21 research outputs found


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    Objective: The article considers the problem of investment security of aviation enterprises. The article is presented as a systematic alternative to the methodology for calculating risks and situations in the economic environment of the aviation enterprise. Methods: The category of aviation risk as an economic category of investments is considered; various dangers and risks in the aviation economy of the enterprise are systematized. The category of investments is presented taking into account the specifics of transportation of the aviation industry and the technical conditions of aviation activities. Results: The vectors of economic security in the aviation economy are analyzed; the analysis of situations in risks and dangers as probabilities of losses and losses at realization of investments is given. The company is considered as an object and subject of investment. The subjective composition of the investment security category as a component of the economic security of the aviation enterprise is presented. Conclusion: The category of the phenomenology of investment activity as an element of society and the impact of investment on the economic environment of the aviation industry is considered and analyzed for the first time. The article will be useful for experts in the field of economics, aviation and investors and analysts


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    Objective: The article considers the problem of determining the aviation security administration from the standpoint of the current state of aviation research in the humanities and law. Methods and materials: In the course of the study the authors  used complex of philosophically ideological, general scientific and special scientific methods. Results: The category of aviation security is defined as an element of general aviation activity. The analysis of aviation safety from the standpoint of the formal and legal element of aviation activity is presented. Conclusion: The practical application of pedagogical and humanitarian levers to increase the level of aviation security is proposed

    ВИЧ-инфекция и туберкулез с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью: частота сочетания, эффективность лечения

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    The objective of the study: in Tomsk Region, to establish the frequency of multiple drug resistance (MDR) of mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) in new tuberculosis patients with the reference to their HIV status and to assess their treatment outcomes.Subjects and methods. The presented results were obtained from a retrospective cohort study of 788 new tuberculosis patients who were registered for MDR TB treatment at Tomsk Phthisiopulmonology Medical Center from January 2017 to April 2019.Results. In Tomsk Region, the level of primary MDR reaches 31.3% in patients with TB/HIV co-infection, while in HIV negative tuberculosis patients, this rate is 24.2%. The incidence of primary MDR/XDR MTB reaches 40% among deceased patients with TB/HIV co-infection. Treatment efficacy in MDR/XDR TB patients with associated HIV infection is low – the effective treatment was achieved only in 7.3% of them. In general (excluding the data on MTB drug resistance and antiretroviral therapy), treatment efficacy of tuberculosis patients with HIV infection is significantly lower versus HIV negative tuberculosis patients: 37.7% and 61.9%, respectively, OR 0.38 [0.28; 0.50], p = 0.001.Цель исследования: установить частоту встречаемости множественной лекарственной устойчивости (МЛУ) микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) у впервые выявленных больных туберкулезом в зависимости от ВИЧ-статуса на территории Томской области, оценить исходы их лечения.Материалы и методы. Представленные результаты получены на основе ретроспективного когортного исследования 788 больных впервые выявленным туберкулезом органов дыхания, которые были зарегистрированы для лечения МЛУ-туберкулеза в ОГАУЗ «Томский фтизиопульмонологический медицинский центр», в период с января 2017 г. по апрель 2019 г.Результаты. В Томской области уровень первичной МЛУ МБТ достигает 31,3% у больных туберкулезом в сочетании с ВИЧ-инфекцией, у пациентов с туберкулезом и ВИЧ-негативным статусом этот показатель ‒ 24,2%. Частота первичной МЛУ/ШЛУ МБТ достигает 40% среди умерших пациентов с туберкулезом и ВИЧ-инфекцией. Эффективность лечения пациентов с МЛУ/ШЛУ-туберкулезом на фоне ВИЧ-инфекции низкая ‒ эффективный курс достигнут только у 7,3% больных. В целом (без учета данных о лекарственной устойчивости МБТ и приема антиретровирусной терапии) эффективность лечения больных туберкулезом с ВИЧ-инфекцией значительно ниже, чем больных туберкулезом с негативным ВИЧ-статусом: 37,7 и 61,9% соответственно, ОШ 0,38 [0,28; 0,50], p = 0,001

    Катамнез результатов лечения больных с острым иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом

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    The aim of the work is to study the efficiency of different antibacterial medication combinations for the treatment of patients with acute Lyme mite borreliosis. 156 patients aged 20—76 have been on regular medical check-up. Different penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics have been applied as well as cephalosporins of 1 and 3 generation. The treatment duration has been 7—14 days. The duration of general intoxication syndrome, terms of clinical symptom dissapearance, antibody titer dynamics in indirect immunofluorescence reaction with borreliosis antigen, presence of side actions and long-term results of the treatment have been taken into account in the evaluation of different antibiotic combination efficiency. 1 year after discharge from the hospital 69,2% of observed persons considered themselves healthy, 15,4% obtained the diagnosis of chronic clinical LMB with predominant joint or nervous system damages. Thus, analysis of the investigation result shows that currently used etiotropic therapy regimens are not sufficiently effective. They allow recovery of 69,2% of patients with acute Lyme mite borreliosis only.Цель работы — изучить эффективность различных антибактериальных препаратов для лечения больных острым иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом (ИКБ). На диспансерном наблюдении находилось 156 пациентов в возрасте от 20 до 76 лет. Применялись различные сочетания антибиотиков пенициллинового и тетрациклинового рядов, а также цефалоспорины 1-го и 3-го поколения. Продолжительность лечения составила 7—14 сут. При оценке эффективности принимались во внимание продолжительность синдрома общей интоксикации, сроки исчезновения клинических симптомов, динамика титров антител в непрямой реакции иммунофлюоресценции с боррелиозным антигеном, наличие побочных действий препаратов и отдаленные результаты лечения. Через 1 год после выписки из стационара 69,2% наблюдаемых считали себя здоровыми, у 15,4% была диагностирована хроническая манифестная форма ИКБ с преимущественным поражением суставов либо нервной системы. Анализ результатов исследования свидетельствует о том, что использующиеся в настоящее время схемы этиотропной терапии недостаточно эффективны. Они позволяют добиться выздоровления лишь у 69,2% пациентов с острым ИКБ

    Клинические проявления и дифференциальный диагноз иксодовых клещевых боррелиозов

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    The article gives up-to-date information on clinical manifestation and differential diagnosis of Ixodes tick-borne borrelioses.В статье представлены современные материалы по клиническим проявлениям и дифференциальной диагностике ик- содовых клещевых боррелиозов

    Catalyst Technology

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    Actual aspects of a judicial regulation of explantation of donor’s materials for transplantation

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    Objective. Investigation of actual aspects concerning judicial regulation of explantation of donor’s anatomical materials for transplantation, determination of main problematic issues of such activity and delineation of ways to improve the legislative-judicial guaranties of the person’s life and the health guarding in explantation procedure of the donor’s anatomical materials. Materials and metods. Modern national and international normative base, which establishes main principle of explantation of the donor’s anatomical materials, was investigated. The methods of searching, analysis, systematization and summarizing of information were studied. Results. Necessity in sophisticated judicial base for transplantology is connected, first of all, with peculiar relations between donor and recipient, specifically constituting equal rights for the life for them. Actual judicial pattern of the consent or rejection delivery for procedure of explantation of the donor’s anatomical materials in the dead persons are frequently considered the disadvantages of a legislative-judicial regulation of transplantology. In such situation, the authors mentioned, that it is necessary to preserve an actual judicial pattern of the informed consent obtaining, to improve this procedure,as well as a mechanism of fixation and the state control. Also it is necessary to proceed with further harmonization of national legislation with international principles, concerning judicial regulation of explantation of donor’s materials, taking into account the national peculiarities and realization of the state policy in development of transplantology. The investigation results were confirmed by the author’s statistical observation. Conclusion. Basing on the definite priority of human rights, a necessity for guaranteeing to them the right to live and to be physicslly untouchable, independent from judicial pattern of the consent obtaining for the anatomical materials explantation, the state must guarantee the usable mechanism of effective control for obtaining and fixation of a consent of a potential donor