125 research outputs found

    The structure of space: cubism and modernism. Figures and icons in Josef Gočár's work

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    This research paper relates to a number of works by Josef Gočár, a Bohemian architect who was active in a time period between "Cubist" vanguardism and "Rationalist" modernism. The theme regards the search for a general method which evaluates the key elements of the structure of space in architectural design. The main asset of architectural composition has traditionally been the close association between the syntactic order of the elements and a semantic perception of space. The aim of this essay is to explore the relation between the role of the experimental design regarding the multiple and changeable architectural experience and the creative process of architectural work. The methodological experience hereby demonstrated refers to a specific case study that belongs to the scientific research carried out by Gočár and his researchers' group at the Prague Fine Arts Academy (AVU). His work is hereby re-interpreted in an effort to explore the experiential contribution to the architectural design discipline, and the figurative aspect, by reexamining various characteristics of his practical experience as an architect involved in the civic priorities of the city, from the scale of urban settlement to the individual design work

    Urban Morphology, Identity, Heritage, and Reconstruction Processes in Middle East Post-War Scenarios: The Case of Mosul Old City

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    The theme of architectural reconstruction has gained significant prominence within the discipline of architecture, intersecting with the increasing complexity of contemporary events, especially complex socio-political scenarios, including deliberate city destruction, often referred to as urbicide. Preservation strategies that safeguard the memory and values embedded in places have become imperative to protect this urban tangible and intangible heritage. This study explores the application of architectural reconstruction in the post-war context of Mosul (Iraq) dealing mainly with the selection of traces, combining a strategy based half on physical evidences, half on the reconstruction of memory devices, intertwining them to an operative procedure hopefully supporting urban reconstruction. The study's results indicate that architectural interventions focused on revitalizing these symbolic spaces play a pivotal role in reconstituting the inhabitants' habits and sense of community in Mosul. The projects, including the Souk, the Great Mosque and districts, successfully address various challenges, including the harmonious fusion of tradition and modernization, the delicate balance between memory and oblivion, and the careful negotiation between reconstruction and restoration

    Architettura è Vita

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    Recensione al libro Autore: Pedagogie architettonicheTitolo: Scuole, didattica e progetto Collana: AAC - Architettura, Arti CittàLingua: italiano/inglese Editore: Accademia University PressCaratteristiche: formato 21X21 cm, brossura, coloriISBN: 978-88-99982-69-0Anno: 201

    The memory of architecture and its continuity behind the urban memory

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    The problem addressed in this research is that of the representation of socio-political power of the dominating group in the built environment. The city of Warsaw serves as a case study to identify the process of transformation of urban identity through the reconstruction after the war damages. From the lens of European identity some other case studies, such as Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia. All these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what was called the Iron Curtain under the Soviet sphere and for various reasons have suffered more or less extensive destruction. Specifically, after major destruction during WW2, the urban form of Warsaw represents the material character of the city's history, largely excluding the main narratives of its former numerous Jewish communities as an important source of identity formation. The purpose of the study is to understand how this process came about, and how a sense of continuity with the past can be re-established. Addressing the case of Warsaw, four main issues are here evaluated: 1) expressions of power represented by zoning and its transfer to the creation of historic districts; 2) the origins of disparity of physical historical and contemporary environment; 3) problems within the field of architecture and urbanism in Eastern Europe and their relationship to the context. Through the linear relationship between architecture, memory and urban transformation this paper reports, works as agent of continuity, which in conjunction with the role of memory in the cross-time experiences brings the full experience of the past still alive in the present, by a projection to the future

    Decommissioned micro urban structures. Urban regeneration and architectural design: the case of Fidenza (PR)

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    The subject of this research, on the issue of urban regeneration, concerns the phenomenon of the decommissioned micro urban structures, a situation extended to many small European cities that requires the application of specific proceedings. In the current situation of economic contraction, the micro decommission of urban structure phenomenon is broad and extended to different city levels. However, thought economic cycles have shown the ability to allow the redistribution and the recovery of the de-industrialized large areas in a consolidated metropolis, in small European cities, referring to more restricted areas, the urban disposals progression goes on, as a result of the dispersion of urban functions in the suburban space, called sprawl. This research aims to address this issue through the development of unitary process for small cities belonging to metropolitan areas

    Micro-dismissioni urbane. Rigenerazione urbana e progetto di architettura: il caso di Fidenza (PR)

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    The subject of this research, on the issue of urban regeneration, concerns the phenomenon of the decommissioned micro urban structures, a situation extended to many small European cities that requires the application of specific proceedings. In the current situation of economic contraction, the micro decommission of urban structure phenomenon is broad and extended to different city levels. However, thought economic cycles have shown the ability to allow the redistribution and the recovery of the de-industrialized large areas in a consolidated metropolis, in small European cities, referring to more restricted areas, the urban disposals progression goes on, as a result of the dispersion of urban functions in the suburban space, called sprawl. This research aims to address this issue through the development of unitary process for small cities belonging to metropolitan areas

    The construction of architectural thought between ideological reason and iconological act

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