1,371 research outputs found

    Effect of C-face 4H-SiC(0001) deposition on thermopower of single and multilayer graphene in AA, AB and ABC stacking

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    The Seebeck coefficient in multilayer graphene is investigated within the density-functional theory, using the semiclassical Boltzmann equations and interpolating the bands in a maximally-localized Wannier functions basis set. We compare various graphene stackings (AA, AB and ABC) both free-standing and deposited on a 4H4H-SiC(0001) C-terminated substrate. We find that the presence of the SiC substrate can significantly affect the thermopower properties of graphene layers, depending on the stacking, providing a promising way to tailor efficient graphene-based devices.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Unambiguous events and dynamic Choquet preferences.

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    This paper explores the relationship between dynamic consistency and existing notions of unambiguous events for Choquet expected utility preferences. A decision maker is faced with an information structure represented by a filtration. We show that the decision maker’s preferences respect dynamic consistency on a fixed filtration if and only if the last stage of the filtration is composed of unambiguous events in the sense of Nehring (Math Social Sci 38:197–213, 1999). Adopting two axioms, conditional certainty equivalence consistency and constrained dynamic consistency to filtration measurable acts, it is shown that the decision maker respects these two axioms on a fixed filtration if and only if the last stage of the filtration is made up of unambiguous events in the sense of Zhang (Econ Theory 20:159–181, 2002).Choquet expected utility; Unambiguous events; Filtration; Updating; Dynamic consistency; Consequentialism;

    Nowe formy organizacji działalności usługowej i ich rola w rozwoju gospodarczym Poznania na przykładzie centrów usług wspólnych

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the activity of Shared Service Centers located in Poznan and their role in the economic development of the city. This article is based on surveys conducted in 2011, in ten centers in Poznań, which concerned, among other things: themes of location, type of services provided, scope of impact. Creating a shared services centers on the one hand brings savings to the corporation (which is the main purpose of their creation), but also is a benefit for the country and the region in which they are located. Their impact on the economic development of the region or city in which they are located can be analyzed in the following aspects: (1) creating new jobs, (2) increase the level of human capital, (3) increase the level of innovation. During the global economic crisis and the continuous growth of unemployment especially among young people, a very important issue is to increase employment opportunities for well-educated young educated people. Most of the employment of service centers is at a high level, so their demand for workers is not without significance in the local labor market. Another aspect, also related to the labor market is the impact of service centers on the formation of human capital at the local level. The increase in demand for specialists in the field (eg. IT or finance, as is the case in Poznan) becomes a stimulus to the development of this sphere of education. So, beyond the influence on employment, further contributing to raising the level of education, increase competence among persons of labor force. Service centers are also an important element of the transfer of new technologies, helping to raise the level of innovation in the region.Celem artykułu jest analiza działalności centrów usług wspólnych zlokalizowanych w Poznaniu i ich rola w rozwoju gospodarczym miasta. Artykuł powstał w oparciu o badania ankietowe przeprowadzone w 2011 r., w dziesięciu poznańskich centrach, które dotyczyły międz

    Outsourcing w przedsiębiorstwach aglomeracji poznańskiej

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    The aim of this article is to describe the state and perspectives of the development of outsourcing in enterprises of Poznań agglomeration. The analysis is based on the results of research carried out in companies located in Poznań agglomeration in June 2017. The study was conducted using questionnaire interviewing techniques in 412 companies. The results of the research lead to the following conclusions. The outsourcing market is dominated by two types: ITO (IT) and BPO (business services – in this case mainly accounting and accounting services) (Puślecki 2008). When deciding on outsourcing, the company expects mainly cost reductions, as keeping their own employees is more expensive than outsourcing. Outsourcing also enables them to smoothly adapt to fluctuations in demand and to improve service quality. The use of outsourcing is mainly connected with large and medium-sized manufacturing companies, but small business services are becoming more and more common in this form of cooperation. Exceptions are micro-enterprises, which, due to their limited scale of operation, carry out all accounting, computer-related activities, etc., on their own. Business declarations related to further plans for resigning from own resources for outsourced businesses, allow us to conclude, that the majority of the surveyed companies have already completed the restructuring processes associated with the organization of the service activity. The use of outsourcing is already a common strategy, and any further reductions in employment associated with it are no longer as common as in the early 2000s.W dobie postępującej globalizacji i wzrastającej konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa, kierując się redukcją kosztów oraz strategią działania polegającą na koncentracji na kluczowych – z punktu widzenia firmy – działalnościach, coraz częściej wykorzystują outsourcing. Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka stanu i perspektyw rozwoju outsourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach aglomeracji poznańskiej. Analiza opiera się na wynikach badań przeprowadzonych w przedsiębiorstwach zlokalizowanych na terenie Poznania i powiatu poznańskiego w czerwcu 2017 r. W badaniach wykorzystano technikę wywiadu kwestionariuszowego, objęto nimi 412 przedsiębiorstw

    Zróżnicowanie poziomu rozwoju nowoczesnych usług w Polsce

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    W dobie intensywnego postępu technologicznego, postępującej globalizacji i wzrastającej konkurencyjności coraz większego znaczenia nabierają nowoczesne usługi, które stają się niezbędne w rozwoju współczesnej gospodarki. Celem artykułu jest: (1) próba identyfikacji nowoczesnych usług w oparciu o współczesną literaturę przedmiotu, (2) charakterystyka poziomu rozwoju nowoczesnych usług w Polsce, (3) analiza zróżnicowania poziomu rozwoju usług nowoczesnych w Polsce w układzie województw. Dane wykorzystane w analizie pochodzą z banku danych lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego oraz Eurostatu. W pracy wykorzystano wskaźnik syntetyczny Perkala, analizę korelacji oraz analizę skupień. Wyniki badań prowadzą do wniosku, że w ujęciu całościowym wysokim poziomem rozwoju usług nowoczesnych charakteryzują się województwa: mazowieckie oraz małopolskie, dolnośląskie i pomorskie. Niskim poziomem usług nowoczesnych cechują się przede wszystkim słabe gospodarczo województwa wschodniej Polski oraz województwa: lubuskie i świętokrzystkie. Regionalny rozkład wartości wskaźnika syntetycznego poziomu rozwoju usług nowoczesnych w wyraźny sposób nawiązuje do rozkładu ogólnego poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego województw

    Argumentation Ethics, Self-Ownership, and Hohfeldian Analysis of Rights

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    This research was funded in whole or in part by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant number no. 2020/39/B/HS5/00610. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC-BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.This paper applies a Hohfeldian analysis of rights to Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s argumentation ethics, particularly to its crucial premise that it is impossible to deny argumentatively one’s opponent’s self-ownership right without falling thereby into a performative contra- diction; for one’s act of denying it presupposes this very right as its own condition of possibility. This paper argues that a properly construed Hohfeldian analysis supports the above claim