212 research outputs found

    How to reduce the energy costs of food and dairy products to spray drying?

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    The most frequently used technique for dehydration of dairy products is spray drying. This is an effective method to preserve biological products as it does not involve prolong exposure of materials to severe heat treatment. Due to the variety and complexity of the concentrates to be dried, a more rigorous understanding of spray-drying based on physico-chemical and thermodynamic properties is necessary. At the same time, the current state of the art did not allow easy determination of the parameters of spray-drying of dairy products prior to drying, except from performing several complex and expensive experiments with pilot-scale spray-dryer. Nevertheless, recent advances in the understanding of product behavior toward water transfer with the development of a desorption method makes it possible to give several answers to the following question: What is the best strategy to anticipate the behavior of concentrate toward drying and to improve the process, the economy and the quality of the dairy powders? The strategical approach can be developed on the knowledge of the thermodynamic parameters of the spray dryer coupled to physico-chemical characteristics of the concentrate. The software SD2P® (Spray Drying Parameters Simulation & Determination) developed by Schuck et al. (2009) is a way, among others, to predict the value of these parameters when they are not known. The combined results provide more precise determination of spray-drying parameters (including inlet/outlet air temperature, mass/powder flow rate, powder temperature, etc.), powder state during spray-drying (stickiness) and the cost of spray-drying with respect to weather conditions. Several cases will be presented to show the interest of this strategy in order to anticipate the spray-drying parameters and the powder behavior. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Infrahyoid fascio-myocutaneous flap as an alternative to free radial forearm flap in head and neck reconstruction.

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    The use of microvascular free flaps is currently the favored method for the reconstruction of defects after resection of head and neck cancer. The flap most commonly used for head and neck reconstruction is the free radial forearm flap, but the less popular infrahyoid flap represents a good alternative in selected cases. This flap has proven to be helpful in the reconstruction of a wide range of moderate-sized head and neck defects.We reviewed a series of 13 patients with defects resulting from cancer of the head and neck, who underwent infrahyoid flap reconstruction as an alternative to free radial forearm flap. The series includes 12 squamous cell carcinomas arising from the oral cavity and oropharynx, and 1 Merkel cell carcinoma of the submental skin. In the harvesting of the flap, the technical modifications recently suggested by Dolivet et al were used in all cases. Furthermore, another technical change has been introduced so creating a new infrahyoid facio-myocutaneous flap (IHFMCF). The surgical technique is described in detail.No total or partial flap necrosis was experienced. All reconstructions healed quickly without wound complications and with good functional results. The healing process in the donor site was excellent in every case with good aesthetic results.The IHFMCF is a versatile, reliable, and convenient flap suitable for repairing small and medium-sized defects of the oral cavity and oropharynx and obviates the need for a microvascular reconstruction

    Chern-Simons matrix models and Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials

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    Employing the random matrix formulation of Chern-Simons theory on Seifert manifolds, we show how the Stieltjes-Wigert orthogonal polynomials are useful in exact computations in Chern-Simons matrix models. We construct a biorthogonal extension of the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials, not available in the literature, necessary to study Chern-Simons matrix models when the geometry is a lens space. We also discuss several other results based on the properties of the polynomials: the equivalence between the Stieltjes-Wigert matrix model and the discrete model that appears in q-2D Yang-Mills and the relationship with Rogers-Szego polynomials and the corresponding equivalence with an unitary matrix model. Finally, we also give a detailed proof of a result that relates quantum dimensions with averages of Schur polynomials in the Stieltjes-Wigert ensemble.Comment: 25 pages, AMS-LaTe

    Technological breakthrough and innovation in the production of whey powders, with 30-40% reduction in energy costs

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    There are two essential stages in the elimination of water for the production of whey and permeate powders: concentration by vacuum evaporation followed by spray drying. These two operations alone represent 25% of the energy consumed by the French dairy industry, the major part of which is due to the drying stage. Indeed, 96.7% of the whey water is removed during the vacuum evaporation/concentration stage, whereas drying, which removes only 3.3% of the water, requires 31% of the total energy used over the entire process. One possible way to reduce energy consumption would be for the product to enter the drying tower at a higher level of dryness. We therefore propose replacing the drying tower with rotating evaporators, i.e. equipment adapted to highly viscous products able to pass from a liquid state to a granular state by a continuous process. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    New process for the production of permeate powders without spray dryer

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    An innovative process scheme for the production of dairy permeate powders was tested at the pilot scale. It includes: (i) overconcentration of the permeate concentrate from 60 to 80% w/w dry matter (DM) content; (ii) granulation of the overconcentrate with powder up to 88% DM; and (iii) drying of the granules up to 97% DM.The quality of the resulting powder was comparable to a standard powder produced using conventional technologies. Furthermore, considering energy required for water removal, the new process led to significant savings: they were estimated in the range of 10.7 to 23.5% and up to 32% when taking into account the whole production process or the drying step alone, respectively

    Head and neck reconstruction with pedicled flaps in the free flap era.

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    Nowadays, the transposition of microvascular free flaps is the most popular method for management of head and neck defects. However, not all patients are suitable candidates for free flap reconstruction. In addition, not every defect requires a free flap transfer to achieve good functional results. The aim of this study was to assess whether pedicled flap reconstruction of head and neck defects is inferior to microvascular free flap reconstruction in terms of complications, functionality and prognosis. The records of consecutive patients who underwent free flap or pedicled flap reconstruction after head and neck cancer ablation from 2006 to 2015, from a single surgeon, in the AOUC Hospital, Florence Italy were analysed. A total of 93 patients, the majority with oral cancer (n = 59), were included, of which 64 were pedicled flap reconstructions (69%). The results showed no significant differences in terms of functional outcome, flap necrosis and complications in each type of reconstruction. Multivariate regression analysis of flap necrosis and functional impairments showed no associated factors. Multivariate regression analysis of complicated flap healing showed that only comorbidities remained an explaining factor (p = 0.019). Survival analysis and proportional hazard regression analysis regarding cancer relapse or distant metastasis, showed no significant differences in prognosis of patients concerning both types of reconstruction. In this retrospective, non-randomised study cohort, pedicled flaps were not significantly inferior to free flaps for reconstruction of head and neck defects, considering functionality, complications and prognosis

    Nanofiltration of lactic acid whey: A process to improve the dryability and the quality of powder

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    Nanofiltration of lactic acid whey: A process to improve the dryability and the quality of powder. 6. European Drying Conference: EuroDrying 201

    29 de noviembre del 2017 : ¿prohibición definitiva del amianto en Brasil ?Un (largo) proceso todavía no concluido

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    1. La actual guerrilla jurídico-política sobre el uso del amianto en Brasil Brasil parecía haber conocido el final de un largo periodo de permisión y de complicidades con la extracción, producción y exportación de amianto crisotilo, especialmente el procedente de la mina de Cana Brava de Minaçu, en el Estado de Goiás, el más grande yacimiento de amianto de Latinoamérica explotado por Sama-Minerações, una sociedad del grupo Eternit-Brasil. De hecho, el Tribunal Supremo Federal (Supremo Tribun..

    Reconstruction microchirurgicale et prise en charge globale des patients porteurs de cancer ORL : l’importance d’une approche qualité et d’un circuit protocolisé [Microsurgical reconstruction and full management of patients with head and neck cancer: Importance of a quality approach and a circuit protocolisation]

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    Main of study: Management and surgical reconstruction of head and neck cancers remain a challenge. From the first consultation to surgery and radiotherapy, it is necessary to save time to ensure optimum treatment and better survival rates. Objectif: To establish a kind of quality approach to the management of patients with head and neck cancers. 54 patients who had microsurgical reconstruction after head and neck cancer were included in this study between 1997 and 2006. Results : Multiple data were considered: body mass index (BMI), ASA stage, age, existence of a pre-or postoperative radiotherapy, the surgeon's experience and the number of veins drainage. The success rate is superior when more than one draining vein is sutured to the flap for patients with a BMI > 20. Radiotherapy does not seem to affect the survival of the flap. Conclusion: According to current literature, the survival rate of these patients is better when the overall time care is less than 100 days. That period is possible with a perfect organization of the medical and paramedical team. Therefore, we propose to include these patients in a circuit protocolisation care, which saves time, to better inform patients and improve survival rates. Buts: la prise en charge et la reconstruction chirurgicale des cancers ORL restent un challenge. De la première consultation à la chirurgie et la radiothérapie, il est nécessaire de gagner du temps afin d’assurer une traitement optimum et un meilleur taux de survie. Objectif : établir une sorte d’approche qualité de la prise en charge des patients porteurs de cancers ORL. 54 patients qui ont bénéficié d’une reconstruction microchirurgicale suite à un cancer ORL ont été inclus dans cette étude entre 1997 et 2006. Résultats : plusieurs données ont été étudiées : l’index de masse corporelle (IMC), le stade ASA, l’âge, l’existence d’une radiothérapie pré ou post opératoire, l’expérience du chirurgien ainsi que le nombre de veines de drainage. Le taux de succès se révèle supérieur lorsque plus d’une veine de drainage est suturée au lambeau, pour des patients ayant un IMC > 20. La radiothérapie ne semble pas avoir de répercussion sur la survie du lambeau. Conclusion : conformément à la littérature actuelle, le taux de survie de ces patients est meilleur lorsque le temps global de prise en charge est inférieur à 100 jours. Ce délai court n’est possible qu’avec une parfaite organisation de l’équipe médicale et paramédicale. De ce fait, nous proposons d’inclure ces patients dans un circuit de prise en charge protocolisé, ce qui permet de gagner du temps, de mieux informer le patient et d’améliorer le taux de survie

    Partial pharyngolaryngectomy with infrahyoid flap: Our experience

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    Aim: We evaluated a cohort of advanced hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, treated with conservative surgery, reconstruction with infrahyoid flap and radio-chemotherapy. Methods: We used partial pharyngo-laryngectomy and radio-chemotherapy to treat fifty-seven patients with stage III–IV hypopharyngeal SCC from November 1994 to December 2011. Clinical examination and speech therapy evaluation were used for estimation of laryngeal function. Results: All patients received a partial pharyngo-laryngectomy. All patients underwent neck dissection; 56 patients received bilateral neck dissection. Reconstruction was achieved by infra-hyoid flap. Five-year overall and disease-specific survival rates were 54.4% and 61.4%, respectively. Successful laryngeal function preservation with complete five-year remission was achieved in 44% of the patients. Conclusion: Selected even if advanced carcinomas of the hypopharynx maybe treated with partial pharyngo-laryngectomy with reconstruction with pedicled flap. Both oncological and functional results showed a good outcome
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