164 research outputs found

    Kinderzahnheilkunde Terminologievergleich Deutsch-Serbisch

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    Das Thema meiner Diplomarbeit lautet „Kinderzahnheilkunde Terminologievergleich Deutsch-Serbisch“. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile aufgeteilt: in einen soziologischen, einen medizinischen und einen Terminologieteil. Der Schwerpunkt des soziologischen Teils betrifft die Interaktionen zwischen Zahnarzt und Kind und Zahnarzt und Eltern beim Zahnarztbesuch. Im medizinischen Teil widme ich zuerst dem Aufbau der Zähne, weiters gehe ich auf die häufigste dentale Erkrankung, die Karies, ein. Zum Schluss widme ich mich der Traumatologie im Milch- und Wechselgebiss. Der dritte und letzte Teil meiner Arbeit, ist der Terminologieteil. Die wichtigsten Termini aus dem soziologischen und medizinischen Teil sind aus dem Deutschen ins Serbische übersetzt und jeweils in beiden Sprachen definiert. Sowohl im Sachteil (medizinischer und soziologischer Teil) als auch im Terminologieteil habe ich, zum besseren Verständnis, Bilder als Anschauungsmaterial hinzugefügt. Im Anschluss zum Glossar, habe ich jeweils einen Index „serbisch/deutsch“ und „deutsch/serbisch“ erstellt

    Permissivity of human HeLa cells to bovine adenovirus type 2 (BaV2 infection

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    Infection of hUlnan cells by bovine adenovirlls type 2 (BAV2) is abortive. To obtain a better understanding of this pllenomel1011, and in particular to identify Wllich steps in the viral replicative cycles are altered dllring this virlls-host cells interaction, we have llndertaken a detailed study of BAV2 infections of the nonpennissive hUlnan IIeLa cells. Using autoradiography and 3H-thymidine-labeled vvhole virus particles for infection of HeLa cells, vve determined that viral attachluent appears normal. Furthermore, Southern analysis revealed that internalization and transport to the nuclells occurs in BAV2 infected HeLa cells. To investigate viral DNi\ synthesis, infectivity assays involving hydroxyllrea, a viral DN-A synthesis inhibitor, were carried out. The results revealed that Bft:LV2 DNA synthesis does not occur in HeLa cells. Fllrtller investigations into viral early gene expression by northern blotting analyses indicated that HeLa cells fail to support expression of EIA. This suggested that abortive infection by BAV2 could be attributed to faiiure of EIA to express. To test the possibility that the failure to express ElA was due to the inability of the host cell to recognize the E lA prOlTIoter, ,ve carried out transient expression transfection experiments using plaslnids \vith the bacterial lacZ linder the control of either BAV2 or i\d5 EIA promoter. X-gal histochelIlical assays sho\ved expression of lacZ from the Ad5 ElA prOlnoter but no expression of lacZ [rOln the BAV2 EIA prOlTIoter. This further suggests that the abortive infection b:y BAV2 could be attributed to failure of EIA to express dlle to a nonfllnctional prOlTIoter in hlunan cells. Thus we speClllated that abortive infection of HeLa cells by adenoviruses may be averted by providing EtA functions in trans. To demonstrate this, we coinfected HeLa cells with Ad5 and BAV2, reasoning that Ad5 could cOlnpensate for EIA deficiency in BAV2. OUf results showed that BAV2 DNA synthesis was indeed Sllpported in HeLa cells coinfected with Ad5dlE3 as revealed by Southern analysis. In contrast, coinfection of HeLa cells \vith BAV2 and Ad5dlElE3 mutallt did not support BLt\V2 DNA synthesis. Interestingly, BAV2 failed to replicate in 293 cells which are constitlltively expressing the El genes. This could ilnply that El is necessary but not sufficient to avert the failllre ofBAV2 to undergo productive infection ofhulnan cells

    Investigation and Modelling of a Cortical Learning Algorithm in the Neocortex

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    Many algorithms today provide a good machine learning solution in the specific problem domain, like pattern recognition, clustering, classification, sequence learning, image recognition, etc. They are all suitable for solving some particular problem but are limited regarding flexibility. For example, the algorithm that plays Go cannot do image classification, anomaly detection, or learn sequences. Inspired by the functioning of the neocortex, this work investigates if it is possible to design and implement a universal algorithm that can solve more complex tasks more intelligently in the way the neocortex does. Motivated by the remarkable replication degree of the same and similar circuitry structures in the entire neocortex, this work focuses on the idea of the generality of the neocortex cortical algorithm and suggests the existence of canonical cortical units that can solve more complex tasks if combined in the right way inside of a neural network. Unlike traditional neural networks, algorithms used and created in this work rely only on the finding of neural sciences. Initially inspired by the concept of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), this work demonstrates how Sparse Encoding, Spatial- and Sequence-Learning can be used to model an artificial cortical area with the cortical algorithm called Neural Association Algorithm (NAA). The proposed algorithm generalises the HTM and can form canonical units that consist of biologically inspired neurons, synapses, and dendrite segments and explains how interconnected canonical units can build a semantical meaning. Results demonstrate how such units can store a large amount of information, learn sequences, build contextual associations that create meaning and provide robustness to noise with high spatial similarity. Inspired by findings in neurosciences, this work also improves some aspects of the existing HTM and introduces the newborn stage of the algorithm. The extended algorithm takes control of a homeostatic plasticity mechanism and ensures that learned patterns remain stable. Finally, this work also delivers the algorithm for the computation over distributed mini-columns that can be executed in parallel using the Actor Programming Model