51 research outputs found

    Testing the relevance of effective interaction potentials between highly charged colloids in suspension

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    Combining cell and Jellium model mean-field approaches, Monte Carlo together with integral equation techniques, and finally more demanding many-colloid mean-field computations, we investigate the thermodynamic behavior, pressure and compressibility of highly charged colloidal dispersions, and at a more microscopic level, the force distribution acting on the colloids. The Kirkwood-Buff identity provides a useful probe to challenge the self-consistency of an approximate effective screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potential between colloids. Two effective parameter models are put to the test: cell against renormalized Jellium models

    Three-body interactions in colloidal systems

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    We present the first direct measurement of three-body interactions in a colloidal system comprised of three charged colloidal particles. Two of the particles have been confined by means of a scanned laser tweezers to a line-shaped optical trap where they diffused due to thermal fluctuations. Upon the approach of a third particle, attractive three-body interactions have been observed. The results are in qualitative agreement with additionally performed nonlinear Poissson-Boltzmann calculations, which also allow us to investigate the microionic density distributions in the neighborhood of the interacting colloidal particles

    On the nature of long-range contributions to pair interactions between charged colloids in two dimensions

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    We perform a detailed analysis of solutions of the inverse problem applied to experimentally measured two-dimensional radial distribution functions for highly charged latex dispersions. The experiments are carried out at high colloidal densities and under low-salt conditions. At the highest studied densities, the extracted effective pair potentials contain long-range attractive part. At the same time, we find that for the best distribution functions available the range of stability of the solutions is limited by the nearest neighbour distance between the colloidal particles. Moreover, the measured pair distribution functions can be explained by purely repulsive pair potentials contained in the stable part of the solution.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Many-body interactions and melting of colloidal crystals

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    We study the melting behavior of charged colloidal crystals, using a simulation technique that combines a continuous mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann description for the microscopic electrolyte ions with a Brownian-dynamics simulation for the mesoscopic colloids. This technique ensures that many-body interactions between the colloids are fully taken into account, and thus allows us to investigate how many-body interactions affect the solid-liquid phase behavior of charged colloids. Using the Lindemann criterion, we determine the melting line in a phase-diagram spanned by the colloidal charge and the salt concentration. We compare our results to predictions based on the established description of colloidal suspensions in terms of pairwise additive Yukawa potentials, and find good agreement at high-salt, but not at low-salt concentration. Analyzing the effective pair-interaction between two colloids in a crystalline environment, we demonstrate that the difference in the melting behavior observed at low salt is due to many-body interactions

    Poisson-Boltzmann Theory of Charged Colloids: Limits of the Cell Model for Salty Suspensions

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    Thermodynamic properties of charge-stabilised colloidal suspensions are commonly modeled by implementing the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory within a cell model. This approach models a bulk system by a single macroion, together with counterions and salt ions, confined to a symmetrically shaped, electroneutral cell. While easing solution of the nonlinear PB equation, the cell model neglects microion-induced correlations between macroions, precluding modeling of macroion ordering phenomena. An alternative approach, avoiding artificial constraints of cell geometry, maps a macroion-microion mixture onto a one-component model of pseudo-macroions governed by effective interactions. In practice, effective-interaction models are usually based on linear screening approximations, which can accurately describe nonlinear screening only by incorporating an effective (renormalized) macroion charge. Combining charge renormalization and linearized PB theories, in both the cell model and an effective-interaction (cell-free) model, we compute osmotic pressures of highly charged colloids and monovalent microions over a range of concentrations. By comparing predictions with primitive model simulation data for salt-free suspensions, and with predictions of nonlinear PB theory for salty suspensions, we chart the limits of both the cell model and linear-screening approximations in modeling bulk thermodynamic properties. Up to moderately strong electrostatic couplings, the cell model proves accurate in predicting osmotic pressures of deionized suspensions. With increasing salt concentration, however, the relative contribution of macroion interactions grows, leading predictions of the cell and effective-interaction models to deviate. No evidence is found for a liquid-vapour phase instability driven by monovalent microions. These results may guide applications of PB theory to soft materials.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Classical density functional theory methods in soft and hard matter

    Shear Viscosity of Clay-like Colloids in Computer Simulations and Experiments

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    Dense suspensions of small strongly interacting particles are complex systems, which are rarely understood on the microscopic level. We investigate properties of dense suspensions and sediments of small spherical Al_2O_3 particles in a shear cell by means of a combined Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD) simulation. We study structuring effects and the dependence of the suspension's viscosity on the shear rate and shear thinning for systems of varying salt concentration and pH value. To show the agreement of our results to experimental data, the relation between bulk pH value and surface charge of spherical colloidal particles is modeled by Debye-Hueckel theory in conjunction with a 2pK charge regulation model.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    On the Origin and Characteristics of Noise-Induced Lévy Walks of E. Coli

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    Lévy walks as a random search strategy have recently attracted a lot of attention, and have been described in many animal species. However, very little is known about one of the most important issues, namely how Lévy walks are generated by biological organisms. We study a model of the chemotaxis signaling pathway of E. coli, and demonstrate that stochastic fluctuations and the specific design of the signaling pathway in concert enable the generation of Lévy walks. We show that Lévy walks result from the superposition of an ensemble of exponential distributions, which occurs due to the shifts in the internal enzyme concentrations following the stochastic fluctuations. With our approach we derive the power-law analytically from a model of the chemotaxis signaling pathway, and obtain a power-law exponent , which coincides with experimental results. This work provides a means to confirm Lévy walks as natural phenomenon by providing understanding on the process through which they emerge. Furthermore, our results give novel insights into the design aspects of biological systems that are capable of translating additive noise on the microscopic scale into beneficial macroscopic behavior

    Hysteresis in Pressure-Driven DNA Denaturation

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    In the past, a great deal of attention has been drawn to thermal driven denaturation processes. In recent years, however, the discovery of stress-induced denaturation, observed at the one-molecule level, has revealed new insights into the complex phenomena involved in the thermo-mechanics of DNA function. Understanding the effect of local pressure variations in DNA stability is thus an appealing topic. Such processes as cellular stress, dehydration, and changes in the ionic strength of the medium could explain local pressure changes that will affect the molecular mechanics of DNA and hence its stability. In this work, a theory that accounts for hysteresis in pressure-driven DNA denaturation is proposed. We here combine an irreversible thermodynamic approach with an equation of state based on the Poisson-Boltzmann cell model. The latter one provides a good description of the osmotic pressure over a wide range of DNA concentrations. The resulting theoretical framework predicts, in general, the process of denaturation and, in particular, hysteresis curves for a DNA sequence in terms of system parameters such as salt concentration, density of DNA molecules and temperature in addition to structural and configurational states of DNA. Furthermore, this formalism can be naturally extended to more complex situations, for example, in cases where the host medium is made up of asymmetric salts or in the description of the (helical-like) charge distribution along the DNA molecule. Moreover, since this study incorporates the effect of pressure through a thermodynamic analysis, much of what is known from temperature-driven experiments will shed light on the pressure-induced melting issue
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