197 research outputs found
Brick and Tile Kilns in Roman Pannonia – A State of Research
Dozens of Roman tile kilns have come to light in Pannonia during the last one hundred years. This paper summarizes the published tile manufacturing workshops of Pannonia in present-day Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. In the first part it gives a short general overview of the structure of a workshop, discusses the problems of defining tile kilns, describes the parts of the kilns themselves and outlines the systems of classifications. The second part gives a description and catalogue of the Pannonian tile kilns
The Municipium of Brigetio. Roman Houses at Komárom / Szőny-Vásártér
Although the overall topography of Brigetio is more or less clear, as some of the Roman ruins were still visible in the 19th century, not much was known about the civil town, the municipium of Brigetio. The research excavations of 1992-2011 have brought to light the remains of several Roman houses, workshops and two streets. This part of the town was inhabited by the Romans from the very beginning of the 2nd century AD to the second half of the 3rd century AD. At the end of the 2nd century AD the elongated dwelling houses were fit with hypocaust heating systems and richly decorated with wall-paintings. Like other cities in Pannonia, Brigetio also had its most prosperous times under the Severan dynasty. The paper presents the architectural results of the twenty years of archaeological investigation of the site
Roman building techniques observed in the municipium of Brigetio
The research excavations in Brigetio at Komárom/Szőny–Vásártér between 1992–2014 unearthed a part of the civil town (municipium) with domestic buildings and workshops with several construction phases from the end of the 1st century AD to the second half of the 3rd century AD. Best preserved are the ruins from the Severan era which offer us an insight into the building techniques of the age: adobe walls with stone foundations, mortar floors, hypocaust heating systems, ceilings and vaulted ceilings, roofs covered with ceramic roof tiles, stair cases, door and window openings and wells
A szubkontinentális litoszféraköpeny nagy mélységeiben lejátszódó fluidmigrációs folyamatok összehasonlító vizsgálata = Comparative study of the fluid migration processes in the deep lithospheric mantle
A kutatás során a köpenyben nagy mélységben migráló C-O-H fluidumok szerepét vizsgáltuk a köpenymetaszomatózis és gyémántkristályosodás folyamataiban. Negyvennél több, dél Afrikából származó diamondit xenolitot elemeztünk; meghatároztuk a gyémánttal összenőtt gránátot és klinopiroxént fő- és nyomelem (LAM-ICPMS) tartalmát, valamint a gyémánt C és N izotóparányait. A diamonditban található gránátok 5 csoportra oszthatók: peridotitos, átmeneti és 3 eklogitos (E1, E2, E3) csoportokra. A P gránátot tartalmazó diamondit karbonatit-kimberlit összetételű fluidumból kristályosodott, míg az E gránátot tartalmazó diamonditot kristályosító fluidum nyomelemei az alkáli bazaltokhoz hasonlítanak. A gyémántot kristályosító fluidumok redukált szenet tartalmazó mély köpeny eredetű fluidumokból oxidáció révén képződtek. Ez a folyamat C izotóp frakcionációval járt. Az így képződött karbonatit fejlődött tovább, és kristályosította a P és E típusú diamonditokat. Természetes és szintetikus karbonát-eklogit rendszeren végeztünk kísérlekete 8.5 GPa nyomáson és 1700-1800 oC hőmérsékleten. A kis viszkozitású karbonát olvadék gyorsan eljutott a gyémántkristályosodás helyére, nagyfokú gyémántkristályosodás volt megfigyelhető, és a gyémántokkal együtt gránát és cpx is kristályosodott. A természetes diamondit xenolitok vizsgálata és a kísérleti eredmények megerősítik, hogy a kontitnentális kratonok mélyén a gyémánt kristályosodás karbonatitos közegben megy végbe a köpenymetaszomatózis eredményeképp. | Migration of C-O-H fluids in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and their role in mantle metasomatism and crystallization diamondites have been studied. Garnet and clinopyroxene intergrowths from over 40 diamondite xenoliths from southern Africa have been analysed form major and trace elements (LAM-ICPMS), and diamonds have been analysed for C and N isotope ratios. Five garnet groups could be distinguished: peridotitic, transitional and 3 eclogitic (E1, E2,E3). Diamondites with P garnets crystallised from fluids in the carbonatite-kimberlite spectrum, while the parental fluids for diamondites with E garnets had trace element composition similar to alkali basalts. Parental fluids for diamondites evolved from reduced carbon species of deep mantle origin through oxidation. The resulted carbonatitic melt would further evolve and crystallize the P and E diamondites. Experiments on natural and synthetic carbonate-eclogite systems have been made at 8.5 GPa and 1700-1800 oC in order to simulate processes for the formation of diamondites. The processes observed are as follows: quick migration of mobile low-viscosity carbonate-silicate melts into zones of diamondite formation, extremely high rate of diamondite crystallization from a carbonate- silicate melt and formation of syngenetic inclusions of garnet and cpx inside the pores and cavities of diamondites. Diamondites crystallised in carbonatitic environment as a result of mantle metasomatism in the roots of the cratons
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