1 research outputs found

    Aeolian Wet System In The Sedimentary Intertraps Successions Of Mosquito Formation, Jurassic Of The Parnaiba Province, Brazil [sistema Eólico úmido Nas Sucessões Sedimentares Interderrames Da Formação Mosquito, Jur̀ssico Da Província Parnaíba, Brasil]

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    Prior to the tectonic events related to the opening of the Central Atlantic, the Mosquito Formation of Jurassic age in the Parnaiba Sedimentary Basin was deposited as a succession of interbedded basaltic flows and sedimentary packets. The sedimentary successions deposits accumulated in topographic depressions with erosional contacts at both their base and top. Their contacts with the basalts are marked by eolian supersurfaces. The thickest intertrapp unit in the formation, the Macap̀ Member, found in the Mosquito river valley, is made up of sandstones comprising three facies associations: 1) eolian dune fields with interdune pond deposits, 2) sand sheets with ephemeral fluvial deposits and 3) siliciclastic sabkha. 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