253 research outputs found

    Tracing the Bipolar Outflow from Orion Source I

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    Using CARMA, we imaged the 87 GHz SiO v=0 J=2-1 line toward Orion-KL with 0.45 arcsec angular resolution. The maps indicate that radio source I drives a bipolar outflow into the surrounding molecular cloud along a NE--SW axis, in agreement with the model of Greenhill et al. (2004). The extended high velocity outflow from Orion-KL appears to be a continuation of this compact outflow. High velocity gas extends farthest along a NW--SE axis, suggesting that the outflow direction changes on time scales of a few hundred years.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap J Letter

    Zooming towards the Event Horizon - mm-VLBI today and tomorrow

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    Global VLBI imaging at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength overcomes the opacity barrier of synchrotron self-absorption in AGN and opens the direct view into sub-pc scale regions not accessible before. Since AGN variability is more pronounced at short millimeter wavelength, mm-VLBI can reveal structural changes in very early stages after outbursts. When combined with observations at longer wavelength, global 3mm and 1mm VLBI adds very detailed information. This helps to determine fundamental physical properties at the jet base, and in the vicinity of super-massive black holes at the center of AGN. Here we present new results from multi-frequency mm-VLBI imaging of OJ287 during a major outburst. We also report on a successful 1.3mm VLBI experiment with the APEX telescope in Chile. This observation sets a new record in angular resolution. It also opens the path towards future mm-VLBI with ALMA, which aims at the mapping of the black hole event horizon in nearby galaxies, and the study of the roots of jets in AGN.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in 11th European VLBI Network Symposium, ed. P. Charlot et al., Bordeaux (France), October 9-12, 201

    First 230 GHz VLBI Fringes on 3C 279 using the APEX Telescope

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    We report about a 230 GHz very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) fringe finder observation of blazar 3C 279 with the APEX telescope in Chile, the phased submillimeter array (SMA), and the SMT of the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO). We installed VLBI equipment and measured the APEX station position to 1 cm accuracy (1 sigma). We then observed 3C 279 on 2012 May 7 in a 5 hour 230 GHz VLBI track with baseline lengths of 2800 Mλ\lambda to 7200 Mλ\lambda and a finest fringe spacing of 28.6 micro-arcseconds. Fringes were detected on all baselines with SNRs of 12 to 55 in 420 s. The correlated flux density on the longest baseline was ~0.3 Jy/beam, out of a total flux density of 19.8 Jy. Visibility data suggest an emission region <38 uas in size, and at least two components, possibly polarized. We find a lower limit of the brightness temperature of the inner jet region of about 10^10 K. Lastly, we find an upper limit of 20% on the linear polarization fraction at a fringe spacing of ~38 uas. With APEX the angular resolution of 230 GHz VLBI improves to 28.6 uas. This allows one to resolve the last-photon ring around the Galactic Center black hole event horizon, expected to be 40 uas in diameter, and probe radio jet launching at unprecedented resolution, down to a few gravitational radii in galaxies like M 87. To probe the structure in the inner parsecs of 3C 279 in detail, follow-up observations with APEX and five other mm-VLBI stations have been conducted (March 2013) and are being analyzed.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Towards the Event Horizon - The Vicinity of AGN at Micro-Arcsecond Resolution

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    We summarize the present status of VLBI experiments at 3 mm (86 GHz), 2 mm (129-150 GHz) and 1.3 mm (215-230 GHz). We present and discuss a new 3 mm VLBI map of M87 (Virgo A), which has a spatial resolution of only approx. 20 Schwarzschild radii. We discuss recent VLBI results for SgrA* and argue in favor of new observations within an extended European mm-VLBI network, in order to search for variability. We discuss the possibilities to image the `event horizon' of a super-massive black hole at wavelengths < 2mm, and conclude that the addition of large and sensitive millimetre telescopes such as CARMA, the SMA, the LMT and ALMA will be crucial for this.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium held in Toledo, Spain on October 12-15, 2004. Editors: R. Bachiller, F. Colomer, J.-F. Desmurs, P. de Vicent

    Interferometric imaging with the 32 element Murchison Wide-field Array

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    The Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) is a low frequency radio telescope, currently under construction, intended to search for the spectral signature of the epoch of re-ionisation (EOR) and to probe the structure of the solar corona. Sited in Western Australia, the full MWA will comprise 8192 dipoles grouped into 512 tiles, and be capable of imaging the sky south of 40 degree declination, from 80 MHz to 300 MHz with an instantaneous field of view that is tens of degrees wide and a resolution of a few arcminutes. A 32-station prototype of the MWA has been recently commissioned and a set of observations taken that exercise the whole acquisition and processing pipeline. We present Stokes I, Q, and U images from two ~4 hour integrations of a field 20 degrees wide centered on Pictoris A. These images demonstrate the capacity and stability of a real-time calibration and imaging technique employing the weighted addition of warped snapshots to counter extreme wide field imaging distortions.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. This is the draft before journal typesetting corrections and proofs so does contain formatting and journal style errors, also has with lower quality figures for space requirement

    2mm Wavelength VLBI of SiO Masers and AGN

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    In April 2002 an array of antennas operating at 129GHz successfully detected VLBI fringes on both continuum AGN and SiO maser sources. The 129GHz fringes on maser sources represent the highest frequency spectral line VLBI detections to date. The AGN 3C279 was detected on long baselines at both 129GHz (and at 147GHz, see Krichbaum et al in these proceedings) yielding fringe spacings of 50-56 micro arc seconds, an angular resolution record. The array consisted of the University of Arizona Kittpeak 12m antenna, the Heinrich Hertz 10m Telescope (HHT), and the IRAM 30m dish on Pico Veleta. At 129GHz, a number of evolved stars and several young stellar objects exhibit strong SiO maser emission in the v=1 J=3-2 transition. Preliminary cross power spectra of SiO masers around the red hypergiant VYCMa on the HHT-KittPeak baseline ~190km are consistent with multiple spatially separate maser spots associated with the star. Future observations will include continuum observations of the radio source at the Galactic Center, SgrA*, and higher frequency maser lines including HCN and methanol.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, appears in: Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium held on June 25th-28th in Bonn, Germany. Edited by: E. Ros, R.W. Porcas, A.P. Lobanov, and J.A. Zensus. New version includes all editors in paper heade

    RDBE Development and Progress

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    A digital backend based on the ROACH board has been developed jointly by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and MIT Haystack Observatory. The RDBE will have both Polyphase Filterbank and Digital Downconverter personalities. The initial configuration outputs sixteen 32-MHz channels, comprised of half the channels from the PFB processing of the two IF inputs, for use in the VLBI2010 geodetic system and in the VLBA sensitivity upgrade project. The output rate is 2x109 bits/second (1x10(exp 9) bits/sec = 1 Gbps) over a 10 GigE connection to the Mark 5C with the data written in Mark 5B format on disk

    The Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center

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    The inner few parsecs at the Galactic Center have come under intense scrutiny in recent years, in part due to the exciting broad-band observations of this region, but also because of the growing interest from theorists motivated to study the physics of black hole accretion, magnetized gas dynamics and unusual star formation. The Galactic Center is now known to contain arguably the most compelling supermassive black hole candidate, weighing in at a little over 2.6 million suns. Its interaction with the nearby environment, comprised of clusters of evolved and young stars, a molecular dusty ring, ionized gas streamers, diffuse hot gas, and a hypernova remnant, is providing a wealth of accretion phenomenology and high-energy processes for detailed modeling. In this review, we summarize the latest observational results, and focus on the physical interpretation of the most intriguing object in this region---the compact radio source Sgr A*, thought to be the radiative manifestation of the supermassive black hole.Comment: Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 39 (2001), in press, 48 pages, 20 figures (partially in reduced quality), also available at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/hfalcke/publications.html#gcrevie