33 research outputs found

    El camino andado por REBIUN

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    Esta pequeña reseña pretende recoger, las principales huellas del camino recorrido por Rebiun, fruto de los objetivos que anualmente ha ido adoptando, en respuesta a la inclusión de la Alfabetización nformacional (ALFIN) en la formación universitaria. Rebiun, en su II Plan Estratégico 2007-20101, opta por la inclusión de la ALFIN a raíz de las propuestas detectadas en el proceso de recogida de información llevado a cabo entre todas las bibliotecas miembros en 2006, ante el reto para 2010 de integrar las bibliotecas universitarias (BU) como agentes y servicios clave de la transformación del modelo educativo

    Recursos en acceso abierto (OA) de interés para Ciencias de la Salud

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    Se introduce el entorno actual de la ciencia en acceso abierto (OA), como influye en el modo de creación, difusión y acceso a la ciencia. 1) Introducción: se describen las causas, los objetivos, las ventajas y el marco español y europeorespecto al OA;2) Metodología: se han consultadodocumentos, artículos, portales, y distintas recopilaciones de recursos sobre Ciencias de la Salud; 3) Resultados: serelacionan los más importantes recursos tanto multidisciplinares, como especializados en Ciencias de la Saluden OA; y 4) Conclusión: se constata el incremento creciente de publicaciones y datos en acceso abierto, el incremento de mandatos, normativa, acuerdos con editores y un desarrollo constante de la tecnología,lo que está permitiendo que la información nosolo llegue a especialistas en la materia, sino que se acerque al ciudadano, lo que redunda en beneficios en la sociedad.Is introduced the current Open Access (OA) science environment in the sense of how it influences in the way of creation, diffusion and access to science. 1) Introduction: the causes, objectives, advantages and the Spanish and European framework regardingOA are described; 2) Methodology: documents, articles, portals, and different compilations of resources on Health Sciences have been consulted;3) Results: the most important resources multidisciplinary and specialized in both Health Sciences in OA are related; and 4) Conclusion: there is a growing increase in publications and data in Open Access. The increase of mandates, regulations, agreements with publishers and the constant increase in technology development is allowing that information not only to reach specialist in the matter, but to approach the citizen, which results in benefits in society

    Cómo elaborar e interpretar referencias bibliográficas

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    Documento de trabajo sobre cómo interpretar los tipos más frecuentes de referencias bibliográficas siguiendo la norma ISO 690-1987 y su equivalente UNE 50-104-94, para elaborar referencias bibliográficas de documentos impresos y electrónicos, presentar y ordenar las listas de referencias bibliográficas y las citas. Además se mencionan las guías de estilo más utilizadas y los gestores bibliográficos más conocidos. Se incluyen recursos útiles y bibliografía

    Fighting against plagiarism from university libraries

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    The internet has become the main source where information can be located, which has facilitated certain university student practices, plagiarism and cyber-plagiarism in particular. Academic plagiarism and related dishonest practices result in the incorporation, although unevenly, of legal, educational, and anti-plagiarism software, etc., on websites in an increasing number of Spanish university libraries. This can be a strategic decisión if considered within the framework of the new EHEA teaching methods, which require that students produce a large number of academic papers, and the growing implementation in the Spanish universities of informational skills

    Cooperación de profesionales de las bibliotecas de Ciencias de la Salud como respuesta a la pandemia de la Covid-19 // Cooperation among health science library professionals in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about notable changes in our society, including new forms of relationships and work. It has especially affected the professions related to the health system, which includes health science librarians, who are responsible for providing up-to-date and high-quality information to health workers on the front line of this fight. This article presents the work of a group of professionals working in Spanish health science libraries (#AyudaBiblioteca), organized to collaborate and provide a better response to the information needs resulting from Covid-19. It has 90 participants, mainly from hospital libraries, as well as from research organizations, scientific societies, professional associations, ministries, universities, health technology evaluation agencies, and independent professionals. WhatsApp has been used as a means of communication, and Google Drive as a document repository. Resources are displayed on a public website, and search strategies are deposited in Diigo. Twitter is used with the hashtags #AyudaBiblioteca and #COVID19 as an external means of communication to receive and disseminate information. This collaboration has allowed us to join forces in the search for and coordinate collection of reliable, evidence-based, proven, and high-quality information, demonstrating the benefits of teleworking and online collaboration. The benefits of open science and how it improves research are also reflected upon. This initiative shows the importance of health science librarians in supporting health, academic, and research staff

    Evaluation of informational literacy (it) at the beginning and at the end of the degree in sciences and health sciences degrees of the University of Alcalá and the role of the university library

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    La gestión de información actual y fiable en el ámbito científico es imprescindible para el ejercicio de las diferentes profesiones. El objetivo principal es identificar el impacto de la formación impartida por el personal de la Biblioteca de la UAH vinculado a la adquisición de competencias informacionales por parte del estudiante universitario. La metodología se basa en un estudio analítico pre-post. La intervención se realizó con estudiantes de 1º Grado (curso 2015-16) y al final de sus estudios (siendo el último en el curso 2020-21). El ámbito del estudio fueron ocho titulaciones de Ciencias y Ciencias de la Salud de la UAH. La medición se realizó mediante un cuestionario anónimo administrado a los estudiantes, basado en el instrumento de encuesta previamente validada y adaptada. Conclusión: el estudiantado mejora en las competencias informacionales al finalizar los estudios, aunque con cierta variabilidad según el tiempo y profundidad dedicada a dichas competencias.The management of current and reliable information in the scientific field is essential for the exercise of different professions. The main objective is to identify the impact of the training given by the UAH Library staff linked to the acquisition of informational skills by the university student. The methodology is based on a pre-post analytical study. The intervention was carried out with 1st grade students in the 2015-16 academic year and at the end of their studies in the 2020-21 academic year. The scope of the study was eight degrees in Sciences and Health Sciences from the UAH. The measurement was carried out through an anonymous questionnaire administered to the students, based on the previously validated and adapted survey instrument. Conclusion: the student body improves in informational skills at the end of the studies, although with some variability depending on the time and depth dedicated to said skills

    What Role Do Librarians Play in Altmetrics?

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    Se busca identificar los pasos, a modo de hoja de ruta, que deben dar los bibliotecarios en la difusión, formación y asesoramiento de las métricas complementarias o altmetrics en el marco de los servicios que ofrecen a sus investigadores. Así mismo se enumeran una serie de razones por las que los bibliotecarios deben tener un papel activo en relación a estas métricas sin olvidar sus limitaciones. Se ha realizado una revisión de la bibliografía y dirigido una encuesta online a bibliotecarios de universidades españolas para conocer su grado de implicación y actividad en este tema, contribuyendo a proporcionar la visión que tienen de las altmetrics ya que representan un elemento estratégico en su difusión y formación.Our aim is to identify the steps that librarians can take concerning altmetrics within the framework of the research support services. The current bibliography on altmetrics has been reviewed. A survey has also been carried out of librarians of Spanish universities to find out their degree of involvement in the matter and the setting up of relevant initiatives. Likewise, a thorough study which would enable librarians to find out about the use which their researchers make of social networks and the interest that they may have in altmetrics is needed. This research offers a user guide for librarians as an orientation in their activities and initiatives related to altmetrics, as well as a list of arguments which justify the reasons why librarians should undertake these initiatives. We contribute a view of altmetrics from the perspective of librarians as a strategic element of dissemination and training in altmetrics

    An information literacy approach within the "Guided weekly reflection papers"

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    INTED 2015, 9 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 2 nd-4 th, 2015-Madrid, SpainA group of lecturers from diverse areas of knowledge of the University of Alcalá have implemented an experience of teaching innovation based on “reflective diaries”. The students hand in to the lecturer every week their “Weekly Reflection Papers” (WRP), in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes of the previous week. They must include their reflections about the aspects they found especially interesting. After having applied this tool for some academic years we introduced a modification called “Guided Weekly Reflection Papers” (GWRP), where the professors suggest a series of questions on which the students must apply the most significant concepts studied each week. This modification enhances student’s motivation, encourages them to achieve more significant and reflective knowledge and generates interest in emergent topics. However, we often detect that the information management needed to solve the proposed questions in the GWRP is not the most suitable one. Therefore our present work is aimed at helping students develop the necessary skills and acquire a searching criterion in the framework of the information literacy. The strategy was focussed on some important items for the acquisition of information competencies. In this communication we analyze the progress of the GWRP tool and we explore the response of students to the information literacy approach

    Reflective practice applications: "Guided weekly refection papers" excented from Alcalá University (Spain) to the Montfort University (UK)

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    Edulearn16: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, 4th-6th of july, 2016-Barcelona, SpainKnowledge has to be developed firmly based on reflections and thoughts as much as evidence. Being conscious of this principle, our innovation teaching group from the University of Alcalá has developed a reflective pedagogical approach called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers (GWRP) and implemented it since 2007. In this approach students hand in to the lecturer their “weekly work”, in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes, and their reflections and comments on those aspects which they found especially difficult or interesting. Moreover students have to apply the concepts developed during the week to solve some questions or problems proposed by the lecturers to find solutions to real life situations and to explore beyond the walls of the classroom to discover where in the world around them they can find application of the material presented by the lectures.This innovative pedagogical approach has deeply contributed to the development of the student learning process and consequently been reflected in our teaching practice. The outcomes of the GWRP activity do not depend upon how much students have been studying but upon the level of comprehension of the knowledge we have shared with them. Therefore this strategy is very useful to prove the efficiency and quality of our teaching practice which leads us to continuously improve our way of teaching. Over several years, we have shown our results both in internal meetings in our University and in International Conferences, our colleagues have been caught up by our enthusiasm, which promotes their involvement in our model. Thus, different academics and organizations have adopted our reflective pedagogic strategy. The most recent incorporation of this approach has been implemented by selected academic staff at De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester (United Kingdom). This versatile methodology is being tested in a new university educational environment using a student cohort with a different set of characteristics and academic context compared to previous cohorts. This communication will describe the adaptation of the GWRP to teaching in the Clinical Biochemistry module delivered as part of two different Bachelor degrees taught at DMU: Biomedical Science and Medical Science and the response of students enrolled in this programmes at DMU. The results of the GWRP implemented in new subjects by the teachers of the innovation group at the University of Alcalá (UAH) will be also analysed