17,687 research outputs found

    Torsion Phenomenology at the LHC

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    We explore the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to test the dynamical torsion parameters. The form of the torsion action can be established from the requirements of consistency of effective quantum field theory. The most phenomenologically relevant part of the torsion tensor is dual to a massive axial vector field. This axial vector has geometric nature, that means it does not belong to any representation of the gauge group of the SM extension or GUT theory. At the same time, torsion should interact with all fermions, that opens the way for the phenomenological applications. We demonstrate that LHC collider can establish unique constraints on the interactions between fermions and torsion field considerably exceeding present experimental lower bounds on the torsion couplings and its mass. It is also shown how possible non-universal nature of torsion couplings due to the renormalization group running between the Planck and TeV energy scales can be tested via the combined analysis of Drell-Yan and ttˉt\bar{t} production processes

    Students’ Evolving Meaning About Tangent Line with the Mediation of a Dynamic Geometry Environment and an Instructional Example Space

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    In this paper I report a lengthy episode from a teaching experiment in which fifteen Year 12 Greek students negotiated their definitions of tangent line to a function graph. The experiment was designed for the purpose of introducing students to the notion of derivative and to the general case of tangent to a function graph. Its design was based on previous research results on students’ perspectives on tangency, especially in their transition from Geometry to Analysis. In this experiment an instructional example space of functions was used in an electronic environment utilising Dynamic Geometry software with Function Grapher tools. Following the Vygotskian approach according to which students’ knowledge develops in specific social and cultural contexts, students’ construction of the meaning of tangent line was observed in the classroom throughout the experiment. The analysis of the classroom data collected during the experiment focused on the evolution of students’ personal meanings about tangent line of function graph in relation to: the electronic environment; the pre-prepared as well as spontaneous examples; students’ engagement in classroom discussion; and, the role of researcher as a teacher. The analysis indicated that the evolution of students’ meanings towards a more sophisticated understanding of tangency was not linear. Also it was interrelated with the evolution of the meaning they had about the inscriptions in the electronic environment; the instructional example space; the classroom discussion; and, the role of the teacher

    The seasonality expressed in motility of frog Rana Ridibunda Pall 1771 erythrocytes and leukocytes in agarose gel under the influence of the temperature

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    The agarose migration test rexealed the influence of temperature on seasonal fluctuation of locomotional activity of nuclear hemocytes of frogs of the genus Rana Ridibunda Pall. It’s been shown that at different incubation temperatures, the spontaneous migration area of blood cells changed in spring and summer, and did not change during autumn and winte

    Seasonal fluctuations of migratory activity of ertebrate nuclear hemocytes at different incubation temperatures

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    Agarose migration test has shown that nuclear erythrocytes of Cyprinus carpio, Rana ridibunda, and Gallus domesticus are capable for spontaneous locomotions. The migration of red blood cells from frogs is associated with formations of long pseudopodia, whereas that from carps and hens - with short protrusion

    Divergência genética entre matrizes de tucumã-do-pará (Astrocaryum vulgare mart.) selecionadas para a produção de frutos por marcadores ISSR.

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    A região amazônica possui inúmeras espécies nativas de plantas frutíferas que apresentam grande potencial nutricional, tecnológico e econômico. Nesse contexto, encontra-se o tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.), também conhecido como tucumã-do-pará cujos frutos presentam alto teor calórico, com altas quantidades do precursor da vitamina A, fibras e vitamina E. Apesar de possuir grande potencial, poucos estudos foram realizados para a contribuição de sua domesticação. Assim objetivou-se avaliar a divergência genética entre matrizes de tucumã-do-pará selecionadas para a produção de frutos por marcadores ISSR. Para isso, foram aplicados 16 primers ISSR e, após as PCR?s, a eletroforese em gel de agarose à 1,5% foi realizada e os resultados fotodocumentados. Após as análises realizadas através do dendrograma gerado pela matriz binária através do método de Jaccard, onde os dezesseis iniciadores utilizados geraram 87 bandas, sendo 49 polimórficas. O primer UBC 846 apresentou a maior percentagem de polimorfismo com 85,7%. O dendograma demonstrou a que maior similaridade foi entre as matrizes Tuc-10 e Tuc-11, com 95,2% e a menor entre Tuc-3 e Tuc-45 com 62,3% e formação de três grupos distintos, o primeiro grupo formado por 14 matrizes, segundo por cinco matrizes e o terceiro com 10 delas. Os resultados demonstram que as matrizes de A. vulgare mostran-se divergentes, com formação de pelo menos três grupos quando aplicados marcadores ISSR.VII ENAAG