51 research outputs found

    Affections of Turbine Nozzle Cross-Sectional Area to the Marine Diesel Engine Working

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    After a long period of use, some important technical parameters of the main marine diesel engines (MDE) gradually become worse, such as the turbine speed, intake pressure, exhaust temperature, engine power, and specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC). This paper studies the affections of the turbine nozzle cross-sectional area (AT) to MDE and presents a method of AT adjustment to improve the performances of MDE. A mathematical model of an engine was built based on the existent engine construction and the theory of the diesel engine working cycle and the simulation was programmed by Matlab/Simulink. This simulation model accuracy was evaluated through the comparison of simulation results and experimental data of the MDE. The accuracy testing results were acceptable (within 5%). The influences of AT on the engine working parameters and the finding optimization point were conducted by using the simulation program to study. The predicted optimization point of the nozzle was used to improve the engine’s performances on board. The integration of the simulation and experiment studies showed its effectiveness in the practical application of the marine diesel engine field

    Stable isotopes as an effective tool for N nutrient source identification in a heavily urbanized and agriculturally intensive tropical lowland basin

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We present the application of dual stable isotope analyses of NO3 (δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3) to provide a comprehensive assessment of the provenance, partitioning, and conversion of nitrate across the Day River Basin (DRB), Vietnam, which is heavily impacted by agriculture and urbanization. Stable isotope compositions of river water δ18O-H2O, in addition to their δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3 signatures, were sampled at 12 locations in the DRB. Sample collection was conducted during three different periods to capture changes in regional weather and agricultural fertilization regimes; April (the dry season and key fertilization period), July (the rainy season and another key fertilization period) and October (the rainy season with no regional fertilization). Ranges of NO3 stable isotopes are − 7.1 to + 9.2‰ and − 3.9 to + 13.2‰ for δ18O and δ15N, respectively. Interpretation of the stable isotope data characterizes 4 main sources of NO3 in the DRB; (1) nitrified urea fertilizer derived from an intensive agricultural irrigation network, (2) soil and groundwater leaching from within the basin (3) manure and sewage inputs (which is more prevalent in downstream river sections) and (4) upstream inflow from the Red River which discharges into the Day River through the Dao River. We applied a mixing model for the DRB consisting of 4 variables, representing these 4 different sources. The partition calculation shows that during the fertilization and rainy period of July, more than 45% of river NO3 is derived from nitrified urea sources. During the other sampling periods (April and October), manure and sewage contribute more than 50% of river NO3 and are derived from the middle portion of the DRB, where the Day River receives domestic wastewater from the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. Stable isotope data of O and N reveal that nitrification processes are more prevalent in the rainy season than in dry season and that this predominantly takes place in paddy field agricultural zones. In general, data demonstrate that nitrate loss in the DRB is due to denitrification which takes place in polluted stretches of the river and dominates in the dry season. This study highlights that (i) domestic waste should be treated prior to its discharge into the Day River and (ii) the need for better catchment agricultural fertilization practices as large portions of fertilizer currently discharge into the river, which greatly impacts regional water quality

    ChatGPT as a Math Questioner? Evaluating ChatGPT on Generating Pre-university Math Questions

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    Mathematical questioning is crucial for assessing students problem-solving skills. Since manually creating such questions requires substantial effort, automatic methods have been explored. Existing state-of-the-art models rely on fine-tuning strategies and struggle to generate questions that heavily involve multiple steps of logical and arithmetic reasoning. Meanwhile, large language models(LLMs) such as ChatGPT have excelled in many NLP tasks involving logical and arithmetic reasoning. Nonetheless, their applications in generating educational questions are underutilized, especially in the field of mathematics. To bridge this gap, we take the first step to conduct an in-depth analysis of ChatGPT in generating pre-university math questions. Our analysis is categorized into two main settings: context-aware and context-unaware. In the context-aware setting, we evaluate ChatGPT on existing math question-answering benchmarks covering elementary, secondary, and ternary classes. In the context-unaware setting, we evaluate ChatGPT in generating math questions for each lesson from pre-university math curriculums that we crawl. Our crawling results in TopicMath, a comprehensive and novel collection of pre-university math curriculums collected from 121 math topics and 428 lessons from elementary, secondary, and tertiary classes. Through this analysis, we aim to provide insight into the potential of ChatGPT as a math questioner.Comment: Accepted at the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2024), Main Conferenc

    Validation of Mesocyclops (Copepoda) and community participation as an effective combination for Dengue control in Northern Vietnam

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    The “Programme Meso-Vietnam” was implemented in Vietnam from October 2007 to December 2010 to reduce dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever incidence and to improve the quality of life in the four project communes. This dengue control project was based on biological control using Mesocyclops, a larvivorous micro-crustacean, as well as on the establishment of a strong community involvement to educate the population on dengue transmission and to reduce Aedes breeding by removal of containers. During three years, a network of collaborators was responsible for introducing Mesocyclops in all the containers defined as key breeding-sites, and regular activities such as community training workshops, school programmes, clean-up campaigns and health promotion through IEC programmess were performed. To make this programme sustainable, local leadership has been strengthened as well. The use of these larvivorous micro-crustaceans as a biological control strategy against dengue over the medium and long term, when combined with community participation and effective health promotion, demonstrated a significant reduction in dengue vector populations and dengue cases.  In Vietnam, this study reconfirms that there is an ecological alternative to systematic use of insecticides to control dengue vector population. (Abstract word count: 186)Le " Programme Meso-Vietnam " a été mis en œuvre au Vietnam entre octobre 2007 et décembre 2010. Ce programme vise à réduire l'incidence de la dengue et de la fièvre hémorragique de la dengue et à améliorer la qualité de vie dans les quatre communes sélectionnées pour le projet. Ce projet de lutte contre la dengue était basé sur un contrôle biologique assuré par des Mésocyclopes, micro-crustacés larvivores, et sur l'établissement d'une forte implication de la communauté pour éduquer la population sur la transmission de la dengue et pour réduire la reproduction des moustiques Aedes par élimination des conteneurs leur servant de site de ponte. Pendant trois ans, un réseau de collaborateurs a été chargé d'introduire des Mésocyclopes dans tous les conteneurs définis comme des sites de reproduction clés, et des activités régulières telles que des ateliers de formation communautaires, des programmes scolaires, des campagnes de nettoyage et des activités de promotion de la santé via les programmes IEC ont été mises en place. En outre, pour assurer la pérennité de ce programme, le leadership local a été renforcé. L'utilisation de ces micro-crustacés larvivores comme stratégie de contrôle biologique de la dengue à moyen et long terme, associée à une participation communautaire et à une promotion efficace de la santé, a permis d'aboutir à une réduction significative des populations vecteurs de la dengue et des cas de dengue. Au Vietnam, cette étude confirme une fois de plus qu'il existe une alternative écologique à l'utilisation systématique d'insecticides pour lutter contre les vecteurs de la dengue.El “Programa Meso-Vietnam” se implementó en Vietnam desde octubre de 2007 hasta diciembre de 2010 para reducir la incidencia del dengue y la fiebre hemorrágica del dengue y para mejorar la calidad de vida en los cuatro municipios del proyecto. Este proyecto de control del dengue se basaba en el control biológico usando Mesocyclops, un microcrustáceo larvívoro, así como en el establecimiento de una fuerte implicación comunitaria para educar a la población sobre la transmisión del dengue y para reducir la cría de Aedes mediante la eliminación de recipientes. Durante tres años, una red de colaboradores fue responsable de la introducción de Mesocyclops en todos los recipientes definidos como sitios clave para la cría, y se realizaron actividades regulares tales como talleres de formación comunitaria, programas escolares, campañas de limpieza y promoción de la salud a través de programas de IEC. Para hacer sostenible este programa, también se reforzó el liderazgo local. El uso de estos microcrustáceos larvívoros como estrategia de control biológico contra el dengue a medio y largo plazo demostró una reducción significativa de las poblaciones de vectores del dengue y los casos de dengue cuando se combinaba con la participación comunitaria y la promoción eficaz de la salud. En Vietnam, este estudio vuelve a confirmar que existe una alternativa ecológica al uso sistemático de insecticidas para controlar la población de vectores del dengue

    Synthesized BiVO4 was by the co-precipitation method for Rhodamine B degradation under visible light

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    Recently, BiVO4 photocatalysts has been received much attention in field of catalysts. Because it can be used to degrade harmful organic catalysts in visible light, irradiation produces CO2, H2O and less harmful organic matter. In this study, we have successfully synthesized a BiVO4 photocatalysts via co-precipitation method in the presence of urea and different calcined temperatures. The survey calcined temperatures as 300°C; 350°C; 400°C and 450°C. The obtained materials were characterized by Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by the photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) degradation under visible compact Philip lamp (40W) light irradiation. The result indicates that all samples calcined are monoclinic scheelite structure of BiVO4. The BiVO4-350°C sample performed the best in the photodegradation of RhB

    Nitrate pollution in the Red River Delta

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    The Red River Delta is home to the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi. The large population relies on the catchment for the provision of primary water resources for its industry and agriculture. This critical reserve is rapidly becoming impacted by anthropogenic activities and we demonstrate how nitrate pollution, in particular, is influencing the health of the Red River Delta

    Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes

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    In many places around the world, anthropogenic activities have resulted in nitrate (NO3−) pollution and changes in the metabolic state of aquatic ecosystems. Here we combined stable isotope and physico-chemical monitoring to assess the sources of NO3− and the overall metabolic state within the Red River delta, Vietnam. River water stable isotope compositions (δ18O-H2O) ranged between −11.2 and −2.7 ‰, δ18O-NO3− between −7.1 and + 29.7 ‰ and δ15N-NO3− between −3.9 and + 14.0 ‰. We identified the dominant NO3− sources as: 1) soil leachate, 2) domestic waste flushed from urban areas, and 3) NH4+ fertilizers washed from paddy fields. The relative impact of each source depends on geographical location within the delta and the time of year, due to dilution and concentration effects during wet and dry seasons. The primary NO3−source upstream is natural soil leachates, predominantly from tributaries connected to the Red River’s main stream. Within the middle-lower section of Red River delta, urban pollution from manure and septic waste reaches as high as 50 % of the total NO3− load during dry season. NO3− leached from fertilizers is also high at sites in the middle of the delta, related to agricultural activities. Dissolved oxygen isotope (δ18O-O2) values calculated from δ18O-H2O and δ18O-NO3− values indicate that the aquatic metabolism is net autotrophic (oxygen from primary production exceeds consumption by respiration), but high inputs of biodegradable organic matter from untreated domestic waste and high rates of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) have resulted in the whole river system becoming undersaturated in oxygen. High NO3− loads and low DO saturation are of critical concern and require mitigation practices to improve water quality for millions of people