55 research outputs found

    The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Russian Literature

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    In Russian history, the twentieth century was an era of unprecedented, radical transformations - changes in social systems, political regimes, and economic structures. A number of distinctive literary schools emerged, each with their own voice, specific artistic character, and ideological background. As a single-volume compendium, the Companion provides a new perspective on Russian literary and cultural development, as it unifies both migr literature and literature written in Russia. This volume concentrates on broad, complex, and diverse sources - from symbolism and revolutionary avant-garde writings to Stalinist, post-Stalinist, and post-Soviet prose, poetry, drama, and migr literature, with forays into film, theatre, and literary policies, institutions and theories. The contributors present recent scholarship on historical and cultural contexts of twentieth-century literary development, and situate the most influential individual authors within these contexts, including Boris Pasternak, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, Osip Mandelstam, Mikhail Bulgakov and Anna Akhmatova. Content Provided by Syndetics.https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/bookshelf/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Soviet culture between the revolution and Stalinism

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    Este artigo apresenta algumas linhas gerais do debate sobre revolução e cultura entre 1917 e o período stalinista, com destaque para o fenômeno do realismo socialista.This article presents an overview of the debate on revolution and culture between 1917 and the Stalinist period, with special attention to the phenomenon of socialist realism

    Soviet Comedy Film; or, The Carnival of Authority

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    Translated by Jesse M. Savag

    Pozdnii stalinizm: Estetika politiki

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    In this nuanced historical analysis of late Stalinism organized chronologically around the main events of the period--beginning with Victory in May 1945 and concluding with the death of Stalin in March 1953--Evgeny Dobrenko analyzes key cultural texts to trace the emergence of an imperial Soviet consciousness that, he argues, still defines the political and cultural profile of modern Russia

    Сады соцреализма : к культурной топографии сталинской эпохи

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    Dobrenko Evgeny. Сады соцреализма : к культурной топографии сталинской эпохи. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 70, fascicule 4, 1998. pp. 889-908

    Once Dr Faul Has Left: The Agony of Socialist Realism in Poland, 1955– 56

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    Analysis of Polish anti-Stalinist movement after Stalin's death and role of literature in it

    Надзирать — наказывать — надзирать: Соцреализм как прибавочный продукт насилия

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    DISCIPLINE — PUNISH — DISCIPLINE: SOCIALIST REALISM AS A SURPLUS PRODUCT OF VIOLENCE The article, focusing on Gor'kij's journalism, the book on the history of the construction of the Belomor Canal, and Makarenko's Pedagogical Poem, examines the evolution, function and nature of one of the central categories of Soviet politico-aesthetic discourse of the 1920s- 30s: «re-forging» (perekovka). «Re-forging» is considered not only as a product and legitimization of terror, but also from the point of view of its formulation in discourse. Describing the Soviet expérience in categories of Western disciplinary society, Stalinist culture inserted Soviet pre-disciplinary society into Western discourse (Michel Foucault). Thus on the one hand, tins formed the basis of the Soviet system, and on the other, Stalinist culture organized the masses as the most radical source of terror. The article also examines the shift from the discourse of rehabilitation at the beginning of the 1930s to the pedagogical discourse of the second half of the décade, when the conditions of the Great Terror formed new discursive strategies for violence.SURVEILLER - PUNIR - SURVEILLER : LE RÉALISME SOCIALISTE COMME PRODUIT EXCÉDENTAIRE DE LA VIOLENCE Le présent article, centré sur les écrits journalistiques de Gor'kij, le livre sur l'histoire de la construction du canal mer Blanche - Baltique, et le Poème pédagogique de Makarenko, examine l'évolution, la fonction et la nature d'une des catégories centrales du discours politico-esthétique soviétique des années 1920-1930 : « re-forger » (perekovka). « Re-forger » est envisagé non seulement en tant que produit et légitimation de la terreur, mais aussi du point de vue de sa formulation dans le discours. Décrivant l'expérience soviétique selon les catégories de la société disciplinaire occidentale, la culture stalinienne introduit la société prédisciplinaire soviétique dans le discours occidental (voir Michel Foucault). Ce faisant, d'une part, la culture stalinienne donne forme aux bases du système soviétique et, d'autre part, elle organise les masses comme la plus fondamentale source de la terreur. L'A. examine également le glissement du discours sur la réhabilitation du début des années 1930 vers le discours pédagogique de la seconde moitié de la décennie, moment où les conditions de la Grande Terreur donnent forme à de nouvelles stratégies discursives de la violence.Dobrenko Evgeny. Надзирать — наказывать — надзирать: Соцреализм как прибавочный продукт насилия . In: Revue des études slaves, tome 73, fascicule 4, 2001. La littérature soviétique aujourd'hui, sous la direction de Catherine Depretto. pp. 667-712

    Vostochno-evropeiskie literatury na Vtorom s’’ezde pisatelei i proekt PaxSovietica: Nachalo kontsa" ("Eastern European Literatures on the Second Congress of Soviet Writers and the Project of Literary Pax Sovietica: Beginning of the End")

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    This chapter focuses on East-European literatures and how they were presented at the Second Congress of Soviet writers and it's development after Stalin's death


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    Introduction to the edited volume explaining its object, structure and methodology