6 research outputs found

    Creation of innovative tools for the development of organic dairy production in mountain areas

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    In the dairy mountain areas, natural constraints and the end of the quota system are sources of difficulties and challenges for the dairy production. High added value schemes, such as organic farming could help farmers and processors to face these challenges. The “Montagne Bio project”, funded by the French Ministry of Agriculture studied and defined the conditions for the success of this development. We studied dairy farmers’ views on organic production, described farm trajectories before and after conversion, and identified factors that contribute to the success or the failure of a conversion or of a collective development project. We tested and assessed a method to carry out projects for the development of organic farming in rural areas and built tools to support local stakeholders and extensionnists to manage such projects. The collective work in the project team made it possible to use new references by each partner and led to building a common view of farm trajectories and the development of organic food chains

    Livestock Farming Systems And The French Society: Key Controversies And Expectations

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    "For several years, French livestock farming has been questioned by society. Those questions concern its environmental impact, sanitary risks or animal treatment and ask, more generally, livestock farming’s place among a society that is more and more concerned about its alimentation. Critics reflect different expectations towards agricultural systems: 25% of the French population want a gradual disappearance of intensive farming systems for the benefit of under official quality signs (organic, AOP, etc.) or implementing alternative practices; 10% want the development of intensive farming to increase the production and be more competitive; and between them many want a gradual but not radical improvement of the intensive system, with stronger environmental and animal welfare requirements.