15 research outputs found

    Dural arteriovenous fistula: Two cases presentation

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    Dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) are abnormal shunts between dural arteries and veins or venous sinuses of the dura mater. Also the connections may be between pachymeningeal arteries from cortical arteries and veins or sinus from dura mater. There are uncommon pathologic entities, 6-8 % from supratentorial vascular malformations, and about 20-30% of infratentorial vascular pathology (8). The incidence may be higher because only 10% are symptomatic. The clinical manifestations are very variable from simple cephalea to major intracranial hemorrhagic ictus. The presentation is usually in the adult period,but are citied cases in childhood. In our country the diagnostic was difficult before the digital substraction angiography ( DSA) and the endovascular treatment was started in 2004 in our Department under coordination of professor Patrick Courtheoux from Caen, France

    Reviewing the Potential Therapeutic Approaches Targeting the Modulation of Gastrointestinal Microflora in Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a severe brain disorder characterized by an intriguing clinical panel that has begun to gain interest due to its particular phenotype. Having considered the role of gut microflora in psychiatry, the latest discoveries might offer further insight into the underlying mechanisms. Thus, we aimed to offer an updated overview of the therapeutic potential of microorganism-derived supplements alongside dedicated protocols that target the re-establishment of the host’s eubiosis. Based on combinations of specific keywords, we performed searches in four databases (PubMed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and ScienceDirect) for the established interval (2018–2022) and identified twenty two eligible cases, restricted only to human patients’ experiences. Up until the writing of this manuscript, it has been revealed that the administration of specific lactic acid bacteria strains (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium), or those combined with vitamin D and selenium, maintain the integrity of the gut flora, preventing antagonistic effects including inflammation, antipsychotic-related body weight gain (olanzapine) and other metabolic dysfunctionalities. However, there are multiple antipsychotics that exert a potent effect upon gut flora, influencing a plethora of pathways and creating a dysbalance ratio between beneficial and opportunistic pathogens. Risperidone, amisulpride, and clozapine are just a few examples, but the current literature is unfortunately inconsistent and reported data is contradictory, which is why we support additional studies in this context. Moreover, we further argue the utility of studying how distinct controlled substances influence microbial communities, considering that ketamine is proved to alleviate depressive-like behavior as opposed to amphetamine and phencyclidine, which are known substances to trigger SCZ-like symptoms in experimental models. Probiotics may be regarded as the most consequential vehicle through which the gut flora can be successfully influenced, in adequate doses exerting a beneficial role as an alternative approach to alleviate SCZ symptoms

    Surgical management of giant uterine leiomyoma

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    George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures,The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Background. Uterine leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor encountered in female genital pathology. It originates from the level of the smooth muscle tissue, and from the morphological point of view, the tumor is well delimited, being surrounded by a pseudocapsule. Etiology is represented by a factors such as, genetic predisposition, sexual steroids and a number of growth factors with role in the processes of angio- and fibrogenesis which are the basis of this pathology, being found in 40-50% of the cases at the age of over 35 years. Case report. `We present the case of a 46-year-old patient who, following a CT scan performed for diffuse abdominal pain and intestinal transit disorders, showed a dense bulky tumor formation, with multiple hyperdense inclusions inside and well-defined areas of necrosis, with maximum axial diameters of 133/168/249 mm (LL / AP / CC), having as a starting point most likely the uterine upper pole A total hysterectomy is performed, with bilateral anexectomy, and the histopathological examination describes a giant subserosal leiomyofibroma of the uterus with signs of hyaline degeneration, left hydrosalpinx with strong stasis of the left tube, follicular hemorrhagic cysts of the left ovary, vascular stasis of the right tube, corpus albicans, corpus fibrosum and hemorrhagic follicular cyst of the right ovary. The objective of this study is to present the surgical management of giant uterine leiomyoma. The patient shows a favorable postoperative evolution and is discharged on 5th day in good general health, hemodynamically and respiratory stable. Conclusions. The annual gynecological screening of female patients leads to the early detection of uterine leiomyomas that can be surgically treated by myomectomy which preserves fertility and avoiding total hysterectomy instead of choosing laparoscopic approach that reduces the days of hospitalization and postop complications

    Spatial memory deficits induced by systemic lipopolysaccharide administration

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    Stimulation of the immune system has been found to enhance, impair, or have no effect on various learning and memory tasks. The effects of systemic endotoxin treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 250 μg/kg in saline) were examined. Rats given LPS display spatial memory deficits in Y-maze and radial arm-maze tasks. Taken together, these results indicate that LPS treatment specifically impaired spatial learning performances in rats


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    Oxidative stress is the condition arising from imbalance between toxic reactive oxygen species and antioxidant systems. It is believed that increased oxidative stress may be relevant to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. In this way, the main markers of the lipid peroxidation processes include 4-hydroxynonenal and malondialdehyde. On the other side, the potential toxicity of free radicals is counteracted by a number of cytoprotective antioxidant enzymes that limit the damage, such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. However, the reports regarding the status of oxidative stress markers schizophrenia are very inconsistent, with various authors stating both increased and decreased activities of the main antioxidant enzymes, while others did not observe any significant modifications, as compared to control groups. Similar aspects were also reported in the case of the lipid peroxidation markers, although in here the contradictions are much more reduced than in the case of the antioxidant defences. It is generally believed that the equivocal results mentioned above may be due to different tissues studies, different species or the administrated treatment and the duration of the disease/treatment. In this context, in the present paper we were interested to review some studies regarding the oxidative stress status in patients and animal models of schizophrenia, by referring mainly to antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation markers

    Some comorbidities of benzodiazepine addicted patients

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    Comorbidity represents the diagnosis of one or more disorders in addition to the primary disease in a person for a certain period of time. In other words, comorbidity refers to a simultaneous process not related to the main pathological process. However, patients with addiction to alcohol or other drugs have anxiety comorbidity which requires an efficient and appropriate pharmacotherapy

    Analiza komponentów wielofunkcyjnych sektora energii odnawialnej w krajach OECD i implikacje kierownicze

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    New technologies and new market realities determine the global energy industry to redesign their business models in all significant areas. We based our research on the components of renewable energy within the OECD countries and used thirteen indicators in order to find out both the relations and the impact of main sectorial indicators and the global indicators of the OECD countries to their economic and social development. The main goal of our research is to discover the main correlations between the renewable energies and the economic development of the OECD countries. We used databases of the OECD, Our World in Data, International Energy Agency (IEA) and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), available for years 2017 and 2018. We apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and retain three principal components explaining 76.098% of the total variance. The main findings of the PCA application are; (1) factor 1 is dominated by the main renewable energy sources: traditional biofuels, hydropower, solar, wind and other renewables, as well as energy products, energy exports, energy capacity and energy generation; (2) factor 2 is dominated positively by energy imports and negatively by primary energy supply and GDP per capita; (3) factor 3 measures electricity generation. The results are addressed to the OECD member states, but also to other categories of states. Our results clearly show that if the OECD states are developing coherent renewable energy policies as part of an integrated smart energy system. The results show a direct link between investments in renewable energy and macroeconomic indicators of the considered states and main implications to the management.Nowe technologie i nowe realia rynkowe determinują globalny przemysł energetyczny do przeprojektowania modeli biznesowych we wszystkich istotnych obszarach. Nasze badania oparliśmy na składnikach energii odnawialnej w krajach OECD i wykorzystaliśmy trzynaście wskaźników, aby poznać zarówno relacje, jak i wpływ głównych wskaźników sektorowych oraz wskaźników globalnych krajów OECD na ich rozwój gospodarczy i społeczny. Głównym celem naszych badań jest odkrycie głównych korelacji między energią odnawialną a rozwojem gospodarczym krajów OECD. Korzystaliśmy z baz danych OECD, Our World in Data, Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii (IEA) i Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii Odnawialnej (IRENA), dostępnych za lata 2017 i 2018. Stosujemy analizę głównych komponentów (PCA) i zatrzymujemy trzy główne komponenty wyjaśniające 76,098% całkowitej wariancji. Główne ustalenia wniosku o PCA są następujące; (1) czynnik 1 jest zdominowany przez główne odnawialne źródła energii: tradycyjne biopaliwa, energię wodną, słoneczną, wiatrową i inne odnawialne źródła energii, a także produkty energetyczne, eksport energii, moc i wytwarzanie energii; (2) czynnik 2 jest zdominowany pozytywnie przez import energii, a negatywnie przez podaż energii pierwotnej i PKB na mieszkańca; (3) współczynnik 3 mierzy wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej. Wyniki skierowane są do krajów członkowskich OECD, ale także do innych kategorii państw. Nasze wyniki jasno pokazują, że państwa OECD opracowują spójną politykę w zakresie energii odnawialnej w ramach zintegrowanego inteligentnego systemu energetycznego. Wyniki wskazują na bezpośredni związek między inwestycjami w energię odnawialną a wskaźnikami makroekonomicznymi rozważanych krajów i głównymi implikacjami dla zarządzania

    Semiology of neurosurgical skull base: Notes

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    Each lesion in the skull base involves important neural and vascular elements after this we can appreciate, where the lesion is clinically localized. Also is very important to do the semiological assessment before and after the surgical approach

    Biomechanics and biometry of the anterior skull base

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    We present here some interesting points of view concerning the biomechanics aspects of the skull base. Also several problems are studied concerning the skull base symmetry with some pathological implications