427 research outputs found

    Mannelijk hypogonadisme, een update

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    Male hypogonadism is a condition that can develop in every phase of life, with a higher prevalence in ageing men. This review presents an update on many aspects of male hypogonadism with emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of adult-onset hypogonadism. Low androgen levels after puberty and throughout adulthood can affect quality of life with infertility, decrease of sexual functions, muscle mass, strength and vitality, low mood and self-esteem, decrease of cognitive functions, osteoporosis and a change of metabolism with hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance. These effects can occur in every man, but especially to man with obesity and diabetes type 2. Low testosterone is regarded as a marker for poor general health and is an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality. This review offers practical recommendations for urologists to recognize, diagnose and treat male hypogonadism and offers an overview of the indications and contraindications for testosterone therapy.Mannelijk hypogonadisme is een aandoening die zich op alle leeftijden kan voordoen. Het tijdstip waarop testosterondeficiëntie zich voordoet, bepaalt in hoge mate het fenotype van de man en de ziekteverschijnselen. Deze review geeft een update van de definitie, epidemiologie, etiologie, diagnostiek en behandeling van mannelijk hypogonadisme. Daarbij wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen de diverse vormen van hypogonadisme, waarbij de nadruk ligt op de diagnostiek en behandeling van adult-onset hypogonadisme, bij uitstek het werkterrein van de uroloog. Bij de ouder wordende man treedt een geleidelijke daling op van het testosterongehalte, wat gevolgen kan hebben voor de kwaliteit van leven, zoals verminderde seksuele functies, verlies van spiermassa, kracht en vitaliteit, verminderde stemming en cognitieve functies, osteoporose en een veranderd metabolisme. Deze veranderingen treden versneld op bij mannen met obesitas en diabetes mellitus type 2. Een laag testosterongehalte is een marker voor een slechte algemene gezondheid en een verhoogde kans op hart- en vaatziekten en mortaliteit. Deze review geeft praktische aanbevelingen voor diagnose en therapie van symptomatisch hypogonadisme, met een overzicht van de indicaties en contra-indicaties voor testosterontherapie

    Is methotrexate safe for men with an immune-mediated inflammatory disease and an active desire to become a father? Results of a prospective cohort study (iFAME-MTX)

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    Introduction Current scientific evidence guiding the decision whether men with an active desire to become a father should be treated with methotrexate (MTX) remains controversial. We aimed to prospectively evaluate the testicular toxicity profile of MTX focusing on several markers of male fertility, including semen parameters and sperm DNA fragmentation index (sDFI). As a secondary outcome, we aimed to evaluate whether MTX-polyglutamates can be detected in spermatozoa and seminal plasma and to evaluate the enzymatic activity in spermatozoa of folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). Methods In a prospective cohort study, men ≥18 years who started therapy with MTX were invited to participate (MTX-starters). Participants were instructed to produce two semen samples (a pre-exposure and a post-exposure sample after 13 weeks). Healthy men ≥18 years were invited to participate as controls. Conventional semen analyses, male reproductive endocrine axis and sDFI were compared between groups. FPGS enzymatic activity and MTX-PG1-5 concentrations were determined by mass spectrometry analytical methods. Results In total, 20 MTX-starters and 25 controls were included. The pre-exposure and postexposure semen parameters of MTX-starters were not statistically significant different. Compared with healthy controls, the conventional semen parameters and the sDFI of MTX-starters were not statistically significant different. These data were corroborated by the marginal accumulation of MTX-PGs in spermatozoa, consistent with the very low FPGS enzymatic activity associated with the expression of an alternative FPGS splice-variant. Discussion Treatment with MTX is not associated with testicular toxicity, consistent with the very low concentration of intracellular MTX-PG. Therefore, therapy with MTX can be safely started or continued in men and with a wish to become a father.</p

    Unilateral aplasia of both cruciate ligaments

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    Aplasia of both cruciate ligaments is a rare congenital disorder. A 28-year-old male presented with pain and the feeling of instability of his right knee after trauma. The provided MRI and previous arthroscopy reports did not indicate any abnormalities except cruciate ligament tears. He was referred to us for reconstruction of both cruciate ligaments. The patient again underwent arthroscopy which revealed a hypoplasia of the medial trochlea and an extremely narrow intercondylar notch. The tibia revealed a missing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) footprint and a single bump with a complete coverage with articular cartilage. There was no room for an ACL graft. A posterior cruciate ligament could not be identified. The procedure was ended since a ligament reconstruction did not appear reasonable. A significant notch plasty if not a partial resection of the condyles would have been necessary to implant a ligament graft. It is most likely that this would not lead to good knee stability. If the surgeon would have retrieved the contralateral hamstrings at the beginning of the planned ligament reconstruction a significant damage would have occurred to the patient. Even in seemingly clear diagnostic findings the arthroscopic surgeon should take this rare abdnormality into consideration and be familiar with the respective radiological findings. We refer the abnormal finding of only one tibial spine to as the "dromedar-sign" as opposed to the two (medial and a lateral) tibial spines in a normal knee. This may be used as a hint for aplasia of the cruciate ligaments

    "It's just horrible": a qualitative study of patients' and carers' experiences of bowel dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: Around 50% of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience neurogenic bowel dysfunction (constipation and / or faecal incontinence), reducing quality of life and increasing carer burden. No previous qualitative studies have explored the experiences of bowel problems in people with MS, or the views of their family carers. Objective: To understand 'what it is like' to live with bowel dysfunction and the impact this has on people with MS and carers. Methods: Using exploratory qualitative methods, 47 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants recruited from specialist hospital clinics and community sources using purposive and chain-referral sampling. Data were analysed using a pragmatic inductive-deductive method. Results: Participants identified multiple psychological, physical and social impacts of bowel dysfunction. Health care professional support ranged from empathy and appropriate onward referral, to lack of interest or not referring to appropriate services. Participants want bowel issues to be discussed more openly, with clinicians instigating a discussion early after MS diagnosis and repeating enquiries regularly. Conclusions: Bowel dysfunction impacts on the lives of people with MS and their carers; their experience with care services is often unsatisfactory. Understanding patient and carer preferences about management of bowel dysfunction can inform clinical care and referral pathways

    Poloxamer-based thermoresponsive ketorolac tromethamine in situ gel preparations : design, characterisation, toxicity and transcorneal permeation studies

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    This study was aimed at preparing, characterising and evaluating in situ gel formulations based on a blend of two hydrophilic polymers i.e. poloxamer 407 (P407) and poloxamer 188 (P188) for a sustained ocular delivery of ketorolac tromethamine (KT). Drug-polymer interaction studies were performed using {DSC} and FT-IR. The gelation temperature (Tsol-gel), gelation time, rheological behaviour, mucoadhesive characteristics of these gels, transcorneal permeation and ocular irritation as well as toxicity was investigated. {DSC} and FT-IR studies revealed that there may be electrostatic interactions between the drug and the polymers used. {P188} modified the Tsol/gel of {P407} bringing it close to eye temperature (35°C) compared with the formulation containing {P407} alone. Moreover, gels that comprised {P407} and {P188} exhibited a pseudoplastic behaviour at different concentrations. Furthermore, mucoadhesion study using mucin discs showed that in situ gel formulations have good mucoadhesive characteristics upon increasing the concentration of P407. When comparing formulations {PP11} and PP12, the work of adhesion decreased significantly (P &lt; 0.001) from 377.9 ± 7.79 mN.mm to 272.3 ± 6.11 mN.mm. In vitro release and ex vivo permeation experiments indicated that the in situ gels were able to prolong and control {KT} release as only 48 of the {KT} released within 12 h. In addition, the HET-CAM and {BCOP} tests confirmed the non-irritancy of {KT} loaded in situ gels, and HET-CAM test demonstrated the ability of ocular protection against strongly irritant substances. {MTT} assay on primary corneal epithelial cells revealed that in situ gel formulations loaded with {KT} showed reasonable and acceptable percent cell viability compared with control samples

    Isolation and characterization of equine native MSC populations

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    Abstract Background In contrast to humans in which mesenchymal stem/stromal cell (MSC) therapies are still largely in the clinical trial phase, MSCs have been used therapeutically in horses for over 15 years, thus constituting a valuable preclinical model for humans. In human tissues, MSCs have been shown to originate from perivascular cells, namely pericytes and adventitial cells, which are identified by the presence of the cell surface markers CD146 and CD34, respectively. In contrast, the origin of MSCs in equine tissues has not been established, preventing the isolation and culture of defined cell populations in that species. Moreover, a comparison between perivascular CD146+ and CD34+ cell populations has not been performed in any species. Methods Immunohistochemistry was used to identify adventitial cells (CD34+) and pericytes (CD146+) and to determine their localization in relation to MSCs in equine tissues. Isolation of CD34+ (CD34+/CD146–/CD144–/CD45–) and CD146+ (CD146+/CD34–/CD144–/CD45–) cell fractions from equine adipose tissue was achieved by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The isolated cell fractions were cultured and analyzed for the expression of MSC markers, using qPCR and flow cytometry, and for the ability to undergo trilineage differentiation. Angiogenic properties were analyzed in vivo using a chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Results Both CD34+ and CD146+ cells displayed typical MSC features, namely growth in uncoated tissue culture dishes, clonal growth when seeded at low density, expression of typical MSC markers, and multipotency shown by the capacity for trilineage differentiation. Of note, CD146+ cells were distinctly angiogenic compared with CD34+ and non-sorted cells (conventional MSCs), demonstrated by the induction of blood vessels in a CAM assay, expression of elevated levels of VEGFA and ANGPT1, and association with vascular networks in cocultures with endothelial cells, indicating that CD146+ cells maintain a pericyte phenotype in culture. Conclusion This study reports for the first time the successful isolation and culture of CD146+ and CD34+ cell populations from equine tissues. Characterization of these cells evidenced their distinct properties and MSC-like phenotype, and identified CD146+ cells as distinctly angiogenic, which may provide a novel source for enhanced regenerative therapies

    Association of the MTHFR A1298C Variant with Unexplained Severe Male Infertility

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    The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene is one of the main regulatory enzymes involved in folate metabolism, DNA synthesis and remethylation reactions. The influence of MTHFR variants on male infertility is not completely understood. The objective of this study was to analyze the distribution of the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants using PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) in a case group consisting of 344 men with unexplained reduced sperm counts compared to 617 ancestry-matched fertile or normozoospermic controls. The Chi square test was used to analyze the genotype distributions of MTHFR polymorphisms. Our data indicated a lack of association of the C677T variant with infertility. However, the homozygous (C/C) A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene was present at a statistically high significance in severe oligozoospermia group compared with controls (OR = 3.372, 95% confidence interval CI = 1.27–8.238; p = 0.01431). The genotype distribution of the A1298C variants showed significant deviation from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting that purifying selection may be acting on the 1298CC genotype. Further studies are necessary to determine the influence of the environment, especially the consumption of diet folate on sperm counts of men with different MTHFR variants

    A Predictive Model of Intein Insertion Site for Use in the Engineering of Molecular Switches

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    Inteins are intervening protein domains with self-splicing ability that can be used as molecular switches to control activity of their host protein. Successfully engineering an intein into a host protein requires identifying an insertion site that permits intein insertion and splicing while allowing for proper folding of the mature protein post-splicing. By analyzing sequence and structure based properties of native intein insertion sites we have identified four features that showed significant correlation with the location of the intein insertion sites, and therefore may be useful in predicting insertion sites in other proteins that provide native-like intein function. Three of these properties, the distance to the active site and dimer interface site, the SVM score of the splice site cassette, and the sequence conservation of the site showed statistically significant correlation and strong predictive power, with area under the curve (AUC) values of 0.79, 0.76, and 0.73 respectively, while the distance to secondary structure/loop junction showed significance but with less predictive power (AUC of 0.54). In a case study of 20 insertion sites in the XynB xylanase, two features of native insertion sites showed correlation with the splice sites and demonstrated predictive value in selecting non-native splice sites. Structural modeling of intein insertions at two sites highlighted the role that the insertion site location could play on the ability of the intein to modulate activity of the host protein. These findings can be used to enrich the selection of insertion sites capable of supporting intein splicing and hosting an intein switch