175 research outputs found

    Learning to Generate Unambiguous Spatial Referring Expressions for Real-World Environments

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    Referring to objects in a natural and unambiguous manner is crucial for effective human-robot interaction. Previous research on learning-based referring expressions has focused primarily on comprehension tasks, while generating referring expressions is still mostly limited to rule-based methods. In this work, we propose a two-stage approach that relies on deep learning for estimating spatial relations to describe an object naturally and unambiguously with a referring expression. We compare our method to the state of the art algorithm in ambiguous environments (e.g., environments that include very similar objects with similar relationships). We show that our method generates referring expressions that people find to be more accurate (\sim30% better) and would prefer to use (\sim32% more often).Comment: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Demo 1: Finding the described object (https://youtu.be/BE6-F6chW0w), Demo 2: Referring to the pointed object (https://youtu.be/nmmv6JUpy8M), Supplementary Video (https://youtu.be/sFjBa_MHS98

    A Deep Incremental Boltzmann Machine for Modeling Context in Robots

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    Context is an essential capability for robots that are to be as adaptive as possible in challenging environments. Although there are many context modeling efforts, they assume a fixed structure and number of contexts. In this paper, we propose an incremental deep model that extends Restricted Boltzmann Machines. Our model gets one scene at a time, and gradually extends the contextual model when necessary, either by adding a new context or a new context layer to form a hierarchy. We show on a scene classification benchmark that our method converges to a good estimate of the contexts of the scenes, and performs better or on-par on several tasks compared to other incremental models or non-incremental models.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018

    Relation of Trace Elements on Dental Health

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    Trace elements (TEs) play an important role in human health. Toxic effects are caused by deficiency or excess of TEs. TEs have significant effects on both dental health and human health. It participates in important biological polyphosphate compound functions such as ATP, DNA, and RNA. TEs are present at different concentrations in the tooth structure. Changes in the density of some TEs affect tooth. The alteration of the density of some TEs makes the teeth more susceptible to caries. Others are protective against caries formation. Important TEs zinc (Zn), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg) have important effects on dental health. Measuring the TE values through tissue sampling to identify and correct these effects has an important effect. In general, tissue samples such as blood, urine, teeth, nails, and hair are used in TE studies. Teeth are accepted as appropriate indication of TEs. As a result, TEs have significant effects on healthy tooth formation

    CINet: A Learning Based Approach to Incremental Context Modeling in Robots

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    There have been several attempts at modeling context in robots. However, either these attempts assume a fixed number of contexts or use a rule-based approach to determine when to increment the number of contexts. In this paper, we pose the task of when to increment as a learning problem, which we solve using a Recurrent Neural Network. We show that the network successfully (with 98\% testing accuracy) learns to predict when to increment, and demonstrate, in a scene modeling problem (where the correct number of contexts is not known), that the robot increments the number of contexts in an expected manner (i.e., the entropy of the system is reduced). We also present how the incremental model can be used for various scene reasoning tasks.Comment: The first two authors have contributed equally, 6 pages, 8 figures, International Conference on Intelligent Robots (IROS 2018


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    This study is a descriptive research which is done with the aim of determining constant rage level and expression styles of anger in the athletes with regard to different variables. This survey is implemented in a sample group which consists of 549 individuals (379 men, 170 women) who are still active sportsman in the province of Gaziantep Continual Rage and Expression Types of Rage Scale which is developed by Speilberger (1988) and studied for adaptation to Turkish by Ozer (1994) is utilized in the obtainment of the survey data. Variance analysis, One-Way ANOVA Independent Sample T-test is used in order for comparing the arithmetic mean in data analyzing, mean points in independent measuring. In conclusion, in this study, we aimed to determine the constant rage and anger expression styles of individual and team athletes in terms of various variables among the female and male athletes. Female athletes who are engaged in team sport have high levels of constant rage and anger outbursts, male athletes who are engaged in individual sports have high levels of constant rage, anger and anger outbursts. Individual athletes have high scores in favor of men in the constant rage and anger expression in terms of gender variable. It was observed that those with good family well-being had higher anger scores than the middle and the worst ones in both branches.  Article visualizations

    Personality Perception in Human Videos Altered by Motion Transfer Networks

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    The successful portrayal of personality in digital characters improves communication and immersion. Current research focuses on expressing personality through modifying animations using heuristic rules or data-driven models. While studies suggest motion style highly influences the apparent personality, the role of appearance can be similarly essential. This work analyzes the influence of movement and appearance on the perceived personality of short videos altered by motion transfer networks. We label the personalities in conference video clips with a user study to determine the samples that best represent the Five-Factor model's high, neutral, and low traits. We alter these videos using the Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model, utilizing the selected samples as the source and driving inputs. We follow five different cases to study the influence of motion and appearance on personality perception. Our comparative study reveals that motion and appearance influence different factors: motion strongly affects perceived extraversion, and appearance helps convey agreeableness and neuroticism


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    AA1050 ALÜMİNYUM`A SiO2 İLAVESİNİN MEKANİK DAVRANIŞLARA ETKİSİÖzetModern mühendislik alanlarında kaydedilen yeni gelişmeler, geleneksel metal ve alaşımlarının yeni hizmet alanlarının ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamadığı için, yeni malzemelere olan talepleri de arttırmaktadır. Metal matrisli kompozitlerin üretiminde en yoğun kullanılan metal alaşımları, düşük yoğunlukları ve kolay üretilebilirlikleri nedeniyle alüminyum alaşımlarıdır. Alüminyum ve alaşımlarının iyi özelliklerinin yanı sıra mekanik özelliklerinin düşük olması gibi bazı önemli dezavantajlarının olması bu malzemelerin kullanımlarını sınırlandırmaktadır. Ticari alüminyum ve alaşımlarının bu olumsuz özelliklerinin giderilmesinde kullanılan en yaygın yöntemlerden birisi de bu malzemelere sert takviye elemanları ilave etmektir. Bu şekilde bu malzemelerin dayanım ve sertlikleri önemli derecede artırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada alüminyum matrisli nano SiO2 takviyeli kompozit malzeme üretimi yapılmıştır. Nano SiO2oranı olarak ağırlıkça%3 ve%1,5 oranlarında karıştırılarak AA1050 malzeme referansı üzerinden çekme testi ile meydana gelen mekanik davranışlardaki değişimler incelenmiştir. Kompozit malzemenin çekme mukavemet değerlerinde artış %3 nano SiO2 karışımında tavsız haddelenmiş değişik kalınlıklarda alınan numunelerin çekme analizi sonucunda ortalama %8,61 artış tespit edilmiştir. Malzemenin mukavemet değerlerinde artış %1,5 nano SiO2 karışımında tavsız haddelenmiş değişik kalınlıklarda alınan numunelerin çekme analizi sonucunda ortalama %4,42 artış tespit edilmiştir. Malzemenin çekme mukavemet değerlerinde artış %3 nano SiO2 karışımında tavsız haddelenmiş daha sonrasında tavlanıp H0 yapılmış değişik kalınlıklarda alınan numunelerin çekme analizi sonucunda ortalama %4,37 artış görülmüştür. Malzemenin mukavemet değerlerinde artış %1,5 nano SiO2 karışımında tavsız haddelenmiş daha sonrasında tavlanıp H0 yapılmış değişik kalınlıklarda alınan numunelerin çekme analizi sonucunda ortalama %3,99 artış sağlamıştır. Yapılan çalışmada optimum %1,5 SiO2 miktarının alüminyum malzemenin mukavemet değerlerini önemli ölçüde arttırdığı tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Alüminyum matrisli nano SiO2 takviyeli kompozit malzeme, Nano SiO2 nano kompozit malzeme, Alüminyum kompozitTHE EFFECT OF SiO2 ADDITION TO AA1050 ALUMINUM ON MECHANICAL BEHAVIORAbstractNew developments in the field of modern engineering increase the demand for new materials as traditional metals and alloys cannot meet the needs of new service areas. The most commonly used metal alloys in the production of metal matrix composites are aluminum alloys due to their low density and easy productionability. The good properties of aluminum and their alloys, as well as their low mechanical properties, have some important disadvantages that limit their use. One of the most common methods used to eliminate these negative properties of commercial aluminum and its alloys is to add rigid reinforcing elements to these materials. In this way, the strength and hardness of these materials are significantly increased. In this study, aluminum matrix nano SiO2 reinforced composite material was produced. Nano SiO2 ratio of 3% by weight and 1.5% by mixing the AA1050 material reference to the changes in the mechanical behavior of the tensile test is examined. Increase in tensile strength values of composite material was obtained by an average increase of 8.61% as a result of tensile analysis of samples taken at 3% nano SiO2 mixture without annealed rolled. The increase in the strength values of the material was found to be 4.42% increase as a result of tensile analysis of the samples taken at different thicknesses without annealing in 1.5% nano SiO2 mixture. The tensile strength values of the material increased by 3% nano SiO2 mixture without annealed and then annealed and made of H0 made of different thicknesses of samples taken as a result of the tensile analysis showed an average increase of 4.37%. The increase in the strength values of the material was obtained by an average of 3.99% as a result of the tensile analysis of the samples taken at different thicknesses of 1.5% nano SiO2 mixture and then annealed and made of H0. In the study, it was found that the optimum amount of SiO2 1.5% significantly increased the strength values of aluminum material.Keywords: Aluminum matrix nano SiO2 reinforced composite material, Nano SiO2, Nano composite material, Aluminum composit

    The comparison of thermal tissue injuries caused by ultrasonic scalpel and electrocautery use in rabbit tongue tissue

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    The aim of this study compares to the increase in tissue temperature and the thermal histological eff ects of ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar and unipolar electrosurgery incisions in the tongue tissue of rabbits. The is study evaluates the histopathological changes related to thermal change and the maximum temperature values in the peripheral tissue brought about by the incisions carried out by the three methods in a comparative way. To assess thermal tissue damage induced by the three instruments, maximum tissue temperatures were measured during the surgical procedure and tongue tissue samples were examined histopathologically following the surgery. The mean maximum temperature values of the groups were 93.93±2.76 Cº for the unipolar electrocautery group, whereas 85.07±5.95 Cº for the bipolar electrocautery group, and 108.23±7.64 Cº for the ultrasonic scalpel group. Th ere was a statistically signifi cant relationship between the increase in maximum temperature values and the separation among tissue layers, edema, congestion, necrosis, hemorrhage, destruction in blood vessel walls and fi brin accumulation, and between the existence of fi brin thrombus and tissue damage depth (p<0.05). It was concluded that the bipolar electrocautery use gives way to less temperature increase in the tissues and less thermal tissue damage in comparison to the other methods

    Dental traumatic injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective study

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    Background: Although dental trauma has been reported at various frequencies worldwide, as far as we know there are few data regarding the frequency of dental trauma during the pandemic period. Purpose: This study aims to retrospectively evaluate the data of pediatric patients who were admitted to the Department of Pedodontics in a university hospital due to dental trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Between April 2020 and December 2020, the clinical records regarding admissions to the Harran University Faculty of Dentistry Pedodontics clinic due to dental trauma were examined. The age and gender of the patient, type of trauma, teeth affected by the trauma, and treatment methods applied after the trauma were recorded. The data obtained were analyzed using the independent sample t-test for intergroup comparisons and Pearson chi-square test for categorical variables with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23.0. Results: The data of 43 patients (27 males and 16 females) aged between 1–13 years (mean age: 9.13±3.20) who were admitted to the clinic with trauma complaints during an eight-month period were evaluated. It was determined that the most common trauma types in the pandemic period were simple crown fracture (25.6%) and subluxation/lateral luxation (23.3%). During the pandemic, 34.9% of all cases were “falling at home”, while “falling at school” was 14.0% (using the Pearson chi-square test). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic period has affected many aspects of social life as well as the number of patients who were admitted for dental trauma and the causes of trauma. Multicenter studies are needed for more accurate results