144 research outputs found

    The scattering from generalized Cantor fractals

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    We consider a fractal with a variable fractal dimension, which is a generalization of the well known triadic Cantor set. In contrast with the usual Cantor set, the fractal dimension is controlled using a scaling factor, and can vary from zero to one in one dimension and from zero to three in three dimensions. The intensity profile of small-angle scattering from the generalized Cantor fractal in three dimensions is calculated. The system is generated by a set of iterative rules, each iteration corresponding to a certain fractal generation. Small-angle scattering is considered from monodispersive sets, which are randomly oriented and placed. The scattering intensities represent minima and maxima superimposed on a power law decay, with the exponent equal to the fractal dimension of the scatterer, but the minima and maxima are damped with increasing polydispersity of the fractal sets. It is shown that for a finite generation of the fractal, the exponent changes at sufficiently large wave vectors from the fractal dimension to four, the value given by the usual Porod law. It is shown that the number of particles of which the fractal is composed can be estimated from the value of the boundary between the fractal and Porod regions. The radius of gyration of the fractal is calculated analytically.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Appl. Crys

    Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Nano-Physiological Response of Ladybird Beetles to Photostimuli

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    Background: Insects are of interest not only as the most numerous and diverse group of animals but also as highly efficient bio-machines varying greatly in size. They are the main human competitors for crop, can transmit various diseases, etc. However, little study of insects with modern nanotechnology tools has been done. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we applied an atomic force microscopy (AFM) method to study stimulation of ladybird beetles with light. This method allows for measuring of the internal physiological responses of insects by recording surface oscillations in different parts of the insect at sub-nanometer amplitude level and sub-millisecond time. Specifically, we studied the sensitivity of ladybird beetles to light of different wavelengths. We demonstrated previously unknown blindness of ladybird beetles to emerald color (,500nm) light, while being able to see UV-blue and green light. Furthermore, we showed how one could study the speed of the beetle adaptation to repetitive flashing light and its relaxation back to the initial stage. Conclusions: The results show the potential of the method in studying insects. We see this research as a part of what might be a new emerging area of ‘‘nanophysiology’ ’ of insects

    Озёра у ледника Малый Азау на Эльбрусе: динамика и прорывы

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    The lake dynamics and the current state of them were analyzed on the basis of interpretation of aerial and satellite images of different years together with results of field surveys. Areas of six lakes existing in different years near the Maliy Azau Glacier had been determined. On August 22, 2011, the maximum area of one of the lakes was equal to 25.5 thousand m2. The first outburst was caused by the landslide deformations of the moraine massif forming a part of the lake basin, while the second one was a result of degradation of the lake ice dam and the water overflow on top of it. The present‑day lake dams (terminal‑moraine ramparts and medial moraine ridges) are the result of the Maliy Azau Glacier advance in 1990s. The revealed feature of the lake dynamics on the mountain Elbrus was a drop of the water level and corresponding decrease of the lake areas in winter that was related to existence of the groundwater runoff into fractured volcanic rocks. At present, moraine dams of lakes and areas of the surface water runoff from the lakes are in stable condition due to which there is no threat of a lake outburst. However, the potential threat of outburst still remains because of high seismicity and possible volcanic activity in this region.На основе дешифрирования аэрофотоснимков и космических снимков приводятся данные о количестве и динамике озёр у ледника Малый Азау за 1957–2015 гг. Наибольшая площадь озера (25,5 тыс. м2) зафиксирована на космоснимке 22.08.2011 г. незадолго до прорыва. Прорывы озёр происходили в 1978 и 2011 гг. и имели разные причины. Первый прорыв связан с оползневыми деформациями моренного массива, слагающего часть озёрной котловины, второй – с деградацией ледяной плотины озера и переливом воды поверх неё. Установлен также факт значительного падения уровня воды в озёрах в зимний период

    Soil patterns as a factor of crop heterogeneity

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    This paper examines the relationship between the heterogeneity of different crops in the Tula region of the Russian Federation based on vegetation observations during the period 2015-2020 with the mapping units of a large (scale 1:10,000) soil map. NDVI values calculated from Sentinel-2 satellite data were used as a measure of crop heterogeneit

    О наступании ледников в условиях вулканической деятельности вулкана Ключевской (Камчатка)

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    New data on continuing advance of the Kamchatka glaciers Erman, Vlodavets, Sopochny, Schmidt, and Bogdanovich were obtained as a result of analysis of aerospace information taken at different times. Glacier Erman advances during the past 70  years (1945–2016). Over the period from 1949 to 2016, its area increased by 4.7 km2 and the length – by 3.3 km (from 18.2 to 21.5 km). The highest speed of advancing had been estimated for the Schmidt glacier, in 2007–2013 it exceeded 100 m/year. We had identified a new isolated glacier between glaciers Erman and Schmidt, named as the Obvalny (the «Avalanche») glacier, since in 1945 this glacier was buried under volcanic-avalanche deposits resulted from the Klyuchevskaya volcano eruption. In 1975–2016, the Obvalny glacier advanced over a distance of about 1700 m. Also, we had found more 30 ice-rock massifs («wandering glaciers») on slopes of the Klyuchevskaya volcano. Their contours looked like drops or tongues, and some of them advanced in the frontal zone. From 2002 to 2016, the «wandering glacier» in the upper reaches of river Glubokaya (eastern sector of the volcano) advanced for 740 m (55 m/year). Advancing of glaciers here is a consequence of lateral and terminal eruptions of the Klyuchevskaya volcano in XX and XXI centuries. Erman Glacier, glacier advance, Klyuchevskaya volcano, lateral eruption, space images, volcanic and rock avalanche deposits, «wandering glaciers».На основе анализа разновременной аэрокосмической информации за период 1949–2016 гг. полу- чены новые данные о современном состоянии и наступании ледников района вулкана Ключев- ской – Эрмана, Влодавца, Сопочного, Шмидта, Богдановича и безымянных «блуждающих ледников». Площадь ледника Эрмана увеличилась на 4,7 км2, а длина достигла 21,5 км. Самые высокие темпы наступания – до 100 м/год – характерны для ледника Шмидта. Наступание ледников есть следствие латеральных и терминальных извержений вулкана Ключевской в XX и XXI вв

    Эволюция озёр у ледника Джикиуганкез (Северное Приэльбрусье) в 1957–2020 гг. с учётом подземных каналов стока

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    Evolution of lakes near the Dzhikiugankez Glacier in the north of Elbrus for the period of 1957–2020 was studied using a comparative interpretation of aerial and satellite images as well as aerial and ground surveys in 2007–2018. Within this period the area of the Dzhikiugankez Glacier (43,35 N, 42,53 E) decreased by 8.2 km2. On the territory previously occupied by the glacier and close to it, 19 lakes appeared at different times, which dynamically developed and broke through. The lakes cover the area of 0.43 km2, that equals to 5.21% of the total icefree area. The average area of the lakes is 26.6 thousand m2. The maximum (the lake East Birdzhaly) is 89 thousand m2. In total there were six lakes larger than 25 thousand m2. They are concentrated in depressions on the surface of an ancient lava flow dammed by glaciers, dead ices and moraine lines. At a certain stage in the evolution of lakes, water from them penetrated through these barriers and, thus, formed subglacial and underground drainage channels. In 2013, during helicopter flights, an underground drainage channel with a length of more than 80 m was detected in the moraine line around the Lake «Podkova». The survey made possible to determine decreasing in the lake level by 2 m, and the accumulation of water with a volume of up to 48 thousand m3 in the cavities of the moraine massif, until it reaches the outer slope. The accumulated volume of water interflowed through the underground channel gradually, but despite the pot-holes on its bottom, no mudflow happened in the valley. Although in another case, the formation of an underground drainage channel from the Severnoye Chungurchat Lake was accompanied by a lake breakthrough and a mudflow. Other characteristic features of the evolution of lakes and changes in the direction of drainage from glaciers are also analyzed in the paper.По данным дешифрирования аэрофотоснимков и космических снимков за 1957–2020 гг., а также полевых наблюдений и вертолётных облётов определены особенности эволюции озёр у ледника Джикиуганкез и механизмы их прорыва, в том числе по подземным каналам. На примере озёр Подкова, Северное Чунгурчат и Балык Южное показано, что формирование подземных каналов стока не обязательно приводит к сходу селевых потоков, однако даже небольшие озёра могут быть очагами значительных селей

    Активизация обвалов на Центральном Кавказе и их влияние на динамику ледников и селевые процессы

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    We analyzed multi-time satellite images of the Central Caucasus glacial zone and interpreted more than thirty rock avalanche events in the 21st century with a total damage area of more than 25 km2 (including the collapse zone of the Kolka Glacier disaster). The highest rock and rock-ice avalanche activity is detected in the section of The Greater Caucasus range (northern and southern slopes) with a length of about 20 km between the Bashkara and Kulaktau peaks (16 rock avalanches) and in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimaray Massif (series of rock avalanches to the surface of Kolka, Suatisi and Devdoraki glaciers). The feature of the rock and ice-rock avalanches is the large runout distance. For 12 events (about 40%) the distance was more than 2000 m. One ice-rock avalanche from the Mount Kazbek (excluding the Kolka Glacier disaster in 2002) reached the runout distance more than 10 km. In some areas, the rock avalanches occurred several times. In particular, a large number of avalanches were in the cirque of the Kolka Glacier; the last of them at the end of 2019. Thrice шт each case, rock avalanches originated from Mount Bashkara, in the cirques of the Murkvam Glacier, the East Shtulu Glacier, and the Devdoraki Glacier. Ice and rock avalanches were the initial stage of the complex process of the Kolka Glacier disaster and following catastrophic glacial debris flow in the Genaldon/Gizeldon River valley in 2002. Also, they were causes of glacier surges, formation of dammed lakes, and debris flows. As a result of the collapse of the hanging glacier and bedrock, the former right tributary of the Kolka Glacier surged to 200 m in 2006. Ice-rock avalanche from Mount Kazbek in 2014 load up the former right tributary of the Devdoraki Glacier and caused its advancing in 2015–2019, at a distance of more than 400 m. The avalanches caused catastrophic debris flows in the Amilishka/Kabakhi River valley in 2014, the Mestiachala River valley in 2019. Rock avalanches can cause outbursts of lakes and debris flows. Two dammed lakes formed as a result of the rock avalanche from the cirque above the Seri Glacier in the Tviberi River valley of the in May 2016. The lakes (total area was more than 0.05 km2) have outburst at the end of August 2017 after heavy rains. Rock avalanches of the 20th century led to an abrupt deceleration in the retreat of the Yusengi, Bartuytsete, East Shtulu and Mosota glaciers. The formation of rock avalanches in the 21st century took place at high altitudes (an average of about 3900 m). Possibly, the reason was associated with an increase of the «0» isotherm and of the high border of the zone of intense frost weathering due to climate warming. Some rock avalanches in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimarai Massif have been caused by endogenous factors (seismicity and volcanism).На основе анализа разновременных космических снимков приведены данные о 32 обвалах в ледниковой зоне Центрального Кавказа в ХХI в. Половина из них сосредоточена на участке северного и южного склонов Главного Кавказского хребта восточнее горы Башкара. Отмечена высокая активность обвалов в 2019 г., показано влияние обвалов на динамику ледников и селевые процессы