85 research outputs found

    Intentionally disordered superlattices with high dc conductance

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    We study disordered quantum-well-based semiconductor superlattices where the disorder is intentional and short-range correlated. Such systems consist of quantum-wells of two different thicknesses randomly distributed along the growth direction, with the additional constraint that wells of one kind always appears in pairs. Imperfections due to interface roughness are considered by allowing the quantum-well thicknesses to fluctuate around their {\em ideal} values. As particular examples, we consider wide-gap (GaAs-Ga1−x_{1-x}Alx_{x}As) and narrow-gap (InAs-GaSb) superlattices. We show the existence of a band of extended states in perfect correlated disordered superlattices, giving rise to a strong enhancement of their finite-temperature dc conductance as compared to usual random ones whenever the Fermi level matches this band. This feature is seen to survive even if interface roughness is taken into account. Our predictions can be used to demonstrate experimentally that structural correlations inhibit the localization effects of disorder, even in the presence of imperfections. This effect might be the basis of new, filter-like or other specific-purpose electronic devices.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 20 pages, 7 uuencoded compressed PostScript figures as a separate file. Submitted to IEEE J Quantum Elec

    Understanding delocalization in the Continuous Random Dimer model

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    We propose an explanation of the bands of extended states appearing in random one dimensional models with correlated disorder, focusing on the Continuous Random Dimer model [A.\ S\'{a}nchez, E.\ Maci\'a, and F.\ Dom\'\i nguez-Adame, Phys.\ Rev.\ B {\bf 49}, 147 (1994)]. We show exactly that the transmission coefficient at the resonant energy is independent of the number of host sites between two consecutive dimers. This allows us to understand why are there bands of extended states for every realization of the model as well as the dependence of the bandwidths on the concentration. We carry out a perturbative calculation that sheds more light on the above results. In the conclusion we discuss generalizations of our results to other models and possible applications which arise from our new insight of this problem.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 4 pages, 4 figures (hard copy on request from [email protected]), Submitted to Phys Rev

    Absence of extended states in a ladder model of DNA

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    We consider a ladder model of DNA for describing carrier transport in a fully coherent regime through finite segments. A single orbital is associated to each base, and both interstrand and intrastrand overlaps are considered within the nearest-neighbor approximation. Conduction through the sugar-phosphate backbone is neglected. We study analytically and numerically the spatial extend of the corresponding states by means of the Landauer and Lyapunov exponents. We conclude that intrinsic-DNA correlations, arising from the natural base pairing, does not suffice to observe extended states, in contrast to previous claims.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 4 figures include

    Transport in random quantum dot superlattices

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    We present a novel model to calculate single-electron states in random quantum dot superlattices made of wide-gap semiconductors. The source of disorder comes from the random arrangement of the quantum dots (configurational disorder) as well as spatial inhomogeneities of their shape (morphological disorder). Both types of disorder break translational symmetry and prevent the formation of minibands, as occurs in regimented arrays of quantum dots. The model correctly describes channel mixing and broadening of allowed energy bands due to elastic scattering by disorder
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