1,018 research outputs found

    SARS-COV-2 Testing Guidelines for Patients Admitted to MRH for Inpatient Rehabilitation

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    We implemented a clinical algorithmic approach with an emphasis on symptoms and risk to stratify patients into 3 groups: Acutely Ill COVID Rule Out/PUI Stable COVID Rule Out/PUI COVID OB

    Climate Variability and Ross River Virus Transmission in Townsville Region, Australia 1985 to 1996

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    Background How climate variability affects the transmission of infectious diseases at a regional level remains unclear. In this paper, we assessed the impact of climate variation on the Ross River virus (RRv) transmission in the Townsville region, Queensland, north-east Australia. Methods Population-based information was obtained on monthly variations in RRv cases, climatic factors, sea level, and population growth between 1985 and 1996. Cross-correlations were computed for a series of associations between climate variables (rainfall, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity and high tide) and the monthly incidence of RRv disease over a range of time lags. The impact of climate variability on RRv transmission was assessed using the seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. Results There were significant correlations of the monthly incidence of RRv to rainfall, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and relative humidity, all at a lag of 2 months, and high tide in the current month. The results of SARIMA models show that monthly average rainfall (β=0.0012, p=0.04) and high tide (β=0.0262, p=0.01) were significantly associated with RRv transmission, although temperature and relative humidity did not seem to have played an important role in the Townsville region. Conclusions Rainfall, and high tide were likely to be key determinants of RRv transmission in the Townsville region

    Multiparametric MRI Changes Persist Beyond Recovery in Concussed Adolescent Hockey Players

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    Objective: To determine whether multiparametric MRI data can provide insight into the acute and long-lasting neuronal sequelae after a concussion in adolescent athletes. Methods: Players were recruited from Bantam hockey leagues in which body checking is first introduced (male, age 11–14 years). Clinical measures, diffusion metrics, resting-state network and region-to-region functional connectivity patterns, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy absolute metabolite concentrations were analyzed from an independent, age-matched control group of hockey players (n 5 26) and longitudinally in concussed athletes within 24 to 72 hours (n 5 17) and 3 months (n 5 14) after a diagnosed concussion. Results: There were diffusion abnormalities within multiple white matter tracts, functional hyperconnectivity, and decreases in choline 3 months after concussion. Tract-specific spatial statistics revealed a large region along the superior longitudinal fasciculus with the largest decreases in diffusivity measures, which significantly correlated with clinical deficits. This region also spatially intersected with probabilistic tracts connecting cortical regions where we found acute functional connectivity changes. Hyperconnectivity patterns at 3 months after concussion were present only in players with relatively less severe clinical outcomes, higher choline concentrations, and diffusivity indicative of relatively less axonal disruption. Conclusions: Changes persisted well after players’ clinical scores had returned to normal and they had been cleared to return to play. Ongoing white matter maturation may make adolescent athletes particularly vulnerable to brain injury, and they may require extended recovery periods. The consequences of early brain injury for ongoing brain development and risk of more serious conditions such as second impact syndrome or neural degenerative processes need to be elucidated

    Detection of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion by Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Emergency Department: A Case Series.

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    Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a rare, but serious, diagnosis that can lead to blindness, most often due to thromboembolic disease. In the emergency department (ED), CRAO can present as acute, painless loss of vision. Physicians need quick ways to rule in this diagnosis due to the time-sensitive nature of the event. We describe two patients in this cases series who present to the same ED with unilateral painless vision loss and histories that include notable risk factors such as thromboembolic and atherosclerotic disease. Upon arrival, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) done at the bedside allowed for quick determination of CRAO. The importance of this case series is to emphasize the efficacy of POCUS in evaluating patients with painless vision loss in the ED setting

    Munchausen by internet: current research and future directions.

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    The Internet has revolutionized the health world, enabling self-diagnosis and online support to take place irrespective of time or location. Alongside the positive aspects for an individual's health from making use of the Internet, debate has intensified on how the increasing use of Web technology might have a negative impact on patients, caregivers, and practitioners. One such negative health-related behavior is Munchausen by Internet

    Catheter removal versus retention in the management of catheter-associated enterococcal bloodstream infections

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    It is unclear whether CVC removal is necessary to successfully manage enterococcal CA-BSI. MEthoDs: A 12-month retrospective cohort study of adults with enterococcal CA-BSI was conducted at a tertiary care hospital; clinical, microbiological and outcome data were collected. rEsuLts: A total of 111 patients had an enterococcal CA-BSI. [37.9]; P=0.03), but similar rates of recurrent bacteremia (nine [11.0%] versus two (7.0%); P=0.7) and a similar post-BSI length of hospital stay (median days [range]) (11.1 [1.7 to 63.1 days] versus 9.3 [1.9 to 31.8 days]; P=0.3). Catheter retention was an independent predictor of mortality (OR 3.34 [95% CI 1.21 to 9.26]). ConCLusIons: To the authors' knowledge, the present article describes the largest enterococcal CA-BSI series to date. Mortality was increased among patients who had their catheter retained. Additional prospective studies are necessary to determine the optimal management of enterococcal CA-BSI. [37, Catheter removal versus retention in the management of catheter-associated enterococcal bloodstream infections The aim of the present study was to examine the epidemiology, treatment and subsequent outcomes of patients with enterococcal CA-BSI, comparing patients with retained versus removed catheters. Our hypothesis was that catheter management does not affect patient outcomes. MEthoDs setting Barnes-Jewish Hospital (BJH), a 1250-bed teaching hospital, is the largest hospital in Missouri (USA), and has a referral base that includes the St Louis Metropolitan area, eastern Missouri and western Illinois. It houses all medical specialties, including a stem cell transplantation unit. BJH is affiliated with the Washington University School of Medicine (St Louis, Missiouri, USA). study design A retrospective cohort study of patients with enterococcal CA-BSIs during their hospital stay was performed. CA-BSI was defined as enterococcal bacteremia in a patient with a central venous catheter (CVC) in place for at least 48 h and no alternative source of infection. The hospital's medical informatics database was queried for blood cultures positive for any Enterococcus species; this dataset was merged with a manually collected dataset of CVC usage in the hospital, which is part of the hospital infection control database. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Adult patients admitted to BJH between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006, who presented with, or developed, an enterococcal bloodstream infection and had a CVC present at the time of detection of this infection were included. All types and locations of CVCs were included. Blood cultures were obtained during routine care either peripherally and/or from the CVC. Patients who presented to the hospital with a CVC already in place were included. Patient history and physical examination as well as admitting diagnosis and microbiology results were reviewed to determine whether the catheter was the primary focus of the bacteremia. Patients with a primary focus of bacteremia other than the catheter, patients with a CVC in place for <48 h, and patients who died on the day of the positive blood culture were excluded. Polymicrobial infections were included except concurrent Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia or candidemia within ±3 days of the enterococcal bacteremia (n=20) because both entities are established indications for catheter removal. Data collection Demographic characteristics, medical history, clinical presentation, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, antibiotic treatment and key markers of outcome (recurrence of bloodstream infection, length of hospital stay after the bloodstream infection, crude mortality) were abstracted from the medical records. Admission Charlson comorbidity and McCabe severity of illness scores were determined. Duration of catheter retention time after the bacteremia was recorded. Information on antibiotic lock therapy was collected; however, this treatment modality was not used in patients from this cohort. Postdischarge mortality at both 30 days and three months after bacteremia was obtained from the Social Security Death Index (www. ssdi-search.com). Definitions Renal insufficiency was defined by a serum creatinine level >132.6 μmol/L. Sepsis and sepsis-induced hypotension were defined using established criteria (13). Appropriate therapy was defined as pathogen-directed treatment with antibiotics matching susceptibilities. A catheter was considered to be retained if it was present for the duration of the hospitalization after the first positive blood culture. Recurrence of bacteremia (used here synonymously with intermittent bacteremia) was defined as a second positive blood culture after ≥1 negative blood culture and an interval of ≥1 day during their hospitalization. Community-onset enterococcal bloodstream infection was defined as having the first positive blood culture drawn within 48 h of hospital admission. Data analysis and statistical methods Data entry was performed using Access and Excel (Microsoft Corporation, USA). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 17 (IBM Corporation, USA). Univariate comparisons among categorical variables and outcome measures were performed using the χ 2 test or Fisher's exact test. A two-sided P <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Also calculated was the absolute difference in proportion (∆ p ) of rates of outcome measures including the 95% CI of this difference to describe the precision of this point estimate. Analysis of the difference in proportions and 95% CI enabled the interpretation of statistical significance (if the 95% CI did not cross zero) as well as clinical significance (if the upper limit of the 95% CI exceeded a predefined difference). An absolute difference in recurrence of bacteremia and mortality rates of 15% was considered to represent a clinically significant difference; this estimate was chosen based on previous literature regarding catheter management and clinical experience (14,15). Comparisons among continuous independent variables were performed using the Student's t test or Mann-Whitney U test as appropriate. Variables found to have P<0.1 in univariate testing were considered for entry into a forward, stepwise multivariate logistic regression model. The study was approved by the Washington University Human Research Protection Office (#07-0690). rEsuLts Demographics, comorbidities and clinical presentation There were 111 patients with enterococcal CA-BSI who met inclusion criteria. The mean (± SD) age was 58.2±15.3 years; 56 (50.5%) patients were male; and 77 (69.4%) were white. There were 36 (32%) patients admitted to the oncology/bone marrow transplant service. The most frequent comorbidities were malignancies (n=62 [55.9%]), diabetes (n=35 [31.5%]) and renal insufficiency (n=31 [27.9%]). Twenty-five (22.5%) patients had metastatic solid tumours, 28 (25.2%) had leukemia, six (5.4%) had lymphomas and three (2.7%) had nonmetastatic solid tumours. There were 20 (18%) patients who were neutropenic at the time of bloodstream infection. Of all bloodstream infections, 90 (81%) were hospital-acquired. None of the patients were diagnosed with infective endocarditis during the admission. Microbiology Of the enterococcal bloodstream infections, 45 (40.5%) were caused by E faecalis and 61 (55.0%) by E faecium. Of the bacteremias caused by E faecalis, 10 (22.2%) were due to vancomycin-resistant isolates while 57 (93.4%) of the bacteremias caused by E faecium were vancomycin resistant. An additional five (4.5%) infections were caused by other Enterococcus species. A total of 37 patients (33.3%) had polymicrobial infections in which the most common polymicrobial organism was coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (n=26 [23.4%]). There were 24 (34.9%) polymicrobial E faecalis bacteremias and 10 (27.0%) polymicrobial E faecium bacteremias. Additionally, there was no difference in polymicrobial bacteremias among patients who had their catheter removed versus retained (28 [34.1%] versus nine [31.0%]; P=0.8). Vancomycin-susceptible E faecalis caused 30 (36.6%) of 82 infections in which catheters were removed during the hospitalization and five (17.2%) of 29 infections in which they were retained (P=0.09). Vancomycin-resistant E faecium (VRE) caused 42 (51.2%) of infections in which catheters were removed and 15 (51.7%) in which they were retained (P=0.9). Overall, there was no difference in the number of vancomycin-resistant isolates regardless of whether a catheter was removed Catheter management The CVC was retained during the hospitalization in 29 (26.1%) patients. In univariate analysis, patients with removed CVCs were similar to patients whose CVC was retained DIsCussIon Removal of an intravascular catheter is, with few exceptions, considered to be an essential part of managing CA-BSI. However, robust data to support this approach are only available for a limited number of pathogens responsible for these infections. Despite the lack of sufficient data to provide an evidence-based recommendation with regard to CA-BSI caused by Enterococcus species, national guidelines recommend removing the involved catheters (9). To our knowledge, the present study represents the largest investigation into catheter management and outcomes of enterococcal bloodstream infections. The main finding of the present study was increased mortality in patients whose catheters were retained during the hospitalization. Our findings suggest that catheter removal should be considered to improve patient survival. Also, the difference in the two outcome proportions exceeded the predetermined clinically meaningful difference of 15%, which gives us a quantitative estimate of the impact of catheter removal. The patient groups were very similar with respect to demographic characteristics and comorbidities, including adjunctive antibiotic treatment with the aminoglycoside gentamicin. These findings are congruent with the single study encountered in the scientific literature that scrutinized outcomes of enterococcal CA-BSI and specifically investigated catheter management, albeit in a smaller number of patients (11). There, the authors retrospectively examined 61 enterococcal CA-BSI, with 82% of the episodes due to E faecalis and polymicrobial infections found in 18% of the study population. Of note, they did not exclude patients with concurrent Staphylococcus aureus or yeast bloodstream infections, although these infections likely guided catheter management significantly more than the detection of enterococci. Sandoe et al (11) evaluated whether successful treatment of a bloodstream infection was possible without removal of the catheter, which was achieved in five of 13 cases (38%). If the catheter was removed, the chance for cure was higher (40 of 48 [83%]). They found a combination of a cell wall-active agent with an aminoglycoside to be significantly more effective than monotherapy when the catheter was retained. The authors concluded that, although the removal of the catheter was performed in the majority of cases, it did not appear to be a necessary part of the management as long as antimicrobial treatment was optimized. In our study, even though we did not set cure as an end point, 67 (81.7%) of 82 patients with catheters removed survived the hospital admission and 61 (74.4%) survived at 30 days postbacteremia. These rates were much lower for patients with retained catheters. In summary, these data suggest that although enterococcal CA-BSI are not an absolute indication for catheter removal, removal should be favoured over catheter retention. Reasons for catheter retention may have been that the treating physicians of patients who were severely ill at the time of enterococcal bloodstream infection were reluctant to remove the catheter because it was essential for nonantibiotic medications; that the patients had limited options for alternative intravenous access; or that their comorbidities increased the risk of catheter removal and replacement. Catheter management may have been driven by reasons other than the infection alone, and removing the catheter could have been a lower priority or higher risk in the patients' overall medical management. Because we collected crude mortality data, it is also conceivable that patients died from causes not related to the CA-BSI. Of note, we did not observe a difference in recurrence of infection depending on catheter management; it is possible that the size of the cohort prevented us from noting a statistically significant difference. Our patients are notable for a high percentage of comorbid conditions, including metastatic solid tumours (23%) and leukemia (25%); accordingly, the crude in-hospital mortality rate was high in our study population. An independent factor associated with death was the detection of VRE in the stool, which may be a marker for frequent health care exposure. Despite this finding, CA-BSIs with vancomycinresistant E faecium did not result in increased mortality compared with non-VRE infections. This is different from an earlier prospective study and a more recent meta-analysis, in which vancomycin resistance was found to be associated with increased mortality Limitations of the present study include its retrospective design, the fact that the diagnosis of recurrent infection depended on the treating physician ordering blood cultures and that postdischarge outcomes, including completion of planned antibiotic therapy, follow-up blood cultures, and catheter removal postdischarge, were not studied. In addition, catheter management is potentially influenced by other reasons for retention (difficulty of finding alternative access, bleeding diathesis) and we did not report outcomes for different catheter types. Finally, changes in the usage of daptomycin and linezolid have occurred since the time of the study. Although this was the largest study of enterococcal CA-BSI to date, it is still a relatively small sample to detect rare outcomes. ConCLusIons Based on our study findings, catheter removal is preferable to retention in patients with enterococcal CA-BSI. A large prospective or multicentre study should be performed to identify patients at highest risk for mortality and to add strength to our results. DECLArAtIons: None of the following authors has a conflict of interest to declare: J Marschall, ML Piccirillo, J Doherty
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