2 research outputs found

    Gestion de l’infection sur materiel d’osteosynthese dans la chirurgie du rachis lombaire : Notre experience au Togo.

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    Objectif : Rapporter notre expĂ©rience de management d’infections post-ostĂ©osynthèses de rachis lombaire Ă  partir deux observations cliniques.MĂ©thodologie : Il s’agit d’une analyse de nos deux premiers cas d’infections rachidiennes post opĂ©ratoires après deux annĂ©es de pratique neurochirurgicale post-rĂ©sidanat en clientèle privĂ©e. Nous insistons sur les modes de rĂ©vĂ©lation, la prise en charge et le rĂ©sultat.Cas cliniques : Sur une sĂ©rie de dix-huit (18) rachis dorso-lombaires ostĂ©osynthĂ©sĂ©s en deux ans, nous avons enregistrĂ© deux (02) cas d’infections postopĂ©ratoires. Les germes isolĂ©s Ă©taient EschĂ©richia coli multirĂ©sistant et Proteus vulgaris. Les deux patientes avaient respectivement 61 et 44 ans et nous rĂ©alisons pour chacune une laminectomie, une ostĂ©osynthèse avec implant en titane et une greffe osseuse pour des lĂ©sions dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratives. Elles avaient toutes deux eu des infiltrations lombaires sans amĂ©lioration de leur symptomatologie. L’infection du site opĂ©ratoire Ă©tait descellĂ©e respectivement Ă  J4 et J30. Les deux patientes Ă©taient apyrĂ©tiques. Pour la 1ère, le matĂ©riel d’ostĂ©osynthèse a Ă©tĂ© laissĂ© en place. Pour la 2ème, la persistance du syndrome infectieux biologique et le suintement chronique du site opĂ©ratoire ont motivĂ© l’ablation du matĂ©riel Ă  3 mois. Pour cette dernière la guĂ©rison clinique et biologique a Ă©tĂ© obtenue au bout de 6 mois L’évolution ultĂ©rieure est bonne chez les deux patients Ă  un recul respectif de 28 mois et 15 mois.Conclusion : En cas d’infection profonde descellĂ©e prĂ©cocement, une attitude conservatrice de l’implant est justifiĂ©e pour les rachis dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs ostĂ©osynthĂ©sĂ©s. A dĂ©faut, on tiendra compte notamment de la CRP et du risque d’instabilitĂ© rachidienne. Mots clĂ©s : Infection, MatĂ©riel d’ostĂ©osynthèse, Rachis lombaire, Togo. English Abstract Management of infections in lumbar spine surgery with instrumentation: Our experience at Togo.  Objective: Report our experience of infections management after lumbar spine synthesis about two recent cases.Methods: It is an analysis of our first post operative’s lumbar spine infections during two years of neurosurgical practice in private office when we came back to Togo after our residency. We insist on the modalities of detection, the caring and the results.Case report: Among the 18th synthesis on thoracic and lumbar spine during the twice years, we detect two cases of post operative’s infections. The agents responsible were Escherichia coli multi resistant and Proteus vulgaris. The two female patients were respectively 61 and 44 years old and we perform for each patient a laminectomy, synthesis with titanium implant and bone graft for degenerative diseases. Previously the patients had had lumbar infiltration of corticosteroid without releasing their pain and disabilities. The infection processes were detected the 4th and 30th days postoperative. There was no fever. For the first patient, synthesis implant stays in place. For the second patient, the implant was retired through a thirds’ surgery after 3 months, due to persistence of biologic sign of infection and sweating from the operative site. The clinical and biological healing for this patient, were obtained 6 months after the first surgery. Till today, the both patients had none symptoms at respectively 28- and 15-months outcome.Conclusion: When post-operative infection is detected earlier, a conservative attitude of the implant is justified for degenerative spine instrumented. Otherwise, the CRP and the risk of spinal instability will be taken into account. Keys words: Infection, Lumbar spine, Synthesis Implant, Tog

    Bilan d’un an d’activite de neurochirurgie au Chu Kara

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    Introduction:  Le service de neurochirurgie du CHU Kara, 2ème au Togo, après celui de LomĂ©, situĂ© Ă  430 Km. Après un an d’exercice, les auteurs font le bilan de leur activitĂ© neurochirurgicale. Patients et MĂ©thode : Etude rĂ©trospective, analytique et descriptive portant sur tous les patients qui ont Ă©tĂ© pris en charge dans le service de neurochirurgie. Les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, cliniques et thĂ©rapeutiques avaient Ă©tĂ© recueillies et analysĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : 471 patients avaient Ă©tĂ© pris en charge dont 198 femmes. La moyenne d’âge Ă©tait de 37 ans avec des extrĂŞmes allant de 04 jours Ă  85 ans. Le traumatisme crânien par accident de circulation Ă  moto Ă©tait le motif le plus frĂ©quent de consultation. 18 patients Ă©taient venus du Benin. 296 scanners avaient Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s en tout dont 229 au Benin. Sur 128 patients Ă  Ă©vacuer sur la capitale, seuls 59 patients avaient pu ĂŞtre Ă©vacuĂ©s. L’indication opĂ©ratoire avait Ă©tĂ© posĂ©e pour 279 patients mais seulement 36 dont 15 femmes, se sont faits opĂ©rer. Les autres pour la majoritĂ©, ne sont jamais arrivĂ©s chez l’anesthĂ©siste. 04 dĂ©cès avaient Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s en rĂ©animation chirurgicale avant leurs Ă©vacuations sur LomĂ©.Conclusion : La pratique neurochirurgicale Ă  Kara est très rĂ©cente Ă  Kara. Ilfaudra du temps et un travail de qualitĂ© malgrĂ© les conditions difficiles pourgagner la confiance des populations. Mots clĂ©s : bilan activitĂ©, neurochirurgie, Kara English Abstract: Assessment of one year of neurosurgery activity at Chu Kara Introduction: The neurosurgery department of CHU Kara, the second in neurosurgery in Togo, after that of the capital LomĂ©, located 430 km away. After a year of practice, the authors take stock of their neurosurgical activity. Patients and Method: Retrospective, analytical and descriptive study of all the patients who were treated in department of neurosurgery. Demographic, clinical and therapeutic data had been collected and analyzed. Results: 471 patients had been treated including 198 women. The average age was 37 years with extremes ranging from 04 days to 85 years. Head trauma from motorbike traffic accident was the most common reason for consultation. 18 patients had come from Benin. A total of 296 scanners were carried out, including 229 in Benin. Out of 128 patients to be evacuated to the capital, only 59 patients had been evacuated. The indication for surgery had been asked for 279 patients but only 36, including 15 women, had surgery. Most of the others never made it to the anesthesiologist. 04 deaths had been recorded in surgical resuscitation before their evacuations to LomĂ©. Conclusion: Neurosurgical practice in Kara is very recent in Kara. It will take time and quality work, despite the difficult conditions, to gain the trust of the populations. Keywords: activity assessment, neurosurgery, kar