483 research outputs found

    The Emergence and Future of Near-Surface Geophysics

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    Over the past 30 years, geophysical methods have assumed a much more prominent and integral role in many investigations where subsurface features have environmental and engineering importance. In fact, the field once referred to as environmental and engineering geophysics has broadened to include other applications (e.g., archeology, forensics), and is now commonly referred to more generally as near-surface geophysics. It is difficult to precisely define near-surface geophysics, and the definition will likely depend on whom you ask. However, we define it as the use of geophysical methods to investigate the zone between the surface and hundreds of meters into the Earth\u27s crust. Applications include, but are not limited to, potable water management, engineered infrastructure and construction, site clearance, gas storage, natural-hazard mitigation, mining, forensics, and archaeology. Although the same physical principles are relevant for any target depth, the high degree of near-surface heterogeneity, rapid change in physical properties, and proximity to the free surface often dictates that dominant processes and therefore key assumptions differ between the near-surface and deeper investigations. While near-surface geophysics shares many technical and cultural attributes of oil and gas exploration, the majority of near-surface geophysicists practice under different economic drivers and conditions

    Influence of the Available Surface Area and Cell Elasticity on Bacterial Adhesion Forces on Highly Ordered Silicon Nanopillars

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    [Image: see text] Initial bacterial adhesion to solid surfaces is influenced by a multitude of different factors, e.g., roughness and stiffness, topography on the micro- and nanolevel, as well as chemical composition and wettability. Understanding the specific influences and possible interactive effects of all of these factors individually could lead to guidance on bacterial adhesion and prevention of unfavorable consequences like medically relevant biofilm formation. On this way, the aim of the present study was to identify the specific influence of the available surface area on the adhesion of clinically relevant bacterial strains with different membrane properties: Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. As model surfaces, silicon nanopillar specimens with different spacings were fabricated using electron beam lithography and cryo-based reactive ion etching techniques. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy and contact angle measurement revealed almost defect-free highly ordered nanotopographies only varying in the available surface area. Bacterial adhesion forces to these specimens were quantified by means of single-cell force spectroscopy exploiting an atomic force microscope connected to a microfluidic setup (FluidFM). The nanotopographical features reduced bacterial adhesion strength by reducing the available surface area. In addition, the strain-specific interaction in detail depended on the bacterial cell’s elasticity and deformability as well. Analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, the obtained results on bacterial adhesion forces could be linked to the subsequent biofilm formation on the different topographies. By combining two cutting-edge technologies, it could be demonstrated that the overall bacterial adhesion strength is influenced by both the simple physical interaction with the underlying nanotopography and its available surface area as well as the deformability of the cell

    Operational and strategic decision making in the perioperative setting: Meeting budgetary challenges and quality of care goals.

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    Efficient operating room (OR) management is a constant balancing act between optimal OR capacity, allocation of ORs to surgeons, assignment of staff, ordering of materials, and reliable scheduling, while according the highest priority to patient safety. We provide an overview of common concepts in OR management, specifically addressing the areas of strategic, tactical, and operational decision making (DM), and parameters to measure OR efficiency. For optimal OR productivity, a surgical suite needs to define its main stakeholders, identify and create strategies to meet their needs, and ensure staff and patient satisfaction. OR planning should be based on real-life data at every stage and should apply newly developed algorithms

    Antibacterial properties and abrasion-stability: Development of a novel silver-compound material for orthodontic bracket application

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    Purpose: Bacteria-induced white spot lesions are a common side effect of modern orthodontic treatment. Therefore, there is a need for novel orthodontic bracket materials with antibacterial properties that also resist long-term abrasion. The aim of this study was to investigate the abrasion-stable antibacterial properties of a newly developed, thoroughly silver-infiltrated material for orthodontic bracket application in an in situ experiment. Methods: To generate the novel material, silver was vacuum-infiltrated into a sintered porous tungsten matrix. A tooth brushing simulation machine was used to perform abrasion equal to 2 years of tooth brushing. The material was characterized by energy dispersive X‑ray (EDX) analysis and roughness measurement. To test for antibacterial properties in situ, individual occlusal splints equipped with specimens were worn intraorally by 12 periodontal healthy patients for 48 h. After fluorescence staining, the quantitative biofilm volume and live/dead distribution of the initial biofilm formation were analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Results: Silver was infiltrated homogeneously throughout the tungsten matrix. Toothbrush abrasion only slightly reduced the material’s thickness similar to conventional stainless steel bracket material and did not alter surface roughness. The new silver-modified material showed significantly reduced biofilm accumulation in situ. The effect was maintained even after abrasion. Conclusion: A promising, novel silver-infiltrated abrasion-stable material for use as orthodontic brackets, which also exhibit strong antibacterial properties on in situ grown oral biofilms, was developed. The strong antibacterial properties were maintained even after surface abrasion simulated with long-term toothbrushing

    Breast Cancer and Pregnancy: Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment

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    This review evaluates the available data to help guide patients and caregivers when developing treatment plans for women diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy

    Tokenizer Choice For LLM Training: Negligible or Crucial?

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    The recent success of LLMs has been predominantly driven by curating the training dataset composition, scaling of model architectures and dataset sizes and advancements in pretraining objectives, leaving tokenizer influence as a blind spot. Shedding light on this underexplored area, we conduct a comprehensive study on the influence of tokenizer choice on LLM downstream performance by training 24 mono- and multilingual LLMs at a 2.6B parameter scale, ablating different tokenizer algorithms and parameterizations. Our studies highlight that the tokenizer choice can significantly impact the model's downstream performance, training and inference costs. In particular, we find that the common tokenizer evaluation metrics fertility and parity are not always predictive of model downstream performance, rendering these metrics a questionable proxy for the model's downstream performance. Furthermore, we show that multilingual tokenizers trained on the five most frequent European languages require vocabulary size increases of factor three in comparison to English. While English-only tokenizers have been applied to the training of multi-lingual LLMs, we find that this approach results in a severe downstream performance degradation and additional training costs of up to 68%, due to an inefficient tokenization vocabulary
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