201 research outputs found

    Exploring the Evolutionary History of the Differentially Expressed Genes between Human Populations: Action of Recent Positive Selection

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    Though debates exist on the early human evolutionary models such as the “Out of Africa” theory, which hypothesizes that modern humans migrated from Africa to Europe about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, Africans and Europeans were geographically separated with minimal gene flow for tens of thousands of years. The variations between the current European and African populations, therefore, should have evolved during this timeframe. To gain more insights into the evolutionary history of human phenotypes including gene expression, it is critical to tell how recent positive selection has played a role in the variations observed in the current populations. Using the list of differentially expressed genes we previously identified between the HapMap samples derived from individuals of African (from Ibadan, Nigeria) and European (from Utah, USA) ancestry, we searched for evidence of selection among these differential genes. We found that 27 differentially expressed genes (out of 356 tested) between these two European and African populations have been under recent positive selection. Our findings suggest that the variation between these two populations appears to be affected primarily by neutral genetic drift and/or stabilizing selection and to a lesser degree by positive selection. Further annotation enrichment analyses showed that these 27 genes under selection were overrepresented in certain Gene Ontology biological processes, molecular functions and cellular components such as transcription, lipid binding and lysosome. Our results can provide unique insights into the evolutionary history of the variation in the gene expression phenotype between these two human populations

    The HapMap Resource is Providing New Insights into Ourselves and its Application to Pharmacogenomics

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    The exploration of quantitative variation in complex traits such as gene expression and drug response in human populations has become one of the major priorities for medical genetics. The International HapMap Project provides a key resource of genotypic data on human lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from four major world populations of European, African, Chinese and Japanese ancestry for researchers to associate with various phenotypic data to find genes affecting health, disease and response to drugs. Recent progress in dissecting genetic contribution to natural variation in gene expression within and among human populations and variation in drug response are two examples in which researchers have utilized the HapMap resource. The HapMap Project provides new insights into the human genome and has applicability to pharmacogenomics studies leading to personalized medicine

    Evaluation of inter-batch differences in stem-cell derived neurons

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    AbstractDifferentiated cells retain the genetic information of the donor but the extent to which phenotypic differences between donors or batches of differentiated cells are explained by variation introduced during the differentiation process is not fully understood. In this study, we evaluated four separate batches of commercially available neurons originating from the same iPSCs to investigate whether the differentiation process used in manufacturing iPSCs to neurons affected genome-wide gene expression and modified cytosines, or neuronal sensitivity to drugs. No significant changes in gene expression, as measured by RNA-Seq, or cytosine modification levels, as measured by the Illumina 450K arrays, were observed between batches relative to changes over time. As expected, neurotoxic chemotherapeutics affected neuronal outgrowth, but no inter-batch differences were observed in sensitivity to paclitaxel, vincristine and cisplatin. As a testament to the utility of the model for studies of neuropathy, we observed that genes involved in neuropathy had relatively higher expression levels in these samples across different time points. Our results suggest that the process used to differentiate iPSCs into neurons is consistent, resulting in minimal intra-individual variability across batches. Therefore, this model is reasonable for studies of human neuropathy, druggable targets to prevent neuropathy, and other neurological diseases

    Application of Stem Cell Derived Neuronal Cells to Evaluate Neurotoxic Chemotherapy

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    The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and differentiation to cells composing major organs has opened up the possibility for a new model system to study adverse toxicities associated with chemotherapy. Therefore, we used human iPSC-derived neurons to study peripheral neuropathy, one of the most common adverse effects of chemotherapy and cause for dose reduction. To determine the utility of these neurons in investigating the effects of neurotoxic chemotherapy, we measured morphological differences in neurite outgrowth, cell viability as determined by ATP levels and apoptosis through measures of caspase 3/7 activation following treatment with clinically relevant concentrations of platinating agents (cisplatin, oxaliplatin and carboplatin), taxanes (paclitaxel, docetaxel and nab-paclitaxel), a targeted proteasome inhibitor (bortezomib), an antiangiogenic compound (thalidomide), and 5-fluorouracil, a chemotherapeutic that does not cause neuropathy. We demonstrate differential sensitivity of neurons to mechanistically distinct classes of chemotherapeutics. We also show a dose-dependent reduction of electrical activity as measured by mean firing rate of the neurons following treatment with paclitaxel. We compared neurite outgrowth and cell viability of iPSC-derived cortical (iCell® Neurons) and peripheral (Peri.4U) neurons to cisplatin, paclitaxel and vincristine. Goshajinkigan, a Japanese herbal neuroprotectant medicine, was protective against paclitaxel-induced neurotoxicity but not oxaliplatin as measured by morphological phenotypes. Thus, we have demonstrated the utility of human iPSC-derived neurons as a useful model to distinguish drug class differences and for studies of a potential neuroprotectant for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy