1,011 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey of Rhinonyssid mites (Mesostigmata: Rhinonyssidae) in Northwest Russia: New mite-host associations and prevalence data

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    Background: Rhinonyssid mites are permanent parasites of birds that inhabit their respiratory tract. There are around 600 species described worldwide and almost all species of birds are found to have embedded rhinonyssid mites. Despite their presumed relevance, these mites are largely unstudied due to the difficulty in sampling them and, therefore, the majority of mite-host associations and species-prevalence data are unknown. New information: In this study, 179 mite specimens belonging to 27 species and eight genera were identified. Notably, 18 new mite-bird associations were documented for the first time, thus increasing the known host range for these mite species. In addition, mite-host associations found in this study were compared with known associations from these species of birds in the European part of Russia and in Europe. Overall, this study represents the largest survey to date carried out on rhinonyssid mites in Russia and one of the most comprehensive datasets on rhinonyssid host-rang

    El comunicador de moda : estrategias y herramientas garantes del éxito comunicativo en las empresas de moda

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    El Comunicador de Moda o Director del Departamento de Comunicación de una empresa de moda, es el encargado de coordinar todas las estrategias comunicativas de la empresa, a través de una serie de herramientas. Esta figura no está definida con claridad en los manuales ya que el mundo de la comunicación de moda está en continua evolución y no todas las empresas optan por la misma estrategia comunicativa. Por ello, a partir de una revisión bibliográfica de textos especializados en comunicación de moda, se ha querido definir un retrato robot de la figura del Comunicador de Moda y todas las funciones que este desempeña en el Departamento de Comunicación de la empresa de moda

    How Chile\u27s Welcome Turned Sour

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    Immigration to Chile has grown considerably since the end of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship in 1990. Until mid-2017, political debates about immigration— including refugees and asylum seekers in mixed migratory movements—lacked a sense of urgency, but that began to change in the second half of the year with the rapid increase of arrivals from Venezuela. Chile initially welcomed Venezuelan refugees and migrants, more so than other recent immigrant groups, but the five-fold growth of this population led to major changes in policy and increasingly negative public attitudes. These attitudes have been fomented amid a continuing triple-headed crisis: the political fallout of the national wave of violent protests that started in 2019; the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic; and the economic disruption wrought by the pandemic. While anti-immigration movements and adverse media portrayals of immigration are not new to Chile, the current climate is especially hostile to Venezuelans and immigration in general. This does not bode well for a country where immigrants are increasingly needed in the labour market and where, ahead of key elections in the next two years, right-wing politicians capitalise on such xenophobia

    Creating Meaningful Data Visualizations: Embracing Diverse Perspectives for Impactful Insights

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    Presenting data to the Latino Community Omaha, NE – September 1, 2020 CPAR Presents: A Data and Research Series for Community Impact Omaha, September 29, 2023 Cristián Doña-Reveco, PhD Office for Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) University of Nebraska at Omah

    La propaganda del Estado Islámico (ISIS-Daesh)

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    On the diversification of highly host-specific symbionts: the case of feather mites.

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    One of the most relevant and poorly understood topics in Evolutionary Ecology is symbiont evolutionary diversification. Since Fahrenholz's rule (1913), the idea of symbionts speciating following hosts speciation (i.e., cospeciating) has been pervasive. Recent studies, however, have shown that host-shift speciation (speciation after switching to a new host) is almost as relevant as cospeciation in explaining symbiont diversification. Also, these studies have revealed that methodological biases have favored cospeciation. Nonetheless, most symbiont groups, especially those highly host-specific and specialized in which cospeciation is expected to be the rule, such as the feather mites of birds, were yet to be studied. Symbionts are the most abundant and diverse organisms on Earth, and thus essential components of ecosystems. However, symbionts have attracted historically less attention than other organisms and their study entails numerous methodological challenges, so surprisingly little is understood about the basic biology and ecology of many symbiont groups, especially the non-parasitic. By studying vane-dwelling feather mites living permanently on the surface of flight feathers of birds (Acariformes: Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea), this thesis is a contribution to fill this gap. This thesis is divided into three parts: 1) First, resources and molecular tools enabling large-scale studies of feather mites are developed. 2) Then, these and other tools are used to investigate eco-evolutionary aspects relevant to understand feather mite diversification, such as their mode of transmission and the type of interaction they have with their hosts. 3) Finally, feather mites diversification at a macro- and microevolutionary scale is investigated. The first part compiles a global database of bird-feather mites associations. Also, it evaluates and adjusts DNA barcoding and metabarcoding to be suitable methodologies for studying feather mites. The second part reveals feather mites as highly specialist and hostspecific symbionts whose main mode of transmission is vertical. Analyses of feather mites diet reveal them as trophic generalists which maintain a commensalistic-mutualistic relationship with birds. Finally, the last part of the thesis shows host-shift speciation as the primary process driving the diversification of feather mites. Also, it highlights that majorhost switching, despite being an infrequent process, is highly relevant for the diversification of this group. Lastly, analyses of straggling reveal a high rate of preferential straggling governed by ecological filters. Overall, despite feather mites are revealed as highly specialized and host-specific symbionts, the coevolutionary scenario is highly dynamic. Straggling and host-switching are prevalent processes which allow colonizing new hosts in highly specialized and hostspecific symbionts. Accordingly, coevolution and codiversification do not operate in isolated host-symbiont interactions but more likely in a manner compatible with the geographic mosaic of coevolution. Finally, ecological fitting and interspecific competition are most likely the main factors governing the (co)eco-evolutionary dynamics.La diversificación evolutiva de los simbiontes es uno de los aspectos más relevantes, pero menos entendidos en Ecología Evolutiva. Desde la regla de Fahrenholz (1913), la idea de que los simbiontes especian a la par que sus hospedadores (i.e. coespecian) ha sido extremadamente popular. Sin embargo, estudios recientes han encontrado que la especiación por salto de hospedador (el proceso de especiación que ocurre cuando los simbiontes especian a consecuencia de un cambio de hospedador) es casi tan relevante como la coespeciación. Estos estudios, además, han encontrado que problemas metodológicos favorecían que se encontraran evidencias de coespeciación donde no las había. En cualquier caso, los procesos de diversificación evolutiva de la mayoría de los grupos de simbiontes nunca han sido investigados. Especialmente de aquellos altamente especializados y específicos en términos de hospedador, que son aquellos donde el proceso de coespeciación se espera que sea más relevante, como los ácaros de las plumas de las aves. Los organismos simbiontes son el grupo más abundante y diverso de la tierra, por ende, son componentes esenciales de los ecosistemas. Sin embargo, históricamente los simbiontes han atraído menos la atención de los investigadores, en parte debido a que su estudio conlleva numerosos retos metódologicos. De hecho, debido a esto, actualmente se desconoce una gran parte de aspectos sobre su biología básica y ecología, especialmente de aquellos simbiontes no parásitos. Ésta tésis pretende completar este vacío de conocimiento mediante el estudio de los ácaros de las plumas de las aves. La tésis está dividida en tres partes: 1) En la primera parte se han generado recursos y herramientas moleculares para estudios a gran escala en este grupo de simbiontes. 2) Despues, éstas y otras herramientas se han usado para investigar aspectos eco-evolutivos relavantes para entender el proceso de diversificación evolutiva, tales como, el modo de transmisión y el tipo de interacción que mantienen con sus hospedadores. 3) Finalmente, se ha estudiado el proceso de diversificación evolutiva a escala macro y icroevolutiva. La primera parte de la tesis presenta una base de datos global de relaciones ácaroave resultado de una extensa compilación de datos ya presentes en la literatura. También evalua y ajusta metodologías de “DNA barcoding” y “metabarcoding” para el estudio de los ácaros de las plumas. La segunda parte, revela a los ácaros de las plumas como simbiontes altamente especialistas en términos de hospedador cuyo modo de transmisión principal es el vertical. Por otro lado, el análisis de la dieta de los ácaros los sitúa como simbiontes comensales-mutualistas de las aves. Finalmente, la ultima parte de la tesis demuestra que la especiación por salto de hospedador es el proceso principal de diversificación de este grupo de simbiontes. Asimismo, también demuestra que los saltos de hospedador a larga distancia, a pesar de ser muy raros son muy relevantes para la diversificación de este grupo. Por último, los análisis de simbiontes encontrados en hospedadores inesperados (“stragglers”) revelan que este proceso es más prevalente de lo que se pensaba, y que sigue un patrón compatible con que está modulado por filtros ecológicos. A pesar de que los ácaros de las plumas se revelan como altamente especializados y específicos en términos de hospedador, su escenario coevolutivo es muy dinámico. El proceso de “straggling” y de cambio de hospedador son procesos prevalentes que permiten colonizar nuevos hospedadores. De acuerdo con esto, los procesos de coevolución y codiversificación en estos organismos no operan de manera aislada para cada pareja de hospedador y simbionte, si no de una manera similar a un mosaico geográfico de coevolución. Finalmente, el encaje ecológico y la competencia intraspecífica se identifican como los factores potencialmente más relevantes en las dinámicas (co)ecoevolutivas

    The Unintended Consequences of Exile: The Brazilian and Chilean Cases in Comparative Perspective, 1964 – 1990

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    The right to asylum is a central theme in South American political identity. What originated as a way of protecting political leaders in the period of anarchy that followed the independence of these nations became, in the 1940s, a cornerstone of the inter-American political and legal systems. For the first century and a half of national independence in South American countries, the right to asylum was an elite status that guaranteed protection to political leaders deposed by political unrest or fearful of political retribution. These political elites usually sought asylum in neighboring countries: far enough from home for safety, but close enough to continue to participate in the political life of their country. In this sense, the cases of Sarmiento in the 1830s and 1840s and Haya de la Torre in the 1940s are quintessential examples of pre-1960s exile, asylum and the role of exile in Latin American political life

    Memories of Exile and Temporary Return: Chilean Exiles Remember Chile

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    The exile after the military coup of 1973 has been the largest emigration flow in Chilean history. Using oral histories of Chilean exiles collected in the Midwest of the United States as evidence, I describe and analyze their memories of Chile during President Allende’s government and compare them with their memories of recent visits to Chile. I argue that in order to begin recuperating the memory of exile we need to understand the complex relations between the process of exile, the memories of the country of origin, and the nation-state. I conclude this article by proposing that memory not only relates to the remembrance of things past, but also how that remembrance is projected into the present and future as a way of describing the construction of identities, citizenship, and the nation-state. These constructions are a central component of the connections former exiles want to have with the country of origin, including their inclusion in the nation’s history

    Introducción al libro: Modificaciones y transmisiones de empresas (Casos de Sentencias y de Resoluciones de la DGRN).

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    El libro «Modificaciones y transmisiones de empresas (Casos de Sentencias y de Resoluciones de la DGRN)», está realizado por 23 especialistas y profesores de Derecho Mercantil y de Derecho Civil. En la obra se estudian grupos de casos sobre controversias resueltos por Sentencias judiciales y Resoluciones de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado. Cada uno de los trabajos está formado por un comentario y un ejercicio de autoevaluación relacionados con la transmisión de empresa en su diversa tipología (modificación estructural, compraventa de acciones/participaciones) y a la interacción de estas operaciones con la teoría general de obligaciones y contratos (pacto de arbitraje, protocolo familiar). Todos los trabajos se han realizado según un modelo común. Este modelo se ha elaborado previamente, de manera colaborativa, entre grupos de investigación adscritos a diferentes áreas de conocimiento (Filología, Físicas) e integrado con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Este modelo común: • permite normalizar todos los contenidos jurídicos y su gestión automática en plataformas de aprendizaje • optimizar el valor de las Sentencias y de las Resoluciones de la DGRN en la formación jurídica vigente en el EEES, de carácter intercultural y plurilingüe • ampliar las posibilidades de explotación del material jurídico tradicional y su aplicación didáctica en el aula universitaria y profesional. Abstract The book, «Restructuring and transfer of companies (Cases of judgments and decisions of the GDRN)», have been written by a team of 23 experts and professors of Commercial Law and Civil Law. The book studies several of disputes resolved by court decisions and resolutions of the GDRN. Each part of the work consists of a review and a self-assessment related to a company transfer within its diverse typology (structural modification, sale of shares / units) and the interaction of these operations with the general theory of obligations and contracts (arbitration agreement, family protocol). All studies were performed according to a common model. This model was previously developed in a collaboratively way, by research groups assigned to different areas of knowledge (Philology, Physical) and integrated with Information technology and communication (ITC) This common model • Allows to normalize all legal content and the automatic management by learning platforms • To optimize the value of the judgments and resolutions of GDRN in legal education in the EHEA, with an intercultural and multilingual character • To expand the possibilities of exploitation of traditional legal materials and their use as teaching material in the university and business classroo

    Automated Home Oxygen Delivery for Patients with COPD and Respiratory Failure: A New Approach

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    Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) has become standard care for the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other severe hypoxemic lung diseases. The use of new portable O-2 concentrators (POC) in LTOT is being expanded. However, the issue of oxygen titration is not always properly addressed, since POCs rely on proper use by patients. The robustness of algorithms and the limited reliability of current oximetry sensors are hindering the effectiveness of new approaches to closed-loop POCs based on the feedback of blood oxygen saturation. In this study, a novel intelligent portable oxygen concentrator (iPOC) is described. The presented iPOC is capable of adjusting the O-2 flow automatically by real-time classifying the intensity of a patient's physical activity (PA). It was designed with a group of patients with COPD and stable chronic respiratory failure. The technical pilot test showed a weighted accuracy of 91.1% in updating the O-2 flow automatically according to medical prescriptions, and a general improvement in oxygenation compared to conventional POCs. In addition, the usability achieved was high, which indicated a significant degree of user satisfaction. This iPOC may have important benefits, including improved oxygenation, increased compliance with therapy recommendations, and the promotion of PA