4 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Mysteries of Mars with a Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM)

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    Development of a miniaturized scanning electron microscope that will utilize the martian atmosphere to dissipate charge during analysis continues. This instrument is expected to be used on a future rover or lander to answer fundamental Mars science questions. To identify the most important questions, a survey was taken at the 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). From the gathered information initial topics were identified for a SEM on the martian surface. These priorities are identified and discussed below. Additionally, a concept of operations is provided with the goal of maximizing the science obtained with the minimum amount of communication with the instrument

    A Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM) for In-Situ Mars Surface Sample Analysis

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    The Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM) project, funded by the NASA Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO) Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES), will build upon previous miniaturized SEM designs and recent advancements in variable pressure SEM's to design and build a SEM to complete analyses of samples on the surface of Mars using the atmosphere as an imaging medium. This project is a collaboration between NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), electron gun and optics manufacturer Applied Physics Technologies, and small vacuum system manufacturer Creare. Dr. Ralph Harvery and environmental SEM (ESEM) inventor Dr. Gerry Danilatos serve as advisors to the team. Variable pressure SEMs allow for fine (nm-scale) resolution imaging and micron-scale chemical study of materials without sample preparation (e.g., carbon or gold coating). Charging of a sample is reduced or eliminated by the gas surrounding the sample. It is this property of ESEMs that make them ideal for locations where sample preparation is not yet feasible, such as the surface of Mars. In addition, the lack of sample preparation needed here will simplify the sample acquisition process and allow caching of the samples for future complementary payload use

    The Fuel Cell Model of Abiogenesis: A New Approach to Origin-of-Life Simulations.

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    In this paper, we discuss how prebiotic geo-electrochemical systems can be modeled as a fuel cell and how laboratory simulations of the origin of life in general can benefit from this systems-led approach. As a specific example, the components of what we have termed the "prebiotic fuel cell" (PFC) that operates at a putative Hadean hydrothermal vent are detailed, and we used electrochemical analysis techniques and proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell components to test the properties of this PFC and other geo-electrochemical systems, the results of which are reported here. The modular nature of fuel cells makes them ideal for creating geo-electrochemical reactors with which to simulate hydrothermal systems on wet rocky planets and characterize the energetic properties of the seafloor/hydrothermal interface. That electrochemical techniques should be applied to simulating the origin of life follows from the recognition of the fuel cell-like properties of prebiotic chemical systems and the earliest metabolisms. Conducting this type of laboratory simulation of the emergence of bioenergetics will not only be informative in the context of the origin of life on Earth but may help in understanding whether life might emerge in similar environments on other worlds

    Exploring underwater vent systems: New technologies and strategies to advance life detection and scientific understanding of ocean worlds

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    Hydrothermal vents are some of the most exciting candidates for habitable environments on Ocean Worlds, because they supply reduced chemical substrates that enable the development of diverse biological communities capable of harnessing energy from ambient redox gradients. To characterize the habitability of a hydrothermally active region, it is necessary to not only compare different vent sites in the same area, but to monitor them over time with high frequency techniques that can capture the episodic nature of geochemical and metabolic changes. In response, we have developed the In-situ Vent Analysis Divebot for Exobiology Research (InVADER) concept, a tightly integrated imaging and laser Raman spectroscopy/laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/laser induced native fluorescence (LRS/LIBS/LINF) instrument capable of in-situ, rapid, long-term underwater analyses of vent fluid and precipitates. Such analyses will be critical for finding and studying life and life's precursors at vent systems on Ocean Worlds. InVADER allows, for the first time, in-situ, autonomous, non-destructive measurements of a) relevant disequilibria in vent systems, b) composition and mineralogy of hydrothermal chimneys and associated precipitates, c) relevant small-scale features that are indicators of vent geochemistry and/or habitability, and d) the presence and distribution of organics and biomass. Further, single observations or sampling do not capture the dynamic nature of hydrothermal vent systems which can undergo significant changes over short periods of time; a system capable of continuous monitoring over longer time periods (yet able to conduct high-frequency measurements) is required. InVADER fills these gaps, and advances readiness in vent exploration on Earth and ocean worlds by simplifying operational strategies for identifying and characterizing submarine vents. We have studied natural black smoker chimney sample materials using InVADER precursor technologies. The synergistic use of microimaging and LRS/LIBS/LINF determined the presence of sphalerite, isocubanite, chalcopyrite, and other polymetallic sulfides as well as sulfur, anhydrite, gypsum, and organic material. Our data underline the tremendous value of combined LRS/LIBS/LINF for astrobiological investigations of vent systems