93 research outputs found
Soil patterns as a factor of crop heterogeneity
This paper examines the relationship between the heterogeneity of different crops in the Tula region of the Russian Federation based on vegetation observations during the period 2015-2020 with the mapping units of a large (scale 1:10,000) soil map. NDVI values calculated from Sentinel-2 satellite data were used as a measure of crop heterogeneit
The relationship of organization Failure Modes and Effects Analysis with the safety quality for Supply Chain Risk Management
Abstract- Supply chain risk management (SCRM) is a key component of not only supply success but firm success as well. All Companies aim to achieve the highest level in quantity and quality of their products in the shortest time while preserving the safety of their workers and providing all appropriate conditions for them. Whereas many institutions spend a lot of money to implement international safety and quality standards in order to reach this goal, they continue to suffer from some failures on the level of worker safety and unstable product quality. The presence of the human factor necessarily means the possibility of errors, and these errors naturally have accumulations that may reach even the furthest point in the organization and this leads to an increased possibility of accidents and fluctuations in product quality and waste of time. In view of the common goals and similarities between the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) organization, supply chain risk management, and the effective pivotal role of the FMEA organization in extracting points of failure and errors at the FMEA organization and field levels. Linking them in a way that allows managers to explore errors in the least time possible to remedy its consequences. The relationship between the FMEA organization and product quality management aims to improve performance and improve product quality in the shortest possible time
National Report for the IAG of the IUGG 2019-2022
Major results of researches conducted by Russian geodesists in 2019-2022 on
the topics of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) of the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) are presented in this
issue. This report is prepared by the Section of Geodesy of the National
Geophysical Committee of Russia. In the report prepared for the XXVII General
Assembly of IUGG (Germany, Berlin, 11-20 July 2023), the results of principal
researches in geodesy, geodynamics, gravimetry, in the studies of geodetic
reference frame creation and development, Earth's shape and gravity field,
Earth's rotation, geodetic theory, its application and some other directions
are briefly described. For some objective reasons not all results obtained by
Russian scientists on the field of geodesy are included in the report.Comment: Misprint in the title of the arXiv record has been corrected. The
submission content is not affecte
История ледника Донгуз-Орун по биоиндикационным, историческим, картографическим источникам и данным дистанционного зондирования
On the basis of dendrochronological, lichenometric and historical data with the use of Earth remote sensing materials, the evolution of the Donguz-Orun Glacier has been reconstructed over the past centuries. In this work we used aerial photographs of 1957, 1965, 1981, 1987, satellite image of 2009, as well as descriptions, photographs, maps and plans of the glacier of the 19th and 20th centuries, data of instrumental measurements of the glacier end position in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries, dendrochronological dating of pine on the front part of the valley, and juniper to date coastal moraines, and the results of lichenometry studies. It has been established that the Donguz-Orun Glacier in the past had several clearly marked advances about 100, 200 and more than 350 years ago, which are expressed in relief in the form of uneven-aged coastal moraines. Despite the fact that the Donguz-Orun Glacier differs from many mountain-valley glaciers of the Caucasus primarily by its predominantly avalanche feeding and a moraine cover, almost entirely covering its surface, the main periods of its advances are consistent with the known large fluctuations of mountain glaciers during the Little Ice Age in the early 20th, early 19th, and, probably, in the middle of the 17th century. However, unlike most other Caucasian glaciers, the Donguz-Orun Glacier advanced in the 1970s–2000s. Te scale of its degradation from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century is also uncharacteristic for the Caucasus: the reduction in the length for longer than a century period is only about 100 m.Проведены исследования изменений долинного ледника Донгуз-Орун за последние три с половиной столетия. Границы положения конца ледника определялись по аэрофото- и космическим снимкам, а также по историческим описаниям, фотографиям, картам и планам ледника, дендрохронологическим датировкам по сосне и можжевельнику и результатам лихенометрических исследований. Установлено, что ледник Донгуз-Орун в прошлом имел несколько чётко выраженных наступаний около 100, 200 и более 350 лет назад, следы которых находят отражение в рельефе в виде разновозрастных береговых морен
A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya
On 7 Feb 2021, a catastrophic mass flow descended the Ronti Gad, Rishiganga, and Dhauliganga valleys in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India, causing widespread devastation and severely damaging two hydropower projects. Over 200 people were killed or are missing. Our analysis of satellite imagery, seismic records, numerical model results, and eyewitness videos reveals that ~27x106 m3 of rock and glacier ice collapsed from the steep north face of Ronti Peak. The rock and ice avalanche rapidly transformed into an extraordinarily large and mobile debris flow that transported boulders >20 m in diameter, and scoured the valley walls up to 220 m above the valley floor. The intersection of the hazard cascade with downvalley infrastructure resulted in a disaster, which highlights key questions about adequate monitoring and sustainable development in the Himalaya as well as other remote, high-mountain environments
Disadvantages cartographic method of determining the coordinates as the causes of cadastral errors
Mismatch the description of land boundaries actual location of land boundaries that in practice becomes the cause of many land disputes. Оften the only solution to such disputes is to appeal to the court
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