17 research outputs found

    Why Do Transnationally Mobile People Volunteer? Insights From a Swiss Case Study

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    Based on 44 qualitative interviews with transnationally mobile people engaged in 28 different associations in Switzerland, this article tries to understand the motives behind the choice to volunteer, i.e. to actively and regularly engage in associations. These interviews reveal the great importance of associations in fostering inclusion in both the new living place and the place of origin. They further reveal that mobile people, no matter where they come from or why they are on the move, turn to associations for similar motives. In order of importance, they turn to associations to secure material advantages, to find ways of defining their identity in a manner that is both coherent and compatible with the host society and to socialize with people who are thought of as trustworthy

    Transkulturelle und transkategoriale Kompetenz : Lehrbuch zum Umgang mit Vielfalt, Verschiedenheit und Diversity für Pflege-, Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe

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    Textbook on dealing with transcultural differences and diversity for nursing, health and social professions

    Sind Drogen gefährlich? Gefährlichkeitsabschätzungen psychoaktiver Substanzen

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    Seit Jahren debattieren Expertinnen und Experten über die richtigen Methoden, um die Gefährlichkeit alter und neuer psychoaktiver Substanzen abschätzen zu können. Dies mit dem Ziel, die Drogenpolitik so auszurichten, dass nicht moralische, politisch-ideologische oder ökonomische Kriterien für die Regulierung gewisser Substanzen ausschlaggebend sind, sondern rationale, wissenschaftliche und evidenzbasierte Kriterien. In diesem Text werden diese Debatten kritisch analysiert. Einen Kommentar dazu liefern Pascal Strupler, Direktor des Bundesamts für Gesundheit, Toni Berthel, Astrid Wühtrich und Silvia Gallego von Seiten der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Drogenfragen (EKDF). Im Anhang finden sich die Empfehlungen der EKDF zum Bericht

    Why Do Transnationally Mobile People Volunteer? Insights From a Swiss Case Study

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    Based on 44 qualitative interviews with transnationally mobile people engaged in 28 different associations in Switzerland, this article tries to understand the motives behind the choice to volunteer, i.e. to actively and regularly engage in associations. These interviews reveal the great importance of associations in fostering inclusion in both the new living place and the place of origin. They further reveal that mobile people, no matter where they come from or why they are on the move, turn to associations for similar motives. In order of importance, they turn to associations to secure material advantages, to find ways of defining their identity in a manner that is both coherent and compatible with the host society and to socialize with people who are thought of as trustworthy

    Les drogues sont-elles dangereuses? Estimations de la dangerosité des substances psychoactives

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    Depuis des années, les experts et expertes ont débattu des méthodes appropriées pour pouvoir évaluer la dangerosité des anciennes et des nouvelles substances psychoactives. Ceci dans le but de rectifier la politique drogue de manière à ne pas laisser prédominer des critères moraux, politico-idéologiques ou économiques sur la régulation de certaines substances, mais bien plutôt des critères rationnels, scientifiques et étayés sur des éléments de preuve. Dans ce texte, ces discussions sont analysées de façon critique. Un commentaire à leur sujet est également fourni par Pascal Strupler, directeur de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, Toni Berthel, Astrid Wühtrich et Silvia Gallego pour le compte de la Commission fédérale pour les questions liées aux drogues (CFLD). En annexe, vous trouverez les recommandations de la CFLD au sujet de ce rapport

    Die Gefährlichkeit von Drogen: ein multidimensionaler Ansatz

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    Eine Metanalyse zu Gefährlichkeitsabschätzungen zeigt auf, dass es kaum möglich ist, einzelne psychoaktive Substanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Gefährlichkeit zu beurteilen, unabhängig vom Forschungszugang. Stattdessen sollten der Konsumkontext, individuelle Prädispositionen, der Konsumbeginn, die konsumierten Substanzen, die Dosis und die Konsumart als Kriterien für individuelle Gefährlichkeitsabschätzungen dienen

    Healthcare and Social Services in the Face of Complex and Plural Identities

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    When people at risk of discrimination on multiple grounds or experiencing identity- based oppression meet healthcare and social services, their complex life stories often result in mistrust and prejudice. The aim of this article is to show how individuals themselves locate their multiple dimensions of difference in specific situations and contexts and how they perceive the ways in which healthcare and social services encounter them. We further point out how the different social divisions are enmeshed with and influenced by each other in given situations and contexts. The article points out that dynamics of mistrust and prejudice can not be overcome by treating people equally, as that approach would require abstracting from individuals' specificities and ignoring asymmetries in the relationship between institutions and their clients. As the article shows, what is required instead is a practice of creating trust and responding to individual differences societies produce. Methodologically, we worked with in-depth interviews conducted with 22 persons in the Geneva region (during 2012) who possessed at least two categories of difference related to their sexual orientation, their physical and psychological abilities, and/or their origins. The number of interviewed people was determined by the logic of saturation. Based on these 22 in-depth interviews with people at risk of discrimination on multiple grounds and experiencing identity-based oppression, this study describes dynamics of incomprehension between them and healthcare and social services and how they might be overcome