801; large); vOBLA (r = 0.407; p = 0.039; 95% CI: 0.024 to 0.644; moderate). Interestingly SD:iTRIMP also showed significant correlations with vLT (r = 0.611; p = 0.001; 95% CI: 0.324 to 0.754; large). The current study showed that TL ratios can provide practitioners with a measure of fitness as external performance alone showed limited relationships with aerobic fitness measures

    Quantifying the domestic building fabric 'performance gap'

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    In the UK, there is mounting evidence that the measured in situ performance of the building fabric in new build dwellings can be greater than that predicted, resulting in a significant building fabric ‘performance gap’. This paper presents the coheating test results from 25 new build dwellings built to Part L1A 2006 or better. Whilst the total number of dwellings reported here is small, the results suggest that a substantial ‘performance gap’ can exist between the predicted and measured performance of the building fabric, with the measured whole building U-value being just over 1.6 times greater than that predicted. This is likely to have significant implications in terms of the energy use and CO2 emissions attributable to these dwellings in-use
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