119 research outputs found

    Soil water stable isotopes reveal evaporation dynamics at the soil–plant–atmosphere interface of the critical zone

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    Acknowledgements. We are thankful for the support by Audrey Innes during all laboratory work. We further thank Jonathan Dick for running the isotope analysis of precipitation samples and Annette C. Raffan for her support in the soil texture analysis. We would also like to thank the European Research Council (ERC, project GA 335910 VeWa) for fundingPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Integrated surface-subsurface model to investigate the role of groundwater in headwater catchment runoff generation : a minimalist approach to parameterisation

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    This work was funded by NERC/JPI SIWA project (NE/M019896/1) and the European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910 VeWa). Numerical simulations were performed using the Maxwell High Performance Computing Cluster of the University of Aberdeen IT Service, provided by Dell Inc. and supported by Alces Software. Aquanty Inc. is acknowledged for support in providing HGS simulation software compatible with the Maxwell High Performance Computing Cluster. We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that improved the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Resistance and resilience to droughts : hydropedological controls on catchment storage and run-off response

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Jonathan Dick, Maria Blumstock, Claire Tunaley and Jason Lessels for assistance with the field work and Audrey Innes for lab sample preparation. Climatic data were provided by Iain Malcolm and Marine Scotland Fisheries at the Freshwater Lab, Pitlochry. Additional precipitation and temperature data were provided by the UK Meteorological Office and the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC). We are grateful for the careful and constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers that helped to improve an earlier version of this manuscript. The European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910) is thanked for funding.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Testing the maximum entropy production approach for estimating evapotranspiration from closed canopy shrubland in a low-energy humid environment

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    We would like to thank The Leverhulme Trust (project PLATO, RPG-2014-016) and the European Research Council (ERC, project GA 335910 VeWa) for funding. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments that improved the manuscript substantially. Data in this study can be accessed upon request to the authors.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Modelling the effects of land cover and climate change on soil water partitioning in a boreal headwater catchment

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    We would like to thank The Leverhulme Trust (project PLATO, RPG-2014-016) and the European Research Council (project GA 335910 VeWa) for funding the projects in the catchment. We thank the three anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestion to improve the manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Six decades of ecohydrological research connecting landscapes and riverscapes in the Girnock Burn, Scotland : Atlantic salmon population and habitat dynamics in a changing world

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    Open Access via the Wiley Agreement C. Soulsby is grateful to The Leverhulme Trust for the Fellowship enti-tled“Atlantic Salmon as environmental sentinels.”The Girnock fishtraps and associated data collection on freshwater fish populationsand their habitats are managed and funded by the Scottish Govern-ment Marine Directorate under Service Level Agreement FW01T.Peer reviewe

    Storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hillslope connectivity, runoff generation, and the evolution of catchment transit time distributions

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    Acknowledgments We thank the European Research Council (ERC; project GA 335910 VEWA) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC; project NE/K000268/1) for funding. We would like to thank Konrad Piegat for invaluable help with the fieldwork. Iain Malcolm and staff at Marine Scotland (Pitlochry) are also thanked for the provision of data from the AWS. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Using isotopes to constrain water flux and age estimates in snow-influenced catchments using the STARR (Spatially distributed Tracer-Aided Rainfall-Runoff) model

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    Acknowledgements. This work was funded by the NERC/JPI SIWA project (NE/M019896/1) and the European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910 VeWa). Numerical simulations were performed using the Maxwell High Performance Computing Cluster of the University of Aberdeen IT Service, provided by Dell Inc. and supported by Alces Software. The isotope work in Krycklan is funded by the KAW Branch-Point project together with SKB and SITES. We would like to thank Marjolein van Hui- jgevoort for her help with the STARR code, and Masaki Hayashi and two anonymous reviewers for their insightful suggestions that significantly improved the paper. The Supplement related to this article is available online at https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-5089-2017-supplement.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Using SAS functions and high resolution isotope data to unravel travel time distributions in headwater catchments

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    Acknowledgments. We are grateful to the European Research Council (ERC) VeWa project (GA335910) and NERC/JIP SIWA project (NE/MO19896/1) for funding. A.R. acknowledges the financial support from the ENAC school at EPFL. C.B. acknowledges support from the University of Costa Rica (project 217-B4-239 and the Isotope Network for Tropical Ecosystem Studies (ISONet)). Data to support this study are provided by the Northern Rivers Institute, University of Aberdeen and are available by the authors. The authors wish to thank Ype van der Velde, Arash Massoudieh, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy and an anonymous referee for the useful review comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Information footprint of different ecohydrological data sources using multi-objective calibration of a physically-based model as hypothesis testing

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    Acknowledgments We particularly thank the many people who have been involved in establishing and continuing data collection at the Bruntland Burn, particularly C. Birkel, M. Blumstock, J.J. Dick, J. Geris, K. Piegat, C. Tunaley, and H. Wang.Non peer reviewedPublisher PD