300 research outputs found

    A novel apparatus/protocol designed for optogenetic manipulation and recording of individual neurons during a motivation and working memory task in the rodent

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    Innovative molecular tools allow neuroscientists to study neural circuitry associated with specific behaviors. Consequently, behavioral methods must be developed to interface with these new molecular tools in order for neuroscientists to identify the causal elements underlying behavior and decision-making processes. Here we present an apparatus and protocol for a novel Go/No-Go behavioral paradigm to study the brain attention and motivation/reward circuitry in awake, head-restrained rodents. This experimental setup allows: (1) Painless and stable restraint of the head and body; (2) Rapid acquisition to simple or complex operant tasks; (3) Repeated electrophysiological single and multiple unit recordings during ongoing behavior; (4) Pharmacological and viral manipulation of various brain regions via targeted guide cannula, and; (5) Optogenetic cell-type specific activation and silencing with simultaneous electrophysiological recording. In addition to the experimental advantages, the head-restraint system is relatively inexpensive and training parameters can be easily modulated to the specifications of the experimenter. The system runs on custom LabView software. In summary, our novel apparatus and protocol allows researchers to study and manipulate components of behavior, such as motivation, impulsivity, and reward-related working memory during an ongoing operant behavioral task without interference from non task-related behaviors. For more information on the custom apparatus, software or to collaborate please visit www.neuro-cloud.net/nature-precedings/dolzani

    High fidelity optogenetic control of individual prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo

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    Precise spatial and temporal manipulation of neural activity in specific genetically defined cell populations is now possible with the advent of optogenetics. The emerging field of optogenetics consists of a set of naturally-occurring and engineered light-sensitive membrane proteins that are able to activate (e.g., channelrhodopsin-2, ChR2) or silence (e.g., halorhodopsin, NpHR) neural activity. Here we demonstrate the technique and the feasibility of using novel adeno-associated viral (AAV) tools to activate (AAV-CaMKll{\alpha}-ChR2-eYFP) or silence (AAV-CaMKll{\alpha}-eNpHR3.0-eYFP) neural activity of rat prefrontal cortical prelimbic (PL) pyramidal neurons in vivo. In vivo single unit extracellular recording of ChR2-transduced pyramidal neurons showed that delivery of brief (10 ms) blue (473 nm) light-pulse trains up to 20 Hz via a custom fiber optic-coupled recording electrode (optrode) induced spiking with high fidelity at 20 Hz for the duration of recording (up to two hours in some cases). To silence spontaneously active neurons we transduced them with the NpHR construct and administered continuous green (532 nm) light to completely inhibit action potential activity for up to 10 seconds with 100% fidelity in most cases. These versatile photosensitive tools combined with optrode recording methods provide experimental control over activity of genetically defined neurons and can be used to investigate the functional relationship between neural activity and complex cognitive behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures F1000Research articl

    Optogenetic control of genetically-targeted pyramidal neuron activity in prefrontal cortex

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    A salient feature of prefrontal cortex organization is the vast diversity of cell types that support the temporal integration of events required for sculpting future responses. A major obstacle in understanding the routing of information among prefrontal neuronal subtypes is the inability to manipulate the electrical activity of genetically defined cell types over behaviorally relevant timescales and activity patterns. To address these constraints, we present here a simple approach for selective activation of prefrontal excitatory neurons in both in vitro and in vivo preparations. Rat prelimbic pyramidal neurons were genetically targeted to express a light-­activated nonselective cation channel, channelrhodopsin-­2, or a light-­driven inward chloride pump, halorhodopsin, which enabled them to be rapidly and reversibly activated or inhibited by pulses of light. These light responsive tools provide a spatially and temporally precise means of studying how different cell types contribute to information processing in cortical circuits. Our customized optrodes and optical commutators for in vivo recording allow for efficient light delivery and recording and can be requested at www.neuro-­cloud.net/nature-precedings/baratta

    Niños zombis. Una lectura biopolítica de Dos mujeres en Praga y Laura y Julio de Juan José Millás

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    This work reflects on the way the literature of Juan José Millás presents a questioning about the bodies. This questioning enabling us a reading of them as figurations of zombie children. Our hypothesis is the figure of the zombie child operates as a place of political resistance and generates new intelligibility frames. The zombie child reverses the logics of helplessness and enables the configuration of other types of affective communities. The life of a zombie child becomes a life not only legitimate to be lived, but also written. This hypothesis is worked on in the novels Dos mujeres en Praga and Laura y Julio but it wants to show a modus operandi that goes through the narrative of this autor. And that allows us to think, from biopolitics, the configuration of the Millás’ poetic like a poetic monstrous.Este trabajo se propone reflexionar acerca de los modos en que la literatura de Juan José Millás presenta una problematización sobre los cuerpos habilitando una lectura de los mismos en tanto figuraciones de niños zombis. Nuestra hipótesis es que la figura del niño zombi opera como un lugar de resistencia política en tanto genera nuevos marcos inteligibilidad que revierten las lógicas del desamparo denunciada por el cuerpo monstruoso y posibilita, así, la configuración de otro tipo de comunidades afectivas que hacen de los niños zombis vidas legítimas no sólo de ser vividas, sino también escritas. Esta hipótesis si bien es trabajada en las novelas Dos mujeres en Praga y Laura y Julio aspira a mostrar un modus operandi que atraviesa la narrativa de este autor y que permite pensar, desde la biopolítica, la configuración de la poética millaseana en términos de una poética monstruosa.

    Zombie Children. A biopolitic reading of Dos mujeres en Praga and Laura y Julio by Juan José Millás

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    This work reflects on the way the literature of Juan José Millás presents a questioning about the bodies. This questioning enabling us a reading of them as figurations of zombie children. Our hypothesis is the figure of the zombie child operates as a place of political resistance and generates new intelligibility frames. The zombie child reverses the logics of helplessness and enables the configuration of other types of affective communities. The life of a zombie child becomes a life not only legitimate to be lived, but also written. This hypothesis is worked on in the novels Dos mujeres en Praga and Laura y Julio but it wants to show a modus operandi that goes through the narrative of this autor. And that allows us to think, from biopolitics, the configuration of the Millás’ poetic like a poetic monstrous

    La partícula ra’e en guaraní mbyá. Evidencialidad y temporalidad

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    Las lenguas de la rama guaraní (familia tupí-guaraní) se caracterizan por marcar tiempo, aspecto y modalidad mayormente mediante partículas libres. El presente trabajo hace foco en la partícula ra’e, primeramente considerada un marcador de tiempo pretérito relativo, pero más recientemente analizada como modal, en particular un evidencial con extensiones mirativas. El concepto de Evidencial de Percepción Diferida es puesto a prueba, y se postula como definición de esta partícula. En el marco de la semántica formal, se advierte que su uso introduce una presuposición de evidencialidad indirecta en los enunciados. Por último, entre los aspectos vinculados con la miratividad, se identifica que el uso de ra’e entraña el hecho de que la información codificada es nueva para el hablante

    Los comienzos de la infección. Escritura y enfermedad en Cerbero son las sombras de Juan José Millás

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    El trabajo se propone abordar el lugar de la enfermedad en Cerbero son las sombras, la primera novela de Juan José Millás. La misma despliega sentidos que permiten un tratamiento de la violencia con la que el régimen franquista se inscribe en los cuerpos en términos de una fisura infectada e infecciosa. Esa zona de infección funciona, asimismo, como espacio donde se gestan movimientos narrativos que dan lugar a los comienzos de la obra de este autor. En este sentido, nuestra hipótesis sostiene que en la primera novela de Millás la enfermedad configura el inicio de una concepción de escritura en clave de infección. La misma se territorializa en una fisura que se expande sobre los cuerpos y la lengua, señalando un lugar de enunciación donde se inscriben mecanismos de poder y resistencia. De tal forma, lejos de suturar las heridas, Millás hace de la infección el motor de su escritura y la búsqueda por liberar, desde la creación literaria, la violencia vuelta carne.