202 research outputs found

    Deeply-etched DBR mirrors for photonic integrated circuits and tunable lasers

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    Deeply-etched Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) mirrors are a new versatile building block for Photonic Integrated Circuits that allows us to create more complex circuits for optical telecommunication applications. The DBR mirrors increase the device design flexibility because the mirrors can be placed anywhere on the chip. This enables the realization of compact lasers

    Integrated multi-wavelength lasers : a design study

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    Multi-wavelength lasers (MWLs) play an important role in wavelength division multiplexing networks, and also in photonic radar beam steering applications. In this paper we study different options for realizing such lasers, monolithically integrated with radio frequency (RF) modulators that can be modulated up to 40 GHz. Configurations of arrayed waveguide grating (AWG)-based MWLs integrated with Mach-Zehnder modulators are discussed. Depending on the application, they can have spatially separated modulated outputs or the modulated signals can be multiplexed onto a common output. A novel configuration, that exploits the reflection and transmission properties of on-chip reflectors is presented.

    Transmission of pillar-based photonic crystal waveguides in InP technology

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    Waveguides based on line defects in pillar photonic crystals have been fabricated in InP/InGaAsP/InP technology. Transmission measurements of different line defects are reported. The results can be explained by comparison with two-dimensional band diagram simulations. The losses increase substantially at mode crossings and in the slow light regime. The agreement with the band diagrams implies a good control on the dimensions of the fabricated features, which is an important step in the actual application of these devices in photonic integrated circuit

    Experimental and numerical study of SiON microresonators with air and polymer cladding

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    A systematic experimental and numerical study of the device performance of waveguide-coupled SiON microresonators with air and polymer cladding is presented. Values of device parameters like propagation losses of the microresonator modes, the off-resonance insertion losses, and the straight waveguide to microresonator coupling are determined by applying a detailed fitting procedure to the experimental results and compared to results of detailed numerical simulations. By comparing the propagation losses of the fundamental TE polarized microresonator mode obtained by fitting to the measured spectra to the also experimentally determined propagation losses in the adjacent straight waveguide and the materials losses, it is possible to identify the loss mechanisms in the microresonator. By comparing experimental results for microresonators with air and polymethylmethacrylate cladding and a detailed numerical study, the influence of the cladding index on the bend losses is evaluated. It is demonstrated that the presence of an upper cladding can, under the right conditions, actually be beneficial for loss reduction

    Novel integrated tunable laser using filtered feedback for simple and very fast tuning

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    We present a novel integrated tunable laser based on filtered feedback, which combines a simple tuning method with ns switching speed

    Integrated filtered-feedback tunable laser with enhanced control of feedback phase

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    Recently we presented a novel discretely tunable laser that consists of a Fabry-Perot laser which was forced to operate in single-mode condition by applying on-chip filtered feedback. The laser switches extremely fast (3 ns) and requires simple on/off control currents to switch the wavelength. In these first devices it was not possible to control the phase of the feedback light independently from the feedback intensity. In was solved by adding an extra electrode allowing us to control the phase separately. In this paper we present the new device and study the effect of the control ofthefeedbackphase in order to improve the performance ofthe original tunable laser concept

    Integrated filtered-feedback tunable laser with enhanced control of feedback phase

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    Recently we presented a novel discretely tunable laser that consists of a Fabry-Perot laser which was forced to operate in single-mode condition by applying on-chip filtered feedback. The laser switches extremely fast (3 ns) and requires simple on/off control currents to switch the wavelength. In these first devices it was not possible to control the phase of the feedback light independently from the feedback intensity. In was solved by adding an extra electrode allowing us to control the phase separately. In this paper we present the new device and study the effect of the control ofthefeedbackphase in order to improve the performance ofthe original tunable laser concept

    Fast integrated tunable laser using filtered feedback

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    A novel integrated tunable laser is presented which combines a simple tuning method with ns switching speed. The Photonic Integrated Circuit consists of a Fabry-Perot laser with deeply-etched DBR mirrors. The Fabry-Perot modes can be selected independently using an Arrayed Waveguide Grating and then re-injected into the laser cavity, forcing single mode operation at the wavelength of that mode. 4ns switching time as well as 15 dB SMSR is demonstrated on the prototype device

    Widely tunable laser source operating at 2μm realized as monolithic InP photonic integrated circuit

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    A tunable laser operating from 2011 – 2042 nm realized as a monolithic InP photonic integrated circuit and fabricated within a multi project wafer run is presented. The laser is tuned using an intracavity filter based on nested asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometers with electrorefractive modulators. The device is intended for a single line gas spectroscopy and was designed and realized using a generic integration technology

    The 243 steps of making photonic integrated circuits in InP

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    The fabrication ofInP-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) is a complex process. The process used in the COBRA cleanroom in Eindhoven consists of 13 deposition, 10 lithography, 14 dry- and 7 wet-etching steps. Together with the intermediate cleaning, preparation and inspection procedures, the total process flow consists of 243 steps. In this paper we show how we created a robust modular process flow that can be usedfor a large variety of active- and passive circuits. These circuits can be fabricated together in multi-project wafer runs, allowing a drastic reduction of the fabrication costs making even small-volume production economicallyfeasible