57 research outputs found

    Walkability Index in the Urban Planning: A Case Study in Olomouc City

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    Cytological and bacteriological evaluation of transendoscopic guttural pouch lavages in clinically healthy horses

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    Thirty-eight guttural pouch lavages from 19 clinically healthy horses were collected transendoscopically. Cytological examination and bacteriological culture of the samples were carried out. All 38 lavages assessed for cytology contained less than five per cent neutrophils and could be termed as cytologically ‘normal’. In none of the lavages did the neutrophil count vary between five and 25 per cent or exceed 25 per cent, which are the borderlines for being termed ‘reactive’ or ‘pathological’, respectively. Epithelial cells were the most commonly represented cell type in all lavages. Bacteriological culture was positive in 16 out of 38 lavages, but specific pathogenic bacteria were not cultivated in any of them, and only transient microflora was present. Although the relationship between the presence of specific bacteria, neutrophil count and total cell count could not be statistically evaluated due to the absence of ‘reactive’ and ‘pathological’ lavages, transendoscopic lavage appears to be a reliable method for obtaining a sample for bacteriological culture

    Program extension for diagram maps

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    Absolute statistical data are very often expressed by a diagram in thematic maps. The ArcGIS 9 software from ESRI is commonly used for the production of cartographic output, but there are only a few possibilities for how to express data by diagram maps. A program extension called “Diagram map creator” was developed at the Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University in 2010. This extension serves as a supplement for the automatic generation of various diagram maps. The program code, user interface and the possibilities of and the use of the “Diagram map creator” extension are presented in this article. Some examples of thematic maps are also shown. Article in English. Programų priedai diagramų žemėlapiams kurti  Santrauka Dažnai statistiniai duomenys teminiuose žemėlapiuose pristatomi diagramomis. ESRI kompanijos kompiuterinė programa ArcGIS 9 yra populiari kartografinei produkcijai kurti, tačiau joje numatyta tik kelios duomenų išraiškos diagramų žemėlapiuose galimybės. 2010 m. Palacký universito Geoinformatikos katedroje sukurtas programos priedas „Diagramų žemėlapių kūrimo priemonė” (Diagram map creator). Tai priedėlis įvairiems diagramų žemėlapiams kurti automatizuotai. Analizuojama programos pradinis tekstas, vartotojo aplinka ir taikymo galimybės. Pateikta keletas teminių žemėlapių pavyzdžių. Приложение к программам для создания диаграммных карт Резюме Зачастую статистические данные на тематических картах представляются в виде диаграмм. Для создания картографической продукции популярна компьютерная программа ArcGIS 9, созданная компанией ESRI, однако в ней предусмотрено лишь несколько возможностей для представления данных на диаграммных картах. На кафедре геоинформатики университета в городе Оломоуце (Palacky University, Чехия) в 2010 г. было создано приложение к программе „Средство для создания диаграммных карт” (Diagram map creator). Это приложение для автоматизированного создания разных диаграммных карт. В статье проанализирован начальный текст программы, среда пользователя и возможности ее применения. Представлено несколько примеров тематических карт. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ArcGIS , teminė kartografija, programa, taškų diagrama, linijų diagrama, plotų diagrama, UDK 528.948 Ключевые слова: тематическая картография, программа, диаграмма точек, диаграмма линий, диаграмма площадей, УДК 528.94

    Intelligent Systems in Cartography

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    Automatic data classification based on the triangular graph for thematic maps

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    A triangular point graph helps in the process of data classification for a thematic map. A triangular graph can be used for a situation that is described by three variables. The total sum of variables is 100%. The proportion of three variables is plotted in an equilateral triangular graph where each side represents a coordinate for one variable. A triangular graph displays the proportions of the three variables. The position of the point indicates the type (class) of the situation in the triangular graph. The typology of the situation can be subsequently expressed in the map. We have created a “Triangular Graph” program which represents a helpful automatic tool for ArcGIS software. This new program classifies input data based on a triangular graph. It is realized by two python scripts located in a custom toolbox as two programs. The first program calculates X and Y coordinates in an equilateral triangular graph. The second program compares plotted points and suggested zones of a division produced by the first program. Finally, a new attribute is added to the source data. The user can create a new thematic map, based on that attribute in order to express the typology of the given situation. The programming language Python and essential module ArcPy have been used for solving these tasks. To test the created programs several maps were made, based on the classification often used in demography. For example, the new program helped to create a sample map of age categories in districts of the Czech Republic. The program is available to download from the Esri web pages and web pages of the Department of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc

    Database modelling in Cartography for the “Atlas of Election”

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    Today maps are prepared in Geographic Information Systems (GIS software) and based on data stored in a database. In the stage of the conceptual database design, the graphic editor of a database model is recommended. The structure of data is often under the influence of the cartographic requests. For example, new data may be added only for visualization purposes. All database structures for a base data and a cartographical data can be defined in a conceptual database model before creation of a physical database model. Database modelling is demonstrated in ArcGIS Diagrammer software in this article. Design of a cartographic database model for the book “Atlas of Election to the Olomouc Region Council” is used as an example. Moreover, steps of a model creation, detail structure and relationships in the model are also mentioned. The cartographical database model of the “Atlas of Election” illustrates cartographical influence to the database structure

    CartoEvaluation method for assessment of GIS software

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    The article offers proposals for a new approach to evaluating GIS programs in cartographic functions. The newly proposed CartoEvaluation method is a comprehensive guide in monitoring all cartographic features and in subsequent selection of the program. The CartoEvaluation method is based on Gold-Question-Metric method. CartoEvaluation method was applied for assessment of some desktop GIS software. The result of assessment brings the rank of software. Method can help a user in the choice of GIS program when a user requires a higher cartographic functionality

    Maps of native ranges of tropical and subtropical plants created by GIS

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    This article presents various methods employed for construction of maps of native ranges of plants using geographical information system (GIS). The maps were originally created for a set of publications on important tropical and subtropical plants species kept in the collections of Flora Olomouc Exhibition Grounds, JSC., Czech Republic. Two different approaches were applied using outlined and chorochromatic methods. The former was used for construction of maps depicting approximate ranges, i.e., ranges which cannot be constructed exactly due to the objective lack of biogeographical data (e.g. early domesticated crops, which no longer occur in the wild). The latter approach was used for construction of maps showing known ranges, i.e., ranges that can be constructed more or less exactly because there is no considerable lack of biogeographical data. The maps of known ranges could be further divided according to the total area of the depicted range, its shape or location. The paper also presents plans of the greenhouses and the exhibition complex at Flora Olomouc Exhibition Grounds, using a different type of thematic maps useful for large-scale mapping of living collections

    Toll-like receptor signaling in thymic epithelium controls monocyte-derived dendritic cell recruitment and Treg generation

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    The development of thymic regulatory T cells (Treg) is mediated by Aire-regulated self-antigen presentation on medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) and dendritic cells (DCs), but the cooperation between these cells is still poorly understood. Here we show that signaling through Toll-like receptors (TLR) expressed on mTECs regulates the production of specific chemokines and other genes associated with post-Aire mTEC development. Using single-cell RNA-sequencing, we identify a new thymic CD14(+)Sirp alpha (+) population of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (CD14(+)moDC) that are enriched in the thymic medulla and effectively acquire mTEC-derived antigens in response to the above chemokines. Consistently, the cellularity of CD14(+)moDC is diminished in mice with MyD88-deficient TECs, in which the frequency and functionality of thymic CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Tregs are decreased, leading to aggravated mouse experimental colitis. Thus, our findings describe a TLR-dependent function of mTECs for the recruitment of CD14(+)moDC, the generation of Tregs, and thereby the establishment of central tolerance. Immune tolerance is mediated by the deletion of autoreactive T cells via medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTEC) and dendritic cells (DC), and by the induction of regulatory T cells (Treg). Here the authors show that mTEC receiving toll-like receptor signaling control the recruitment of CD14(+)Sirp alpha (+) DC population that is capable of inducing Treg for establishing tolerance