232 research outputs found

    Dilemma In Development, Education And Employment: An Analysis Of Zimbabwe, Tanzania And Kenya

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    A Zambezia journal article.1979 was a year of impending change — change that was without form or concept. Speculation was rife while planners anxiously awaited policy direction. At that time we felt the need to point out certain realities in Zimbabwe’s education and employment potentiality, and to distinguish facts from the fantasies. In this paper we have identified four major premises which underlie existing educational and employment strategies. We call these ‘conventional wisdoms’; and in them we have tried to pin down the implicit assumptions which too often are taken as ‘givens’. These conventional wisdoms can be summarized as follows: 1. Resources to satisfy the demand for education will be available when the war stops and aid flows in. 2. Education will generate the required wealth and development. 3. People are unemployed because they do not have enough education or training. 4. In the fields of education and employment all that we need to solve our development problems is more of the same

    Impact of HIV on CD8+ T Cell CD57 Expression Is Distinct from That of CMV and Aging

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    Background: Chronic antigenic stimulation by cytomegalovirus (CMV) is thought to increase ‘‘immunosenesence’’ of aging, characterized by accumulation of terminally differentiated CD28- CD8+ T cells and increased CD57, a marker of proliferative history. Whether chronic HIV infection causes similar effects is currently unclear. Methods: We compared markers of CD8+ T cell differentiation (e.g., CD28, CD27, CCR7, CD45RA) and CD57 expression on CD28- CD8+ T cells in healthy HIV-uninfected adults with and without CMV infection and in both untreated and antiretroviral therapy (ART)-suppressed HIV-infected adults with asymptomatic CMV infection. Results: Compared to HIV-uninfected adults without CMV (n = 12), those with asymptomatic CMV infection (n = 31) had a higher proportion of CD28-CD8+ T cells expressing CD57 (P = 0.005). Older age was also associated with greater proportions of CD28-CD8+ T cells expressing CD57 (rho: 0.47, P = 0.007). In contrast, untreated HIV-infected CMV+ participants (n = 55) had much lower proportions of CD28- CD8+ cells expressing CD57 than HIV-uninfected CMV+ participants (P,0.0001) and were enriched for less well-differentiated CD28- transitional memory (TTR) CD8+ T cells (P,0.0001). Chronically HIV-infected adults maintaining ART-mediated viral suppression (n = 96) had higher proportions of CD28-CD8+ T cells expressing CD57 than untreated patients (P,0.0001), but continued to have significantly lower levels than HIV-uninfected controls (P = 0.001). Among 45 HIV-infected individuals initiating their first ART regimen, the proportion of CD28-CD8+ T cells expressing CD57 declined (P,0.0001), which correlated with a decline in percent of transitional memory CD8+ T cells, and appeared to be largely explained by a decline in CD28-CD57- CD8+ T cell counts rather than an expansion of CD28-CD57+ CD8+ T cell counts. Conclusions: Unlike CMV and aging, which are associated with terminal differentiation and proliferation of effector memory CD8+ T cells, HIV inhibits this process, expanding less well-differentiated CD28- CD8+ T cells and decreasing the proportion of CD28- CD8+ T cells that express CD57

    Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in immobilisation: Part B- modulation of muscle functional, vascular and activation profiles

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    Abstract Objectives: This study set out to determine whether two potential protein-sparing modulators (eicosapentaenoic acid and vitamin D) would modulate the anticipated muscle functional and related blood vessels function deleterious effects of immobilisation. Design: The study used a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. Setting: The study took part in a laboratory setting. Participants: Twenty-four male and female healthy participants, aged 23.0±5.8 years. Intervention: The non-dominant arm was immobilised in a sling for a period of nine waking hours a day over two continuous weeks. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: placebo (n=8, Lecithin, 2400 mg daily), omega-3 (-3) fatty acids (n=8, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA); 1770 mg, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA); 390 mg DHA, daily) or vitamin D (n=8, 1,000 IU daily). Measurements: Isometric and isokinetic torque, antagonist muscle co-contraction (activation profile), muscle fatigability indices, and arterial resting blood flow were measured before, at the end of the immobilisation period, and two weeks after re-mobilisation. Results: Muscle elbow flexion and extension isometric and isokinetic torque decreased significantly with limb immobilisation in the placebo group (P0.05) towards attenuating the decreases observed in the placebo group. There was no significant change in muscle fatigue parameters or co-contraction values with immobilisation and no effect of supplementation group (P>0.05). Similarly, this immobilisation model had no impact on the assessed blood flow kinetics. All parameters had returned to baseline values at the re-mobilisation phase of the study. Conclusion: Overall, at the current doses, neither -3 nor vitamin D supplementation significantly attenuated declines in torque associated with immobilisation. It would appear that muscle function (described here in Part B) might not be as useful a marker of the effectiveness of a supplement against the impact of immobilisation compared to tissue composition changes (described in Part A)

    Hemodynamic Correlates of the Various Components of the First Heart Sound

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    Observations on the Mechanism of Atrial Gallop Rhythm

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