2,520 research outputs found

    Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes among Immigrants in Southern Italy

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    Background/aims. This study aims to determine the distribution and clinical features of HBV-genotypes in a population of immigrants affected by HBV-infection. Methods. Between 01/2003 and 03/2009, 1623 immigrants were tested for HBV-infection. Biochemical and virological activities were determined in HBsAg-positive patients; HBV-genotypes were determined, by the INNO-LiPA HBV Genotyping, in the subjects with HBV DNA detectable. In every patient we evaluated the stage and classified the infection as inactive carrier, mild or moderate/severe chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and/or HCC. Results. Among the tested subjects, 191 (11.7%) resulted HBsAg-positive, and in 144/191 (75.4%) serum HBV-DNA was detectable. The genotype distribution was as follows: 45,13% genotype E, 18,1% genotype D, 15,3% genotype B, 13,2% genotype C, 4,9% genotype A, 3,5% mixed genotypes (A–D). The evaluation of liver disease degree showed that 24.6% patients were inactive carriers of HBV infection, 19.4% presented a immunotolerance phase, 34.5% had mild chronic hepatitis, 13.6% had a moderate/severe chronic hepatitis, 6.3% had cirrhosis, and 1.6% presented HCC. Conclusions. Our study evidences a high prevalence of HBV-infection in immigrants, and the potentiality of migratory flow in the introduction of genotype non-D hepatitis B virus. The Hepatitis B virus genotypes presented significant differences in epidemiological and clinical characteristics

    A study on the sexual and contraception behaviours of the pre-university students in Puglia (South-Italy)

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    Introduction. The aim of the present study is to determine attitude and associated factors towards the use of methods of protection/contraception. Methods. In August 2008, a study was carried out using a self-administered standardised anonymous questionnaire. It was administered to school-leavers who were attending a study course at Bari University. Results. The total number of questionnaires returned was 1091, the average age of the interviewed subjects was 19.6. Those declaring to have had sexual intercourse at least once was 88%. Of those sexually active, the average age at first intercourse was 16.8, and 75.2% stated that they had used some form of contraception on this occasion. The condom was the most popular method employed, followed by withdrawal and by contraceptive pills. Around 20% of the interviewees indicated that they used emergency post-coital contraception. Discussion. The study results emphasise the importance of an effective teaching of the aspects of sex and relationship education before puberty

    FT-IR Investigation of the Structural Changes of Sulcis and South Africa Coals under Progressive Heating in Vacuum: Correlation with Volatile Matter

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    The analysis of gas evolving during the pyrolysis of two very different rank coals was studied by using FT-IR spectroscopy. These coals, coming from Sulcis (Sardinia, Italy) and from South Africa, respectively, were subjected to progressive heating up to 800°C in vacuum. The thermal destruction of coal was followed by monitoring the production of gases in this range of temperature. The gases evolving in the heating from room temperature to 800°C were collected at intervals of 100°C and analysed by infrared spectroscopy. The relative pressures were plotted against temperature. These graphs clearly show the correlation among qualitative gas composition, temperature, and the maximum value of emissions, thus confirming FT-IR analysis as a powerful key for pyrolysis monitoring

    Post-marketing surveillance study of the DTaP2-IPV-HB-Hib (Hexyon) vaccine administered in preterm infants in the Apulia region, Italy, in 2017.

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    Recommendations in many countries state that preterm infants (PTIs) should receive the same routine immunization schedule and timing as for full-term births, according to their chronological age. Data regarding hexavalent vaccine safety in PTIs are still limited. We conducted a post-marketing surveillance study of the DTaP2-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine administered to PTIs in Apulia region, Italy. We identified PTIs by selecting the hospital discharge records of infants born between January and June 2017 using the DRG and ICD-9-CM codes for preterm birth, and we matched these data with records included in the regional immunization registry. We analyzed coverage and timeliness of vaccination. To investigate adverse events (AEs) after the first dose, we interviewed via phone the parents of PTIs vaccinated with at least one dose of the DTaP2-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine. At the time of our analysis (31.12.2017), 866/936 (92.5%) PTIs received the first dose of hexavalent vaccine and 539/936 (57.6%) were vaccinated by the third month of age, as recommended; 700/866 (80.8%) received the DTaP2-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine. The parents of 339 PTIs vaccinated with the DTaP2-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine reported local pain as the most common reaction (35.7% of the children). Erythema, swelling, induration and nodule were also reported in about 25% of the children. Systemic adverse events were generally rarer than local reactions. No serious AEs were reported. Our findings showed that more than 40% of PTIs received delayed hexavalent vaccination. This study showed a reassuring safety profile of the vaccine in the preterm population and may be considered as a pilot for further real-world studies

    An audit of TB prevention on Italian health care workers

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is considered an occupational disease in health care workers. The aim of this study is to asses the state of tuberculosis prevention among the personnel of the Vaccina- tion Services of the Puglia Region (Italy), who were given an interview-based standardised questionnaire. Of the 302 replies, TB screening had been undergone by 80.5%, whom 78.6% took advice by the occupational health physician. Of those who were negative to the PPD skin test, 60.6% had received BCG, whom 78% took vaccination advice by the occupational health physi- cian. In Italy, the procedures for the monitoring and prevention of tuberculosis are a consolidated practice for occupational health physicians

    Catalytic conversion of grass biomass to chemicals and biofuels

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    Lignocellulosic biomass can be converted into platform chemicals, such as 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde and levulinic acid (LA), by acid hydrothermal treatment. This route represents a sustainable solution to the increasing demand of these chemicals, allowing security of supply and economic advantage, in particular when cheap raw materials or agricultural residues are employed as substrates. Now we have studied a novel process for the complete and efficient acid-catalyzed exploitation of grass raw biomass. Giant reed, sorghum and miscanthus were used as starting materials for LA production. LA was successively hydrogenated to gamma-valerolactone (GVL) which is not only a sustainable liquid but also a valuable fuel additive and a precursor for new biofuels.The combined hydrogenation-decarboxylation of levulinic acid and of GVL to give 2-butanol and methyl-THF were also studied in the presence of Ru, Pd and Re catalytic systems

    Imitation and communication skills development in children with pervasive developmental disorders

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    This study evaluates the correlation between failure to develop spontaneous imitation and language skills in pervasive developmental disorders. Sixty-four children between the age of 3 and 8 years were assessed using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), as well as direct observation of imitation. The sample was subdivided into a verbal and a nonverbal group. Analysis of mean scores on the CARS “imitation” items and of ADI-R “spontaneous imitation” and “pointing to express interest” revealed a statistically significant difference between verbal and nonverbal groups, with more severe impairment/higher scores in the nonverbal than the verbal group. These results suggest that nonverbal children have specifically impaired imitation and pointing skills

    Monitoring/characterization of stickies contaminants coming from a papermaking plant - Toward an innovative exploitation of the screen rejects to levulinic acid

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    Recycled paper needs a lot of mechanical/chemical treatments for its re-use in the papermaking process. Some of these ones produce considerable rejected waste fractions, such as ". screen rejects", which include both cellulose fibers and non-fibrous organic contaminants, or ". stickies", these last representing a shortcoming both for the papermaking process and for the quality of the final product. Instead, the accepted fractions coming from these unit operations become progressively poorer in contaminants and richer in cellulose. Here, input and output streams coming from mechanical screening systems of a papermaking plant using recycled paper for cardboard production were sampled and analyzed directly and after solvent extraction, thus confirming the abundant presence of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers in the output rejected stream and cellulose in the output accepted one.Despite some significant drawbacks, the ". screen reject" fraction could be traditionally used as fuel for energy recovery within the paper mill, in agreement with the integrated recycled paper mill approach. The waste, which still contains a cellulose fraction, can be also exploited by means of the hydrothermal route to give levulinic acid, a platform chemical of very high value added