116 research outputs found

    Curved Tails in Polymerization-Based Bacterial Motility

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    The curved actin ``comet-tail'' of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a visually striking signature of actin polymerization-based motility. Similar actin tails are associated with Shigella flexneri, spotted-fever Rickettsiae, the Vaccinia virus, and vesicles and microspheres in related in vitro systems. We show that the torque required to produce the curvature in the tail can arise from randomly placed actin filaments pushing the bacterium or particle. We find that the curvature magnitude determines the number of actively pushing filaments, independent of viscosity and of the molecular details of force generation. The variation of the curvature with time can be used to infer the dynamics of actin filaments at the bacterial surface.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Latex2

    DNA methylation changes in ovarian cancer are cumulative with disease progression and identify tumor stage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypermethylation of promoter CpG islands with associated loss of gene expression, and hypomethylation of CpG-rich repetitive elements that may destabilize the genome are common events in most, if not all, epithelial cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The methylation of 6,502 CpG-rich sequences spanning the genome was analyzed in 137 ovarian samples (ten normal, 23 low malignant potential, 18 stage I, 16 stage II, 54 stage III, and 16 stage IV) ranging from normal tissue through to stage IV cancer using a sequence-validated human CpG island microarray. The microarray contained 5' promoter-associated CpG islands as well as CpG-rich satellite and Alu repetitive elements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results showed a progressive de-evolution of normal CpG methylation patterns with disease progression; 659 CpG islands showed significant loss or gain of methylation. Satellite and Alu sequences were primarily associated with loss of methylation, while promoter CpG islands composed the majority of sequences with gains in methylation. Since the majority of ovarian tumors are late stage when diagnosed, we tested whether DNA methylation profiles could differentiate between normal and low malignant potential (LMP) compared to stage III ovarian samples. We developed a class predictor consisting of three CpG-rich sequences that was 100% sensitive and 89% specific when used to predict an independent set of normal and LMP samples versus stage III samples. Bisulfite sequencing confirmed the NKX-2-3 promoter CpG island was hypermethylated with disease progression. In addition, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment of the ES2 and OVCAR ovarian cancer cell lines re-expressed NKX-2-3. Finally, we merged our CpG methylation results with previously published ovarian expression microarray data and identified correlated expression changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that changes in CpG methylation are cumulative with ovarian cancer progression in a sequence-type dependent manner, and that CpG island microarrays can rapidly discover novel genes affected by CpG methylation in clinical samples of ovarian cancer.</p

    Students' Models of Newton's Second Law in Mechanics and Electromagnetism

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    We investigated students' use of Newton's second law in mechanics and electromagnetism contexts by interviewing students in a two-semester calculus-based physics course. We observed that students' responses are consistent with three mental models. These models appeard in mechanics contexts and were transferred to electromagnetism contexts. We developed an inventory to help instructors identify these models and direct students towards the correct one.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figues and 4 table

    Evaluation of natural and tracer fluorescent emission methods for droplet size measurements in a diesel spray

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12239-012-0070-zSpray sizing that records fluorescent emission and scattered light has been widely applied to spray diagnostics over the last two decades. Different experimental strategies have been developed, but comparing the different solutions offered has remained of interest to experimentalists. In this work, a comparison of two fluorescence strategies for measuring droplet size in the liquid phase of a last-generation DI diesel spray is conducted. The natural fluorescent emission of a commercial diesel fuel and the fluorescence emitted by a tracer (Rhodamine B) are compared using theoretical and experimental approaches. The LIF/Mie ratio commonly called Planar Droplet Sizing (PDS) technique is applied in two different ways to elucidate the possible advantages of using a fluorescent dopant. The sprays were injected under non-evaporative conditions into a constant pressure vessel that simulates densities present at the moment of injection in currently used passenger car diesel engines. Characterization of the signal properties was performed by measuring the absorption coefficient, fluorescence emission spectrum, quantum yield and lifetime of both configurations. The scattered light and fluorescence intensities were calculated to verify the dependencies of the droplet surface and volume. When applying the two techniques to quantify droplet size in dense diesel sprays, the results show that signal weakness and lack of control over the properties of natural fluorescence produce distortion in the shape of the spray and cause measurements to be unreliable. Β© 2012 The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.This research has been funded in the frame of the project PROFUEL reference TRA2011-26293 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. The injectors are part of the ECN international project.Pastor Soriano, JV.; Payri, R.; Salavert Fernandez, J.; Manin, J. (2012). Evaluation of natural and tracer fluorescent emission methods for droplet size measurements in a diesel spray. International Journal of Automotive Technology. 13(5):713-724. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12239-012-0070-zS713724135Albrecht, H. E., Damaschke, N., Borys, M. and Tropea, C. (2003). Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques. Springer. Berlin.Barnes, M. D., Whitten, W. B. and Ramsey, J. M. (1994). Enhanced fluorescence yields through cavity quantumelectrodynamic effects in microdroplets. J. Optical Society of America B 11,7, 1297–1304.Benajes, J., Molina, S., Novella, R., Amorim, R., Ben Hadj Hamouda, H. and Hardy, J. (2010). Comparison of two injection systems in an HSDI diesel engine using split injection and different injector nozzles. Int. J. Automotive Technology 11,2, 139–146.Charalampous, G. and Hardalupas, Y. (2011). Method to reduce errors of droplet sizing based on the ratio of fluorescent and scattered light intensities (laser-induced fluorescence/Mie technique). Applied Optics, 50, 3622–3637.Chen, G., Mazumder, M., Chang, R. K., Swindal, J. C. and Acker, W. P. (1996). Laser diagnostics for droplet characterization: Application of morphology dependent resonances. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 22,2, 163–188.Desantes, J. M., Payri, R., Garcia, J. M. and Salvador, F. J. (2007). A contribution to the understanding of isothermal diesel spray dynamics. Fuel 86,7–8, 1093–1101.Domann, R. and Hardalupas, Y. A. (2000). Study of parameters that influence the accuracy of the planar droplet sizing (PDS) technique. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 3–11.Domann, R. and Hardalupas, Y. A. (2001). Spatial distribution of fluorescence within large doplets and its dependence on dye concentration. Applied Optics 40,21, 3586–3597.Domann, R. and Hardalupas, Y. A. (2002). Quantitative measurement of planar droplet sauter mean diameter in sprays using planar droplet sizing. 11th Int. Symp. Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal.Eckbreth, A. C. (1988). Laser Diagnostics for Combustion Species and Temperature. Abacus. Cambridge. Mass.Greenhalgh, D. A. (1999). Planar measurements of fuel vapour, liquid fuel, liquid droplet size and soot. Planar Optical Measurement Methods for Gas Turbine Components, 1–7.Im, K., Lin, K., Lai, M. and Chon, M. (2011). Breakup modeling of a liquid jet in cross flow. Int. J. Automotive Technology 12,4, 489–496.Jermy, M. C. and Greenhalgh, D. A. (2000). Planar dropsizing by elastic and fluorescence scattering in sprays too dense for phase doppler measurement. Appl. Phys. B, 71, 703–710.Kim, Y., Kim, K. and Lee, K. (2011). Effect of a 2-stage injection strategy on the combustion and flame characteristics in a PCCI engine. Int. J. Automotive Technology 12,5, 639–644.Ko, F. H., Weng, L. Y., Ko, C. J. and Chu, T. C. (2006). Characterization of imprinting polymeric temperature variation with fluorescent Rhodamine B molecule. Microelectronic Engineering, 83, 864–868.Lakowicz, J. R. (2006). Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 3rd Edn. Springer.Lee, S. H., Teong, J., Lee, J. T., Ryou, H. S. and Hong, K. (2005). Investigation on spray characteristics under ultrahigh injection pressure conditions. Int. J. Automotive Technology 6,2, 125–131.Lee, B., Song, J., Chang, Y. and Jeon, C. (2010). Effect of the number of fuel injector holes on characteristics of combustion and emissions in a diesel engine. Int. J. Automotive Technology 11,6, 783–791.LeGal, P., Farrugia, N. and Greenhalgh, D. A. (1999). Laser sheet dropsizing of dense sprays. Optics and Laser Techn., 31, 75–83.Lockett, R. D., Richter, J. and Greenhalgh, D. A. (1998). The characterisation of a diesel spray using combined laser induced fluorescence and laser sheet dropsizing. Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe.Magde, D., Rojas, G. E. and Seybold, P. (1999). Solvent dependence of the fluorescence lifetimes of xanthene dyes. Photochem. Photobiol., 70, 737.Naber, J. and Siebers, D. (1996). Effects of gas density and vaporization on penetration and dispersion of diesel sprays. SAE Paper No. 960034.Pastor, J. V., LΓ³pez, J. J., JuliΓ‘, J. E. and Benajes, J. V. (2002). Planar laser-induced fluorescence fuel concentration measurements in isothermal diesel sprays. Opt. Express 10,7, 309–323.Pastor, J. V., Payri, R., Araneo, L. and Manin, J. (2009). Correction method for droplet sizing by laser-induced fluorescence in a controlled test situation. Optical Engineering 48,1, 013601.Payri, R., Garcia, J. M., Salvador, F. J. and Gimeno, J. (2005a). Using spray momentum flux measurements to understand the influence of diesel nozzle geometry on spray characteristics. Fuel, 84, 551–561.Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., Gimeno, J. and Soare, V. (2005b). Determination of diesel sprays characteristics in real engine in-cylinder air density and pressure conditions. J. Mech. Sci. Technol., 19, 2040–2052.Payri, R., Tormos, B., Salvador, F. J. and Araneo, L. (2008). Spray droplet velocity characterization for convergent nozzles with three different diameters. Fuel 87,15, 3176–3182.Payri, F., Pastor, J., Payri, R. and Manin, J. (2011). Determination of the optical depth of a DI diesel spray. J. Mech. Sci. Technol., 25, 209–219.Potz, D., Chirst, W. and Dittus, B. (2000). Diesel nozzle: The determining interface between injection system and combustion chamber. Conf. Thermo and Fluid-dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines, Valencia, Spain.RamΓ­rez, A. I., Som, S., Aggarwal, S. K., Kastengren, A. L., El-Hannouny, E. M., Longman, D. E. and Powell, C. F. (2009). Quantitative X-ray measurements of highpressure fuel sprays from a production heavy duty diesel injector. Experiments in Fluids 47,1, 119–134.Schulz, C. and Sick, V. (2005). Tracer-LIF diagnostics: quantitative measurement of fuel concentration, temperature and fuel/air ratio in practical combustion systems. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 31, 75–121.Sjoback, R. and Nygren, J. and Kubista, M. (1998). Characterization of fluoresceinβ€”oligonucleotide conjugates and measurement of local electrostatic potential. Biopolymers, 46, 445–453.Soare, V. (2007). Phase Doppler Measurement in Diesel Dense Sprays: Optimisation of Measurements and Study of the Orifice Geometry Influence Over the Spray at Microscopic Level. Ph.D. Dissertion. E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales. Universidad PolitΓ©cnica de Valencia. Spain.Williams, A. T. R., Winfield, S. A. and Miller, J. N. (1983). Relative fluorescence quantum yields using a computer controlled luminescence spectrometer. Analyst., 108, 1067.Yeh, C. N., Kosaka, H. and Kamimoto, T. A. (1993). Fluorescence/scattering imaging technique for instantaneous 2-D measurements of particle size distribution in a transient spray. Proc. 3rd Cong. Opt. Part. Sizing, Yokohama, Japan, 335–361

    The Key Events Dose-Response Framework: Its Potential for Application to Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms

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    The Key Events Dose-Response Framework (KEDRF) is an analytical approach that facilitates the use of currently available data to gain insight regarding dose-response relationships. The use of the KEDRF also helps identify critical knowledge gaps that once filled, will reduce reliance on assumptions. The present study considers how the KEDRF might be applied to pathogenic microorganisms, using fetal listeriosis resulting from maternal ingestion of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes as an initial example. Major biological events along the pathway between food ingestion and the endpoint of concern are systematically considered with regard to dose (i.e., number of organisms), pathogen factors (e.g., virulence), and protective host mechanisms (e.g., immune response or other homeostatic mechanisms). It is concluded that the KEDRF provides a useful structure for systematically evaluating the complex array of host and pathogen factors that influence the dose-response relationship. In particular, the KEDRF supports efforts to specify and quantify the sources of variability, a prerequisite to strengthening the scientific basis for food safety decision making

    Identification of surface proteins in Enterococcus faecalis V583

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surface proteins are a key to a deeper understanding of the behaviour of Gram-positive bacteria interacting with the human gastro-intestinal tract. Such proteins contribute to cell wall synthesis and maintenance and are important for interactions between the bacterial cell and the human host. Since they are exposed and may play roles in pathogenicity, surface proteins are interesting targets for drug design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using methods based on proteolytic "shaving" of bacterial cells and subsequent mass spectrometry-based protein identification, we have identified surface-located proteins in <it>Enterococcus faecalis </it>V583. In total 69 unique proteins were identified, few of which have been identified and characterized previously. 33 of these proteins are predicted to be cytoplasmic, whereas the other 36 are predicted to have surface locations (31) or to be secreted (5). Lipid-anchored proteins were the most dominant among the identified surface proteins. The seemingly most abundant surface proteins included a membrane protein with a potentially shedded extracellular sulfatase domain that could act on the sulfate groups in mucin and a lipid-anchored fumarate reductase that could contribute to generation of reactive oxygen species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present proteome analysis gives an experimental impression of the protein landscape on the cell surface of the pathogenic bacterium <it>E. faecalis</it>. The 36 identified secreted (5) and surface (31) proteins included several proteins involved in cell wall synthesis, pheromone-regulated processes, and transport of solutes, as well as proteins with unknown function. These proteins stand out as interesting targets for further investigation of the interaction between <it>E. faecalis </it>and its environment.</p

    Long-Range Enhancer Associated with Chromatin Looping Allows AP-1 Regulation of the Peptidylarginine Deiminase 3 Gene in Differentiated Keratinocyte

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    Transcription control at a distance is a critical mechanism, particularly for contiguous genes. The peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) catalyse the conversion of protein-bound arginine into citrulline (deimination), a critical reaction in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, and in the metabolism of the major epidermal barrier protein filaggrin, a strong predisposing factor for atopic dermatitis. PADs are encoded by 5 clustered PADI genes (1p35-6). Unclear are the mechanisms controlling the expression of the gene PADI3 encoding the PAD3 isoform, a strong candidate for the deimination of filaggrin in the terminally differentiating epidermal keratinocyte. We describe the first PAD Intergenic Enhancer (PIE), an evolutionary conserved non coding segment located 86-kb from the PADI3 promoter. PIE is a strong enhancer of the PADI3 promoter in Ca2+-differentiated epidermal keratinocytes, and requires bound AP-1 factors, namely c-Jun and c-Fos. As compared to proliferative keratinocytes, calcium stimulation specifically associates with increased local DNase I hypersensitivity around PIE, and increased physical proximity of PIE and PADI3 as assessed by Chromosome Conformation Capture. The specific AP-1 inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid suppresses the calcium-induced increase of PADI3 mRNA levels in keratinocytes. Our findings pave the way to the exploration of deimination control during tumorigenesis and wound healing, two conditions for which AP-1 factors are critical, and disclose that long-range transcription control has a role in the regulation of the gene PADI3. Since invalidation of distant regulators causes a variety of human diseases, PIE results to be a plausible candidate in association studies on deimination-related disorders or atopic disease

    Comparative Genomic Analysis of Pathogenic and Probiotic Enterococcus faecalis Isolates, and Their Transcriptional Responses to Growth in Human Urine

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection caused by enterococci, and Enterococcus faecalis accounts for the majority of enterococcal infections. Although a number of virulence related traits have been established, no comprehensive genomic or transcriptomic studies have been conducted to investigate how to distinguish pathogenic from non-pathogenic E. faecalis in their ability to cause UTI. In order to identify potential genetic traits or gene regulatory features that distinguish pathogenic from non-pathogenic E. faecalis with respect to UTI, we have performed comparative genomic analysis, and investigated growth capacity and transcriptome profiling in human urine in vitro. Six strains of different origins were cultivated and all grew readily in human urine. The three strains chosen for transcriptional analysis showed an overall similar response with respect to energy and nitrogen metabolism, stress mechanism, cell envelope modifications, and trace metal acquisition. Our results suggest that citrate and aspartate are significant for growth of E. faecalis in human urine, and manganese appear to be a limiting factor. The majority of virulence factors were either not differentially regulated or down-regulated. Notably, a significant up-regulation of genes involved in biofilm formation was observed. Strains from different origins have similar capacity to grow in human urine. The overall similar transcriptional responses between the two pathogenic and the probiotic strain suggest that the pathogenic potential of a certain E. faecalis strain may to a great extent be determined by presence of fitness and virulence factors, rather than the level of expression of such traits

    Comprehensive molecular, genomic and phenotypic analysis of a major clone of Enterococcus faecalis MLST ST40

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