37 research outputs found

    qRT-PCR for enterovirus detection: Conversion to ultrafast protocols

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    Enterovirus group (EV) still causes significant morbidity with economic impact worldwide. Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) technology offers many advantages over to conventional RT-PCR in terms of rapidity and specificity. The TaqMan hydrolysis probe technique and Syber Green I intercalating dye strategy are by then largely used. Several published protocols are applied routinely for EV detection in food and environmental analysis advanced in chemical strategies and thermal profiles, in order to reduce the response times. In this study an Ultra-Fast protocol to detect and quantify EV RNA genome was tested and the application prospective of the protocol was described and discussed. The assay effectiveness was evaluated comparing two different set of primers/probe, targeting a 5′UTR region of EV genome. Three different oligonucleotides concentration were tested: 200 nM, 250 nM and 300 nM for TaqMan technique whereas 200 nM, 300 nM and 400 nM were employed for Syber Green I chemistry. The results demonstrated the validity of this Ultra-Fast approach, compared to the Traditional and Fast protocols. The best performance was obtained using 200 nM of proper oligonucleotides, in both of the chemical strategies tested. The response time of analysis was reduced at 50′ (probe) and 57′ (intercalating dye) per run, against the other longer protocols. The oligonucleotides features can affect the assay performance and should satisfy specific characteristics. Keywords: Enterovirus, qRT-PCR, Ultra-Fast protoco

    Chemistry through tattoo inks: a multilevel approach to a practice on the rise for eliciting interest in chemical education

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    Within the framework of a nationwide project to boost students’ enrollment in scientific disciplines in Italy, a multilevel science project was designed with a focus on the chemistry of tattoo inks, offering immediate connection with 16−18 year-old high school students. The approach takes into account time constraints, since all sessions have a maximum span of 8 h, and the heterogeneity of the audience, made up of students without background restrictions. Tattoos are perceived as a form of body art and can be conveniently used as the “A” in the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) methodology. The project involved active lectures and guided inquiry into the simple chemical concepts related to tattoo inks, addressed in practical units with multioutcome experiments and comparative instrumental analysis. The connections with correlated issues, such as norms regarding tattoo ink composition and verification, were also discussed. The efficacy of the tattoo ink Scientific Degree Plan experience was then evaluated through two types of surveys: one on the enjoyment of the plan and the other on mastery of the chemical concepts at the end of the experience


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    One of the fields where DES show remarkable added-values is the synthesis of inorganic materials, in particular nanoparticles. In this field, the inherent and highly-tunable nano homogeneities of DES structure give origin to a marked templating effect, a precious role that has led to the recent bloom of a vast number of studies exploiting these new synthesis media to prepare nanomaterials and composite structures of various kinds. In this contribution, the most recent developments in the field will be reviewed and some exciting examples of novel metal oxide nanoparticles syntheses using non-toxic type-IV Deep Eutectic Solvents will be described. The prepared materials possess nanometric dimensions and show flower-like/thin layered shapes. Use of the prepared nanoparticles as fluorescent materials for the detection of various contaminants is under development

    Recent advances in the synthesis of inorganic materials using environmentally friendly media

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    Deep Eutectic Solvents have gained a lot of attention in the last few years because of their vast applicability in a large number of technological processes, the simplicity of their preparation and their high biocompatibility and harmlessness. One of the fields where DES prove to be particularly valuable is the synthesis and modification of inorganic materials—in particular, nanoparticles. In this field, the inherent structural inhomogeneity of DES results in a marked templating effect, which has led to an increasing number of studies focusing on exploiting these new reaction media to prepare nanomaterials. This review aims to provide a summary of the numerous and most recent achievements made in this area, reporting several examples of the newest mixtures obtained by mixing molecules originating from natural feedstocks, as well as linking them to the more consolidated methods that use “classical” DES, such as reline

    Green zinc/galactomannan-based hydrogels push up the photovoltage of quasi solid aqueous dye sensitized solar cells

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    In the present work, we implement environmentally friendly water-based quasi-solid electrolytes (QSE) for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), displaying an unprecedent open circuit voltage (VOC) as high as 750 mV. the production of the hydrogel for QSE-DSSCs is achieved by exploiting the concept of fully green design and fabrication, through the selection of components such as the natural polysaccharide galactomannan (GM), biocompatible zinc salts, and the employment of eco-friendly synthetic procedures to produce the hybrid gelating agents. In the process, moderate temperature (<40 °C), only aqueous solutions are employed, and, at most, ethanol is used in some phases of the procedure. depending on the type of the initial salt, either zinc hydroxysulfate lamellae or zinc oxide nanoparticles are created within the gel matrix, with a more extended nanoporous structure in the latter case. the nanostructures and the gels are investigated by multiple techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Upon ensuing addition of I-/I3- redox mediator and assembling of the device, state-of-the-art aqueous QSE-DSSCs are achieved. The latter couples a 2 % efficiency (limited by charge diffusion as proved by electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy) with a good average visible transmittance (AVT), and light utilization efficiency (LUE), a couple of coveted features in wave-selective or semi-transparent devices. finally, linear response-time dependent DFT (LR-TDDFT) simulations are carried out on a model iodine/iodide layered zinc hydroxy sulphate structure towards a better understanding of the mechanism responsible for the high AVT

    Prevalence and genotyping of human isolates of Giardia duodenalis from Albania

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    Microscopical and PCR-based techniques were performed in order to investigate the prevalence of infection and the genotypes of Giardia duodenalis from 125 stool samples collected from children living in the urban and the rural areas of Tirana (Albania) and hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis. 7 out of 125 samples resulted positive for Giardia at the microscopic examination (5.6%). In 50 selected samples including the 7 samples positive for Giardia by microscopy, 3 and 15 additional positive samples were detected by immunofluorescence and PCR, respectively. Seasonality appeared as an important parameter to be evaluated in order to better understand the prevalence of infection. Sequence analysis revealed both human Assemblage A and B. This result represents the first data on G. duodenalis genotypes in Albania. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    rimozione dei virus nei processi dì trattamento delle acque reflue

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    Caratteristiche dei fanghi prodotti da un impianto di depurazione della città di Roms

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